Pages That Mention Ben Thompson
47 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE From Apr 9th Jacob Berth a retail grocery license from Apr 1 Pigeon Hole Table from Apr 5 & Pool Table from Apr 24 all for 3 months The following claims having been duly audited by the Council as ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts as follows tourist: City Fund E.S. Osborne Clerk $$41.67 Expressage $1 No 32 $42.67 J.M. Hall Ally No 33 $41.67 James H. Wollery Chief of Police No 34 $95.00 " Removing Common No 35 $2.00 J.L. McCowan Police No 36 $80.00 W.B. Jacklin " No 37 $35.00 James Welch " No 38 $80.00 Ben Thompson " No 39 $40.00 F.H.Whitworth Salary $12.50 Survey $6 No 40 $18.50 L.H. Coombs J.P.S. Sec V No 41 $44.50 Seattle Chronicle Printing No 42 $30.00 Stewart & Everbold Job Printing No. 43 $31.00 M.V.B Stacy Ground Rent for Jails No. 44 $10.00 H.S. Crocker & Co. Job work & books No. 45 $28.00 Robb Riddell Hauling Sae No. 46 $10.00 L.Newman Keys No. 47 2.25 J. Lock Barging Comon No. 48 3.00 Seattle Chronicle Printing No. 49 .92 Road Fund R.H. Calligan Street Labor $91 useof horse 13 Prisonrs Board No. 23 122.00 James Campbell Street Labor No. 24 50.00 Luther Alber " No. 25 49.00 Thomas Rock " No. 26 30.00 Stetson & Post Lumber No. 27 .97 Gas Fund Williamson & Kellogg from Lamp post No. 5 128.00 Seattle Gas Light Co Gas $195.45 attendance $30 No. 6 225.45 Wadder Mill hook on gas pipes No. 7 15.20
60 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE List of Licenses continued Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement Lester & Pritchard Retail Liquor 3 mos May 17 - 1882 Beer & Kinner Retail Liquor 3 mos May 10 - 1882 Thomas Osgood do 3 mos May 16 - 1882 Margaret Sullivan Grocery 3 mos May 13 - 1882 Funk & Crasson do 3 mos May 15 - 1882
Ordered that the Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to draw warrants to the amount of $247.85 to satisfy the judgement on the case of Flowers -v- The City of Seattle The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drwan on the funds and in the amounts as follows to wit: City Fund E L Smith Health Office Salary No52 50.00 S F Coombs Fees as CIty Justice 53 7.05 E S Osborne Salary 41.67Funds per bill on file 5.55 54 47.22 William Bowles Cleaning Jails 55 6.00 Ben Thompson Salary as policeman 56 40.00 J M Hall City Atty Salary 57 41.67 H S Crocker & Co Tax Roll etc 58 55.10 Frank Seidel City Assesser Salary 59 187.50 James Welch Policeman Salary 60 80.00 John Baker do do 61 40.00 Seattle Chronicle Printing 62 37.02 A C Bowman Services as Stenographer 63 5.00 D L McCowan Policeman Salary 64 80.00 J H Woolery Lime and Salt 65 1.25 J H Woolery Chief Police Salary 66 100.00 Road Fund R H Calligan St.Labor 87.50Horse Use 24.00 Board 6.50 No30 118.00 Robert Russell Lumber 31 4.50 Luther Alber Street Labor 32 57.50 John L Kohaly Teaming 33 4.75 Thomas Rock Street Labor 34 57.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 35 50.50
551 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 3 1888 Custodian of the Powder House Ed. L. Lindsley. Chief Engineer of the Fire Dept Wm. Campbell. Park Commissioner D. W. Lawton. Captain of Police Edward Briggs Policemen H. A. Bigelow, W. M. Jones, D. F. Willard W. J Peer, T Leckie, P Farraher Z T Holden, Ed. Kinley, A W Ryan Geo. Templeton, D H Webster, Ben Thompson W E Carey, John Coleman, J W. Huff, Wm Morris E R. Harding, D Phillips O. D. Butterfield. On motion of Counciman Niesz, Police officer O.D. Butterfield is appointed to attend to the Collection of licenses and other business at the City Clerks Office. His Honor The Mayor now designates the following committees. Judiciary } and} U. R. Niesz Chairman James McCombs and Joseph Green Legislative}
Public Buildings} and} Chas F Reitze Chairman Thomas E Jones and Joseph Green Grounds}
Finance} F. J. Burns Chairman U. R. Niesz D. E. Durie
Streets and } street} Thomas E Jones chairman F J Burns J F McDonald Improvements}
