City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Wald & Campbell




17 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE The report of the treasurer is received and ordered referred to the Finance Committee And now come the several persons herein after named and make applications for the licensed herein after specified for the periods and from thee dated hereinafter set out; and at the same time said applicants submit their several bonds in relation thereto a required by the Ordinance; thereupon after due eamination said bonds are approved and said applicants making due proof that they are persons of good moral character. It is therefore ordered that upon complyance with all the other provisions of said Ordinance the Clerk be & he is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the period and purpose following to wit: Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement Samuel Pettingill Retail Liquor 3 months Dec 3 1881 Vitus Schmid Grocery 6 months Dec 1 1881 d" Pigeon Hole Table 6 months Dec 1 1881 d" Pool Table 6 months Dec 1 1881

The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered by Warrents drawn on the funds and inthe amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk 41.67 I M Hall Attorney 41.67 J H McGrand Police 100 Telegraph Quarentine matter 102.35 D L McCowan Police 84.00 Jas H Woolery Police 84.00 Wm B Jacklin Police 40.00 O F Coombs J P's Feet 25.05 E L Smith Attend Small Pox patient 40.00 Salary Health Officer 100.00 140.00 C G Benedict & Co Tracing Cloth and Blotting paper 3.50 Telegraph Garfield hrdw 2.61 6.10 M V B Stacy Ground Seat for Jails 10.00 Wald & Campbell Locks 3.10 J Cochram & Co 1 in Hook case 4.50

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


18 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Stewart & Ebersold Quarantine Posters $5.50 Louis Rice Burying Cornon 1.50 Road Fund R H Calligan Street labor $87.50 use of horse 11. Prisnis found 54.71 $153.11 James Campbell Street Labor 43.00 Luther Albee Street Labor 39.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 39.00 Michael Keho Street Labor 2.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 43.31 Robert Russell Hauling Lumber 11.13 John L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 4.50 F W Wusthoff Nails 5.85 D A Jennings Nails 1.60 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas $169.05 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward $75.00 T D Huckly Engine ground sent 8.00 John C Collins Engine to & from fire 10.00 McDaniel Bert Hitching to Engine Fire Alarm 5.00 Minick & Thompson Hauling Coal 3.00 D A Jennings Coal Oil & matches 10.25 Wald & Campbell Mill File 75 A petition is received from Thomas Brotherhood praying for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax; thereupon the smae is referred to the Finance Committee A Communication isreceived from the Clerk relative to the procuring of a safe or some other proper enclosure in which to keep thecity records; thereupon it is ordered that a Committee to wit: Jennings, McDonald & Keenan be & they are hereby appointed to procure estimates of cost of a safe The written opinioin of James McNaught Esq is received for the liability of the City to care for and support all the paupers found within the City Limits. The opinioin is to the effect that the City is not so liable

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




40 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Road Fund R H Campbell Street Labor $77.00 use of Horse 9.00 Prisoners Board 6.52 $92.52 James Campbell Street Labor 24.00 Luther Albee do 22.00 Thomas Rock do 22.00 M Keough do 1.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 7.81 John L Kahaley Haul Lumber & hws 3.25 Chas McDonald Sharpening Tools 3.00 Wald & Campbell axe & Shovel 3.40 J W Hunt repairs to cart 2.50 D A Jennings shovel & Broom 2.00 Harrington & Smith axes 4.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas & Light Co gas $169.65 attend lights $30.00 $199.65 Waddell & Miles work on gas fixtures 151.30 Fire Fund W A Perry engine steward $75.00 T A Hinckly ground rent 8.00 Waddell & Miles Pipe & Work for Dept 32.37 Waddell & Miles grate for stove .75 Chas McDonald boom Chains & iron 3.25 S P Andrews Pipe & labor 2.60 F W Wusthoff tacks and stove polish .65 McDaniel Bros hitching to Engine at fire 5.00 D A Jennings matches broom & oil 2.50 The claim of Wald & Campbell is laid over until next meeting And now this being the time & Place appointed to hear complaints touching the assessment made in pursuance of Ordinance No 255 it is ordered that the examination of said assessment roll be laid over until the first regular meeting in September 1882 And now on this the 3rd day of March 1882 in pursuance of the Notice duly published as required by ordinance No 254 the Council proceeds to hear all complaints against

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




42 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE And now the bid of T P Roberts for the construction of the sidewalk required be Ordinance No 254 is brought up for consideration. Whereupon it appearing that this bid is the only bid received for the construction of suce side walk, & that said bid be accepted and that the contract be awarded to said T P Roberts. The claim of Wald & Campbell is referred to the Finance Committee And now the Special Comittee to whom was referred the the Complaint of David Kellogg against certain members of the Police Force for violations of Section 4 of Ordinance No 128 make their report thereon. Whereupon is accordance with said report it is ordered that certain of the Policemen therein named be fined the sum of $5.00 a piece & that such fine be deducted from their salary Ordered that the Gas Committee be & they are hereby instructed to employ some suitable person to light the gas And now the Ordinance Committee to whom was referred the Ordinance granting certain rights along the Water Front to the Oregon and Trans Continental & the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Companies returns said Ordinance together with their report recommending certain amendments to said Ordinance in acordnce with said report. And now to Council proceeds to consider Ordinance No 259 the same being entitled "An Ordinance granting the right to Oregon and Transcontinental Railroad Company and the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company & to Authorize said Companies to consturct and maintain and operate a single or double track railroad along the water front of the City of Seattle" After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption, Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan & Chas McDonald Against adoption Moses Keezer And now The Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb






Be it remembered that on this the 14th day of April A.D. 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in it's Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment of April 7th, 1882.

The following officers are present, to-wit:His Honor the Mayor: L. P. Smith and Councilmen John Collins, M. Densmore, Wm A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer, and Chas. McDonald.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Ordered that all bids for the grading of Front and Second Streets be returned to the original bidders.

Finance Committee returns the reports of City Treasurer and City Justice of the Peace whereupon said reports are ordered filed.

The following claims having been duly audited by the council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts as follows:-

Fire Fund

Charles McDonald Coal for Engine No 27 $10.00 Minick & Miller Tram Ward 26 13.50

City Fund

Wald & Campbell Jail Lock 50 2.00 J. A. McPhee Safe 51 560.00

Road Fund

John C. Brautigen Tax {Road Poll} remitted 28 4.00

Main Street Sidewalk Fund

J. P. Roberts Building Sidewalk for contract 1, $100. 2, $100. 3, $100. 4, $100. 5, $100. 6, $100. 7, $100. 8, $45 745.00

The Finance Committte report on the petition of James Dougan praying for cancellation of Certificates of Purchase of Lots 9 & 12, Denny's addition sold for taxes in 1878 and 1879, recommending that said Certificate of Purchase for the year 1879 be cancelled, whereupon the Clerk is instructed to cancel the same.

The Street Committee report favorably on the petition of A.A. Denny et al praying for the grading of Union Street from Front Street to Eighth Street and the Ordinance Committee is

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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