City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Stewart & Ebersold




2 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 7, 1881 Following, to wit:

City Fund E S Osborne Clerks Salary $68.39 J. M. Hall Attys salary 83.33 J. H. McGraw Chief of Police salary 100.00 D. L. McCowan Policeman 90.00 J. H. Wooley Policeman 90.00 S. F. Coombs J. P.'s salary 16.40 F. H. Whitworth Surveyors Salary $12.50 Survey of lot 213.16$ 17.50 Shorey & Atkins Water 6.00 Stewart & Ebersold Job Printing 41.75 Davis, Woodruff & Co Stationery 7.95 W H. Pumphrey Stationery 11.75 Chas McDonald Plate on Jail Window 2.50 James M. Conway Cleaning Jail 2.00 J T Jordan Labor of self & others (Garfield Memorial 20.00 F. W. Wusthoff Powder for Garfield memorial 50.50 Frank Seidel Firing Salute Garfield Memorial 26.00 Schwabacher Bros & Co Drapery etc Garfield memorial 23.87 Boyd & Poncin Crape for Garfield memorial 4.15 Prof. Lee Services on Garfield memorial 3.00 John L. Kahaley Policeman Garfield memorial 2.50 James Dunham Policeman Garfield memorial 2.50 John J. Seerley Hurse at Pest House 120.00 Robt Abrams Team To Pest House 5.00 James M. Conway Trips to Pest House 24.00 ]]Schwabacher Bros & Co]] Clothing for Small Pox patient 19.50 Ohelane & Olstad meat & vegetables for Pest House 10.17 D. A. Jennings Groceries for Pest House 18.21 A. W. Piper Bread for Pest House 3.85 Waddell & Miles Stove Grate Etc for Pest House 1.25

Road Fund

R.H. Calligan Street labor $98.50 Prisoner's Board $24.50 use of horse $9. $132.00 James Campbell Street labor 47.00 Luther Alber Street labor 45.00 Thomas Rock Street labor 8.00

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


3 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 7, 1881 Stephen Berry Street labor $2.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for streets 225.39 Columbia & P.S. R.R. Co Lumber for streets 47.70 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co Lumber for streets 25.62 D. A. Jennings Mattock handles & nails 2.20 F. W. Wusthoff Hardware for Street Dept 17.55 John L. Kahaley Hauling for Street Dept 3.75 John Leary Hauling for Street Dept 1.00 Charles McDonald Sharpening Tools 8.75 F. H. Whitworth Surveys on 5th Street 8.00 Gas Fund Gas Lt Co Gas $125.25 Attend Lights $30 $155.25 Waddell & Miles work on Gas Mains 13.55 Fire Fund J. D. Hinckley Ground sent $8.00 Robert Russell Hauling engine to Fire 5.00 Minick & Thompson Hauling engine to Drill $2.50 Coal 75cents 3.25 Chas McDonald repairs to Engine 14.00 W. A. Perry Engine Steward 75.00 D. A. Jennings Oil etc for Fire Dept 12.00 Waddell & Miles Drip pan for engine 3.50 Ordered that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to submit at next meeting a Contract and Bond for the performance of the City printing by the successors of Stewart & Ebersold And now on this the 7th day of October 1881 in pursuance of the Notice published as required by Ordinance No 241, the Council proceeds to hear all complaints agains the assessment required by said Ordinance No 241 and filed with the City Clerk on the 30th day of August 1881; Thereupon comes Catherine Werritt and George Weritt, her husband, by W.H. White Esq, their Attorney and file their written objections to any assessment or valuation being placed upon the property of the said Catherine Weritt set forth in said assessment poll for the reasons set forth in said Written objections now on file; thereupon after due consideration said objections are ordered laid on the table upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of Laying said objections on

