Pages That Mention F. W. Wusthoff
2 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 7, 1881 Following, to wit:
City Fund E S Osborne Clerks Salary $68.39 J. M. Hall Attys salary 83.33 J. H. McGraw Chief of Police salary 100.00 D. L. McCowan Policeman 90.00 J. H. Wooley Policeman 90.00 S. F. Coombs J. P.'s salary 16.40 F. H. Whitworth Surveyors Salary $12.50 Survey of lot 213.16$ 17.50 Shorey & Atkins Water 6.00 Stewart & Ebersold Job Printing 41.75 Davis, Woodruff & Co Stationery 7.95 W H. Pumphrey Stationery 11.75 Chas McDonald Plate on Jail Window 2.50 James M. Conway Cleaning Jail 2.00 J T Jordan Labor of self & others (Garfield Memorial 20.00 F. W. Wusthoff Powder for Garfield memorial 50.50 Frank Seidel Firing Salute Garfield Memorial 26.00 Schwabacher Bros & Co Drapery etc Garfield memorial 23.87 Boyd & Poncin Crape for Garfield memorial 4.15 Prof. Lee Services on Garfield memorial 3.00 John L. Kahaley Policeman Garfield memorial 2.50 James Dunham Policeman Garfield memorial 2.50 John J. Seerley Hurse at Pest House 120.00 Robt Abrams Team To Pest House 5.00 James M. Conway Trips to Pest House 24.00 ]]Schwabacher Bros & Co]] Clothing for Small Pox patient 19.50 Ohelane & Olstad meat & vegetables for Pest House 10.17 D. A. Jennings Groceries for Pest House 18.21 A. W. Piper Bread for Pest House 3.85 Waddell & Miles Stove Grate Etc for Pest House 1.25
Road Fund
R.H. Calligan Street labor $98.50 Prisoner's Board $24.50 use of horse $9. $132.00 James Campbell Street labor 47.00 Luther Alber Street labor 45.00 Thomas Rock Street labor 8.00
3 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 7, 1881 Stephen Berry Street labor $2.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for streets 225.39 Columbia & P.S. R.R. Co Lumber for streets 47.70 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co Lumber for streets 25.62 D. A. Jennings Mattock handles & nails 2.20 F. W. Wusthoff Hardware for Street Dept 17.55 John L. Kahaley Hauling for Street Dept 3.75 John Leary Hauling for Street Dept 1.00 Charles McDonald Sharpening Tools 8.75 F. H. Whitworth Surveys on 5th Street 8.00 Gas Fund Gas Lt Co Gas $125.25 Attend Lights $30 $155.25 Waddell & Miles work on Gas Mains 13.55 Fire Fund J. D. Hinckley Ground sent $8.00 Robert Russell Hauling engine to Fire 5.00 Minick & Thompson Hauling engine to Drill $2.50 Coal 75cents 3.25 Chas McDonald repairs to Engine 14.00 W. A. Perry Engine Steward 75.00 D. A. Jennings Oil etc for Fire Dept 12.00 Waddell & Miles Drip pan for engine 3.50 Ordered that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to submit at next meeting a Contract and Bond for the performance of the City printing by the successors of Stewart & Ebersold And now on this the 7th day of October 1881 in pursuance of the Notice published as required by Ordinance No 241, the Council proceeds to hear all complaints agains the assessment required by said Ordinance No 241 and filed with the City Clerk on the 30th day of August 1881; Thereupon comes Catherine Werritt and George Weritt, her husband, by W.H. White Esq, their Attorney and file their written objections to any assessment or valuation being placed upon the property of the said Catherine Weritt set forth in said assessment poll for the reasons set forth in said Written objections now on file; thereupon after due consideration said objections are ordered laid on the table upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of Laying said objections on
22 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the Clerk be & he is hereby instructed to communicate with the owners of property interested, that the Council purpose ordering the Construction of a certain sidewalk to connect with the 6th side walk. Ordered that Fifth Street be improved under the supervision of the Street Committee in accordance with a plan to be approved by the Surveyor Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of January 1882 The Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following Officers are present to wit: Councilmen Thos Clancy, John Collins, M. Densmore, Wm A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had By reason of the