Pages That Mention Lake Avenue Street
29 COMMON COUNCILOF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of February 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following Officers are presents, tour: His Honor the Mayor L.P. Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, M. Densmore, Wm A.Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer & Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had A petition is received from Dr.J.M.Kollock & others praying for the appointment of a Police Officer whose beat shell be between 3rd & 6th Streets and Seneca & Marion Streets; thereupon the prayer of the petition is granted A petition is received from C.R. Dore praying for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax; thereupon the same is referred to the Finance Committee A petition is received from Ah How praying for the right to use a Terra Cotta Chimney is his wash house; thereupon the petition is laid on the table A petition is received from Thomas Burke & others praying for grading of Second Street from Mill Street to Pike Street; thereupon the prayer of the petition is granted upon the unanimous vote of all the members of said Council and the Ordinance Committee is instructed to submit at next regular meeting an Ordinance authorizing such improvements. A petition os received from S F Coombs & others praying for the grading of Front Street from Pike Street to Lake Avenue Street; thereupon the prayer of the petition is granted upon the unanimous vote of all the members of said Council and the Ordinance Committee is instructed to submit at next regular meeting an Ordinance authorizing such improvements. The regular monthly reports of the following CIty Officers are received & ordered filed, To wit: Street Commissioner, Fire Warden, Harbor Master, City Justice & City Attorney And now the City Treasurer submits his semi annual report ending Dec 31 1882; thereupon the same is referred to the Finance Committee And now the Finance Committee make their report upon the petition of Melody Choir; thereupon it is ordered that the Clerk be
36 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE due proof that they are men of good oral character. It is therefore ordered that upon their Complyance with all the other porvisions of said Ordinance, the clerk be & he is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said aplicants for the periods & purposes following to wit: Names Description of license Term Date of Commencement August Hess Grocery 3 mos Feb 15 1882 Walsh & Auld Wholesale 3 mos Feb 5 1882 Gotleib Burian Grocery 6 mos Feb 22 1882 d" Pigeon Hole Table 6 mos Feb 22 1882 d" Pool Table 6 mos Feb 22 1882
And now a Communication is received from David Kellogg charging certain officers of the Poilce force with having violated Section 4 of Ordinance No 128 & asking an investigation thereupon the same is referred to a Special Committee, to wit: Jennings Densmore & McDonald The matter of wrongful taxation of Melody Choir is re-referred to the Finance Committee And now John H McGraw tenders his resignation of the Officers of Chief of Police & Harbor Master; thereupon said resignations are accepted and the siad offices are declared vacant And now the Council proceeds to fill the Office of Chief of Police by an election; whereupon James H Wooley receiving a majority of all the votes of said Council, he is duly declared elected to fill such vacancy for the term provided by law A petition is received from H G Shire & others praying for the grading of Second Street from Mill Street to Lake Avenue Street; thereupon the prayer of the petitionis granted And it is ordered that the petitionbe referred to the Ordinance Committee And now the Finance Committee returns the semiannual report of the Treasurer with their report of approval; Thereupon the said Treasurers report is accepted & ordered filed
39 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE of H G Strure & others for the grading of 2d Street from Mill Street to Lake Avenue Street with their report that the petition is not signed by 1/2 of the owners of the property fronting on such improvement, thereupon the report is accepted and the petition is referred to the petitioners And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 258 the same being entitled "A Special Ordinance for the grading and improvement of Front Street from the South side of Pike Street to the North side of Lake Avenue Street in the City of Seattle in King County Washington Territory" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none Any now Samuel Pettingill makes application & files his bond for a retail liquor license. Whereupon the Council finding he has complied with the requirements of the Ordinance relative thereto it is ordered that a License be issued him for 3 months from March 3, 1882 The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk $41.64 J M Hall Atty 41.67 J H McGraw Chief of Police 50.00 Jas H Worley do 50.00 Jas H Worley Police 40.00 D L McCowan do 80.00 W B Jacklin do 80.00 James Welch do 80.00 S F Coombs J P's fees 11.65 E L Smith Health Officer$75. Telegrams Quarentine $4 $79.00 Seattle Chronicle Printing 15.12 M V B Stacy ground rent for Jails 10.00
Be it remembered that on this the 30th day of June A.D. 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber, to receive the report of the Special Committee on grades, pursuant to the call of the Mayor.
Present, His Honor, the Mayor L. P. Smith and councilmen Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, Chas McDonald and G. L. Manning.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had: A report is received from the Special Committee on grades recommending that certain changes be made in the sheet grades as now established; said report is adopted.
And now the Ordinances Committee submit Ordinance No 286, the same being entitled, "An Ordinance establishing certain grades, in the City of Seattle, in King County, Washington Territory." After due consideration said ordinance is adopted by the following vote, towit; In favor of adoption Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, Chas McDonald and G. L. Manning. Against adoption none.
And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 287, the same being entitled, "Ordinance No 287, a special ordinance to provide for the grading and improvement of Front Street from the center line of Pike Street to the center line of Lake Avenue Street, in the City of Seattle, County of King and Territory of Washington."
After due consideration said ordinance is adopted by the following vote towit; In favor of adoption Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, Chas McDonald and G. L. Manning. Against adoption none.
And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 288, the same being entitled, "A special ordinance to provide for the grading and improvement of a portion of Second, Third, Mill, Jefferson, James, Cherry, Columbia, Marion, Madison, Spring, Seneca, University, Union, Pike and Pine Streets, in the City of Seattle, County of King and Territory of Washington." After due