Pages That Mention Thos Lyle
19 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Ordered that the Tresasurer be & He is hereby authorized to receive taxes levied by Ordinance 351 until December 15th 1881 and that the City Attorney be & he is hereby insturcted to notify all delinquents under said ordanance,that suit will be brought to collect all taxes remaining unpaid in said poll after December 15th 1881 Ordered that a warrant in the sum of $4.00 be & is hereby ordered issued in the Road Fund in Favor of Thomas Mc Donough for the reason that said McDonough is a non resident Ordered that a Gas Lamp be erected at the NorthWest corner of Second & Marion Streets Ordered that the matter of constructing a sidewalk toconnect with the 8th Street Sidewalk be &the council hereby referred to the Street Committee with instruction to report thereon at next meeting Ordered that the Council stand now adjorned until Friday Evening December 9th 1881 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved Acting Mayor Be it remembered that on the 9th day of December 1881 the Common Council of the,City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to adjournment The folowing Officers are present, to wit: His Honor Acting Mayor John Collins, and Councilmen Thos Clancy, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer & Chas McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: The petition of Thos Lyle & others praying for the appointment of P Brown as Special Police Officer indefinatley postponed
19 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Ordered that the Treasurer be & he is hereby authorized to receive taxes levied by Ordinance 251 until December 15th 1881 and that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to notify all delinquents under said ordinance, that suit will be brought to collect all taxes remaining unpaid on said poll after December 15, 1881 Ordered that a warrant in the sum of $4.00 be & is hereby ordered issued in the Road Fund in [?] of Thomas McDonough for the reason that said McDonough is a non resident Ordered that a Gas Lamp be erected at the North West corner of Second & Marion Streets Ordered that the matter of constructing a side walk to connect with the 8th Street side walk, be & the same is hereby referred to the Street Committee with instructions to repair thereon at said meeting Ordered that the matter of Constructing a sidewalk in front of the W.C. Squire Block in Bell Town be & the same is hereby referred to the Street Committe with instruction to repair thereon at next meeting Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday evening December 9th 1881 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved Acting Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of December 1881 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor John Collins, and Councilmen Thos Clancy, M. Densmore, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer & Chas McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: the petition of Thos Lyle & others praying for the appointment of P. Brown as Special Police Officer is indefinitely post poned
219 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 2/83 Fire Fund W A Perry Steward Engine House No 136 $ 75.00 Young & McKeon Tee&other pipe fittings etc. 137 $ 9.75 R H Calligan Hauling Coal 138 $ 3.50 Thos Lyle Buckets etc. 139 $ 4.85 F W Wusthoff Emery Cloth etc. 140 $ 3.00 D H Morton Hauling fixtures of Engine 141 $ .50 Anthony Holmes Braces etc. 142 $ 6.75 H W Wadleigh Water 143 $ 6.00 Chas McDonald To purchase coal 145 $ 15.00 Cherry Street Sidewalk Ord No 354 F H Whitworth Engineering No 177 $ 25.00 2d,3d & Intersecting Sts Grade ord 288 F H Whitworth Engineering No 178 $ 214.00 Chin Guan & Charlie Contract work Nos 179 to 187 $4212.26 The Claim of James Dunham for attending Engine sights for $24. is rejected Licenses Granted Geo C Thompson Retail S S Bailey Retail S S Bailey 1 Billiard Table J M King 1 Pigeon Hole Table Joe Keppler Grocery Joe Keppler 1 Pigeon Hole Table E K Cowles & Co Retail E K Cowles & Co 2 Billiard Tables Aug Mattsen Retail S Baxter & Co Wholesale G Sohuke Retail D A Jennings Wholesale Alexander Woodmansee Retail Schwabacher Bros & Co Wholesale Ordinances Received The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitiled "To porvide for the grading of, and constructing sidewalks in portions of James, Cherry, Columbia, and Spring Streets in the City of Seattle" After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of
653 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Officers of Election Inspector L B Andrews Judges O C Shorey and S B Vrooman Clerks R B Partridge and N B Colt thrid Ward Election to be held at Old North School House Officers of Election Inspector D T Denny Judges J A Stewart, D L McCowan Clerks S G Benedict and C L Waylon Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be itrememberes thaton thisthe 19thday of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart, S D Crockett & Walter Graham Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Petitions Rec'd From Laurence Cummings et al for changing course of stream in Pontius Add. Referred to Sewer Comtee. From Thos Lyle et al for a qas lamp corner Spring and Third Streets. Referred to gas Comtee. From Thos Lyle et al for a sewer in Spring Street Between 3rd and 4th Streets. Referred to Sewer Comtee. From S M Renton et al for vacating the alley on Block 28 of Maynard's Plat. Granted petitioners to pay all expenses as incident to such vacation. From D B Jackson for permission to build a side walk fronting his property on University Street Granted From Edwin Ells for paying surveyor bill on a/c of sidewalk.
653 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Officers of Election Inspector L B Andrews Judges O C Shorey and S B Vrooman Clerks R B Partridge and N B Colt thrid Ward Election to be held at Old North School House Officers of Election Inspector D T Denny Judges J A Stewart, D L McCowan Clerks S G Benedict and C L Waylon Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be itrememberes thaton thisthe 19thday of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart, S D Crockett & Walter Graham Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Petitions Rec'd From Laurence Cummings et al for changing course of stream in Pontius Add. Referred to Sewer Comtee. From Thos Lyle et al for a qas lamp corner Spring and Third Streets. Referred to gas Comtee. From Thos Lyle et al for a sewer in Spring Street Between 3rd and 4th Streets. Referred to Sewer Comtee. From S M Renton et al for vacating the alley on Block 28 of Maynard's Plat. Granted petitioners to pay all expenses as incident to such vacation. From D B Jackson for permission to build a side walk fronting his property on University Street Granted From Edwin Ells for paying surveyor bill on a/c of sidewalk.