Health & Police} Jas Green Chairman. Jas McCombs D E Durie
601 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 7 1888 [total]1098.40 W E Carey 2294 City 65.34 salary Police Officer J W Huff 2295 City 65.34 salary Police Officer Ben Thompson 2296 City 62.92 salary Police Officer E R Harding 2297 City 60.50 salary Police Officer Wm Morris 2298 City 60.50 salary Police Officer W A Couer 2299 City 56.65 salary Police Officer Edward Briggs 2300 City 90.00 salary Police Captain Ed Kinley 2301 City 75.00 salary Police Officer W M Jones 2302 City 75.00 salary Police Officer D Phillips 2303 City 75.00 salary Police Officer Geo Templeton 2304 City 75.00 salary Police Officer W I Peer 2305 City 75.00 salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2306 City 75.00 salary Police Officer D F Willard 2307 City 75.00 salary Police Officer Patrick Farraher 2308 City 75.00 salary Police Officer H A Bigelow 2309 City 75.00 salary Police Officer Stewart Lickie 2310 City 75.00 salary Police Officer Z T Halden 2311 City 75.00 salary Police Officer A C Ryan 2312 City 75.00 salary Police Officer D H Webster 2313 City 75.00 salary Police Officer Campbell Konnerup 2314 City 15.00 salary spl Police Officer N Soderberg 2315 City 50.25 Fees Justice of the Peace H F Jones 2316 City 164.90 Fees Justice of the Peace Fred Price 2317 City 4.40 Witness Fees Jones Court John Caladwell 2318 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones Court P J Francis 2319 City 10.00 Whitewshing Jail & Hall F Anthony 2320 City 21.00 City Docket Hall & Paulson Fur Co 2321 City 105.00 File Case Harrington & Smith 2322 City 5.60 Supplies for Jail Press Pubn Co 2323 City 19.05 Printing Ordinance etc Post Intelligencer 2324 City 1.50 Pubg Ordinance etc Lowman & Hanford 2325 City 25.50 Warrants etc R L Polk & Co 2326 City 3.50 Directory Geo Delfil 2327 City 405.00 Rebate on License Jesse F Cochran 2328 City 8.00 Painting Nmbers W G Pumphrey 2329 City 170.25 File cases etc [total]3544.80
625 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5 1888 Wm Morris City 3360 75.00 Salary as Police Officer W M Jones City 3361 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Ben Thompson City 3362 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Holden Z T City 3363 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Pat Varraher City 3364 75.00 Salary as Police Officer DWebster City 3365 75.00 Salary as Police Officer J T Huff City 3366 75.00 Salary as Police Officer E R Harding City 3367 75.00 Salary as Police Officer W A Cover City 3368 75.00 Salary as Police Officer W E Carey City 3369 75.00 Salary as Police Officer W T Peer City 3370 75.00 Salary as Police Officer D J Willard City 3371 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Geo Templeton City 3372 75.00 Salary as Police Officer H A Bigelow City 3373 75.00 Salary as Police Officer D Phillips City 3374 75.00 Salary as Police Officer Kinkey Ed City 3375 75.00 Salary as Police Officer H Sheehan City 3376 52.52 Salary as Police Officer Abbott & Weatherby City 3377 82.20 Addition to City Hall Toklas & Singerman City 3378 55.10 Carpet for City Hall Gordon Hadw Co City 3379 82.95 supplies for Police Graham & Davidson City 3380 3.75 Window Shades City Hall Boardman & Son City 3381 28.00 Signs City Hall O W Lynch & Co City 3382 60.00 Chairs & Table City Hall Golden Rule Bazaar City 3383 6.00 Cuspadores City Hall Franenthal Bros City 3384 53.90 Linoleum City Hall N Argens City 3385 2.35 Reprg Locks O D Butterfield City 3386 1.00 Hauling Drunk Lowman & Hanford City 3387 4.00 Statue H F Jones City 3388 114.30 Justice fees H F Jones City 3389 53.45 Justice fees Chas Corker City 3390 4.40 Witness fees John Caldwell City 3391 8.80 Witness fees G Marino City 3392 2.20 Witness fees E P Edson City 3393 4.40 Witness fees J L Mears City 3394 2.20 Witness fees Joseph Charles City 3395 6.00 Meals Election Board