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




18 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Stewart & Ebersold Quarantine Posters $5.50 Louis Rice Burying Cornon 1.50 Road Fund R H Calligan Street labor $87.50 use of horse 11. Prisnis found 54.71 $153.11 James Campbell Street Labor 43.00 Luther Albee Street Labor 39.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 39.00 Michael Keho Street Labor 2.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 43.31 Robert Russell Hauling Lumber 11.13 John L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 4.50 F W Wusthoff Nails 5.85 D A Jennings Nails 1.60 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas $169.05 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward $75.00 T D Huckly Engine ground sent 8.00 John C Collins Engine to & from fire 10.00 McDaniel Bert Hitching to Engine Fire Alarm 5.00 Minick & Thompson Hauling Coal 3.00 D A Jennings Coal Oil & matches 10.25 Wald & Campbell Mill File 75 A petition is received from Thomas Brotherhood praying for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax; thereupon the smae is referred to the Finance Committee A Communication isreceived from the Clerk relative to the procuring of a safe or some other proper enclosure in which to keep thecity records; thereupon it is ordered that a Committee to wit: Jennings, McDonald & Keenan be & they are hereby appointed to procure estimates of cost of a safe The written opinioin of James McNaught Esq is received for the liability of the City to care for and support all the paupers found within the City Limits. The opinioin is to the effect that the City is not so liable

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




25 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE D.l.McCowan Police $80.00 S F. Coombs JPS Fees 37.20 Seattle Daily Chronicle Printing 21.18 Stewart & Ebersold Job Printing 60.00 M V B Stacy Ground sent for Jails 10.00 McNaught, Ferry & McNaught Opinion in reference to paupers 50.00 Geo Kinnear Appraises Madison St. Extension 10.00 L.B. Andrews " " " 10.00 L. Newman Jail Keys 3.00 F.W Westhoff Jail lock 2.25 Charles Woolesy killing dogs 16.00 Anthony LeBrashe " " 4.00 S.G.Benedict & Co Stationery & C 6.75 R.H.Calligan Street Labor $91use of horse $11PrisonersBoard $14 $116.00 Luther Albee " 39.00 James Campbell " 35.00 Thomas Rock " 35.00 Stetson & Post lumber 53.24 Robert Russell hauling lumber 7.25 John L Kahaley " 2.50 F.W Westhoff hardware 5.60 Benj Murphy$4JohnMcElroy $4John Levy $4W.H Burnitt $4.00 Road Poll Taxes remitted 16.00 Gas Fund Sattle Gas Light Co Gas $146.65 attend lights $30 $176.65 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas fixtures 4.50 Julius Linberg Gas Tax remitted 4.20 Fire Fund W.A.Perry Steward Engine House $75.00 J.D.Hinckly Ground rent 8.00 Waddell & Miles repairs to water pipe in Madison St. Incline 2.50 John Maginnis hauling coal .75 Charles McDonald to purchase coal 10.00 Ordered that the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby instructed to remove the need from off certain portions of Commercial, Mill & ]]Front Street]]s

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




108 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug4/82 The report of the following officers are received and ordered placed on file, viz: Street Commissioner, Harbor Master, Fire Warden, City Justice, City Attorney Ordered that the clerk be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the furnishing of the City with the following articles for the ensuing year; viz: Lumber & Stationary; and for bids for lighting the gas lights, and doing the Printing of the City. Ordered that the Committee on Health and Police be aand they are hereby constituted a Board of Health. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Be it remembered that on this the 11th day of August 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle, meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of the mayor and in accordance with Ordinance No 292 Present His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and councilmen Charles F Clancy, O F Cosper, Fred Gash, G L Manning Charles McDonald and U M Rasin Thereupon the folowing proceedings are had A committee is received from the Mayor relative to a defect in Ordinanve No 292 and is ordered filed The Legislature and Judiciary Committee are instructed to submit an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No 292 A petition is received from A P Spaulding et al praying for the opening of ]]Eleventh Street]] Improvements A petition is received from Stewart & Ebersold praying for a sidewalk on the West Side of Front Street, and is referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements A petition is received from G W Hall et al praying that bids be called for, for the construction of sidewalks on

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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