Pages That Mention M V B Stacy
17 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE The report of the treasurer is received and ordered referred to the Finance Committee And now come the several persons herein after named and make applications for the licensed herein after specified for the periods and from thee dated hereinafter set out; and at the same time said applicants submit their several bonds in relation thereto a required by the Ordinance; thereupon after due eamination said bonds are approved and said applicants making due proof that they are persons of good moral character. It is therefore ordered that upon complyance with all the other provisions of said Ordinance the Clerk be & he is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the period and purpose following to wit: Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement Samuel Pettingill Retail Liquor 3 months Dec 3 1881 Vitus Schmid Grocery 6 months Dec 1 1881 d" Pigeon Hole Table 6 months Dec 1 1881 d" Pool Table 6 months Dec 1 1881
The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered by Warrents drawn on the funds and inthe amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk 41.67 I M Hall Attorney 41.67 J H McGrand Police 100 Telegraph Quarentine matter 102.35 D L McCowan Police 84.00 Jas H Woolery Police 84.00 Wm B Jacklin Police 40.00 O F Coombs J P's Feet 25.05 E L Smith Attend Small Pox patient 40.00 Salary Health Officer 100.00 140.00 C G Benedict & Co Tracing Cloth and Blotting paper 3.50 Telegraph Garfield hrdw 2.61 6.10 M V B Stacy Ground Seat for Jails 10.00 Wald & Campbell Locks 3.10 J Cochram & Co 1 in Hook case 4.50
25 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE D.l.McCowan Police $80.00 S F. Coombs JPS Fees 37.20 Seattle Daily Chronicle Printing 21.18 Stewart & Ebersold Job Printing 60.00 M V B Stacy Ground sent for Jails 10.00 McNaught, Ferry & McNaught Opinion in reference to paupers 50.00 Geo Kinnear Appraises Madison St. Extension 10.00 L.B. Andrews " " " 10.00 L. Newman Jail Keys 3.00 F.W Westhoff Jail lock 2.25 Charles Woolesy killing dogs 16.00 Anthony LeBrashe " " 4.00 S.G.Benedict & Co Stationery & C 6.75 R.H.Calligan Street Labor $91use of horse $11PrisonersBoard $14 $116.00 Luther Albee " 39.00 James Campbell " 35.00 Thomas Rock " 35.00 Stetson & Post lumber 53.24 Robert Russell hauling lumber 7.25 John L Kahaley " 2.50 F.W Westhoff hardware 5.60 Benj Murphy$4JohnMcElroy $4John Levy $4W.H Burnitt $4.00 Road Poll Taxes remitted 16.00 Gas Fund Sattle Gas Light Co Gas $146.65 attend lights $30 $176.65 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas fixtures 4.50 Julius Linberg Gas Tax remitted 4.20 Fire Fund W.A.Perry Steward Engine House $75.00 J.D.Hinckly Ground rent 8.00 Waddell & Miles repairs to water pipe in Madison St. Incline 2.50 John Maginnis hauling coal .75 Charles McDonald to purchase coal 10.00 Ordered that the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby instructed to remove the need from off certain portions of Commercial, Mill & ]]Front Street]]s
39 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE of H G Strure & others for the grading of 2d Street from Mill Street to Lake Avenue Street with their report that the petition is not signed by 1/2 of the owners of the property fronting on such improvement, thereupon the report is accepted and the petition is referred to the petitioners And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 258 the same being entitled "A Special Ordinance for the grading and improvement of Front Street from the South side of Pike Street to the North side of Lake Avenue Street in the City of Seattle in King County Washington Territory" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none Any now Samuel Pettingill makes application & files his bond for a retail liquor license. Whereupon the Council finding he has complied with the requirements of the Ordinance relative thereto it is ordered that a License be issued him for 3 months from March 3, 1882 The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk $41.64 J M Hall Atty 41.67 J H McGraw Chief of Police 50.00 Jas H Worley do 50.00 Jas H Worley Police 40.00 D L McCowan do 80.00 W B Jacklin do 80.00 James Welch do 80.00 S F Coombs J P's fees 11.65 E L Smith Health Officer$75. Telegrams Quarentine $4 $79.00 Seattle Chronicle Printing 15.12 M V B Stacy ground rent for Jails 10.00
50 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE instructed to prepare an Ordinance in accordance with the said petition. The Street Committee report on the petition of McCoombs & Co praying for the right to lay water pipe on all streets North of Madison Street in the City of Seattle and the Ordinance Committee is instructed to prepare an ordinance granting such right The Street Committee report on the petition of Robert Knipe et al praying for the grading of 5th Street. The petition is denied. The Street Committee is granted further time to report on the petition of M V B Stacy and others praying for the opening of Pike Street. Ordered that the Gas Committee are hereby authorized to cause patent burners to be placed on all city gas lamps The City Attorney is instructed to ascertain whether or not the university property can be taxed by the City to raise funds to pay for grading the streets ajacent thereto, and to report at next meeting of the council And now come the person hereinafter named and make application for the licenses hereinafter named from the dates and for the periods hereinafter specified and at the same time said applicant file their several bonds in accordance with the Ordinance relative thereto. After due examination said bonds are approved; and the said applicants making due proof that they are men of good moral chraracter; it is therefore ordered that upon their compliance with all the other provisions of said ordinance the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the periods and purposes following to wit: Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement Jane Osborne Grocery 3 months April 16 1882 Geo W Walch do 3 months April 16 1882 And now the Council proceeds to consider Ordinance No 264, the same being entitled as follows, to wit:
75 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Terrace streets and is referred to the Street Committee And now comes Moses Keezer and tenders his resignation as Councilman from the 3rd ward for the reason that he has moved out of said 3rd ward and is now residing in the 2nd ward; whereupon said resignation is accepted. And now the reports of the following City offices for the month of May are received and ordered placed on file, viz. Street Commissioner, Fire Warden, Harbor Master, City Justce and City Attorney. The following claims having been duly audited by the Council and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the finds and in the amounts as follows to wit: City Fund S F Coombs City Justice Fees No67 18.00 E S Osborne City Justice Salary 68 44.72 P Quigly Contractor Grading Lot 69 90.00 M V B Stacy Jail Rent 70 10.00 D L McCowan Policeman Salary 71 80.00 John Bakers Policeman Salary 72 42.72 J W Woolery Chief of Police Salary 73 100.00 Harrington and Smith Merchandise 74 19.25 W B Thompson Policeman Salary 75 5.34 James Welch Policeman Salary 76 80.00 H F Frohm Special Policeman 77 1.33 Geo Burns Special Policeman 78 1.33 I M Hall City Atty Salary 79 41.67 James Smith Team Work 80 10.00 M V B Stacy Jail Rent 81 10.00 Fire Fund Chas McDonald Coal for Engine House No35 10.00 McDaniel Bros Teaming 36 5.00 Waddell & Miles Mdse 37 4.96 L Neuman Labor on Engine 38 4.00 T D Hinkley Ground Rent 39 8.00 Miller & Minik Hauling Engine to Fire 40 11.00