absence of His Honor the Mayor L.P. Smith by sickness and his consequent inability to perform the duties of his office, Councilman Wm A. Jennings is by the Council elected to the Office of Acting Mayor during such temporary inability A petition is received from W. Buritt & others praying for the removal of certain obstructions at the foot of 3rd Street, Thereupon the same is referred to the Street Committee A Petition is received from F. W. Wusthoff praying for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax, thereupon the same is referred to the Finance Committee A petition is received from M. Choir praying for the remitting of certain taxes paid; Thereupon the same is refered to the Finance Committee. a petition is received from Benj Murphy praying for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax; Thereupon the Prayer of the petition
31 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Attend lights $30 Gas $189.90 $219.90 Waddell & Miles Work on mains 36.82 Fire Fund W. A. Perry Engine Steward $75.00 J.D. Hinckly Ground sent 8.00 Poole & Hildebrand Hauling Engine to & from fire 10.00 Anthony LeBrash Assistance to Steward 1.00 W. H. Shoudy Strap etc. .75 Kellogg & Anderson tripoli 1.00 F. W. Wusthoff Grease & nails 1.40 Schwabacher Bros & Co Coal & olive oil 2.50 J. L. Kahaley Coal & lumber to Engine House 4.50 Waddell & Miles Damper for pipe .25 Charles McDonald To purchase coal 10.00 The claim of Harrington & Smith is referred to the Street Committee And now come the several persons herein after named & make application for the licenses herein after specified for the periods from the dates herein after set out, and at the same time said applicants file their Several Bonds in accordance with The Ordinance relative thereto. And after examination said bonds are approved & said applicants making due proof that they are persons of good moral character. It is therefore ordered that upon their compliance with all the other provisions of said Ordinance the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the periods & purposes following To wit:
Names Description of License Terms Date of Commencement Lester & Cowden Retail liquor 3 Months Feb. 17, 1882 Thos & C.F. Clancy d" 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882 d" 2 Billiard Tables 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882 Smith & Farmer Retail liquor 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882 d" 1 Billiard Table 3 Months Feb.8, 1882 Bernard Crosseu Grocery 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882 A. F. Hill Retail Liquor 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882 d" 1 Billiard Table 3 Months Feb. 8, 1882
165 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 3/82 T. H. Carr J.P.'s fees No. 222 $25.90 Seattle Chronicle Printing 223 109.14 C. Hanford & Co. Job Printing 224 73.50 M.V. B. Stacy Ground rent for jails 225 10.00 Davis & Woodruff Stationary 226 40.00 Sing Verein Orion license refunded 227 5.00 Catholic Church license refunded 228 15.00 J. F. Cochran making term numbers 229 14.00 D.A. Jennings groceries and c for Pest House 231 6.55 E. F. Manning Hauling toPest House 232 1.50 Road Fund Henry Sheahan street labor$91horsehir$23 prisonersboard $26 No 92 $140.00 Stephen Berry Street Labor 93 60.00 M.S. Costello Street Labor 94 58.75 Thomas Rock Street Labor 95 50.00 Luther Albee Street Labor 96 46.25 Robert Russell do with team 97 6.00 Stetson & Post lumber 98 73.99 G. P. McFadden hauling lumber 99 4.75 F. W. Wusthoff Nails etc 100 19.50 James Benman repairs to Street cart etc 101 3.75 F.H. Whitworth Surveys Washton. St grade 102 58.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co Gas No. 23 $214.65 John L. Kahaley attending lights 24 34.50 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas lamps 25 80.70 D.A. Jennings Oil etc 26 1.85 Fire Fund W.A. Perry steward No 82 $75.00 James Dunham cleaning engine 83 3.00 McDaniel Bros hauling engines to & from incline 84 2.00 Miller & Miller hauling coke and engine 85 4.00 S. E. Davison Hauling coal 86 .50 J. Maginnis Hauling coal 87 .50 F. W. Wusthoff Oil etc 88 8.10 D.A. Jennings Oil etc 89 8.50