Pages That Mention Geo D Hill
58 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE of the City of Seattle, W T Gentlemen I herewith submit the following quarterly report of the health department of this City The total number of deaths during the nine months which I have acted as health officer in the city including non-residents and still births is sixty one. Of these decedents seventeen were non-residents and two were stillbirths. Deducting these and we have but forty-two deaths among the actual residents of the City. Considering our population at five thousand this is an extremely low death rate, scarcely more than one half the average death rate of the larger cities in this country. Thirty nine births have been reported This is a low birth rate but I have good reason to believe that many births have not been reported. It may be that all accouchers in the city are not aware of the existance of Ordinance 244 There is very little sickness in the city at present I learn of an occasional case of measels or scarlatina but it seems more of a sporadic than an epidemic, or contagious character. Several nuisences have been abated and several more have come to my knowledge which will soon be corrected. (signed) Very Respectfully E L Smith MD Health Officer The reports of trh Street Commission City Justice and Fire Warden for the month of April are received and ordered to be filed The Report of the City Treasurer for April is reeived and referred to the Finance Committee The Reports of County Tresurer Geo D Hill as Collection of Delinquent City taxes for 1880 and 1881 is received and referred to the Finance Committee And now come the persons herein after named and make application for the licenses herein after named from the dates and for the periods herein after specified and at the same time said applicants file their several
216 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 2/83 of the petition of Fred E Sander for the right to use a building as a Wash House. Adopted From Judiciary & Legislature approving the report of the City Justice. Adopted From Fire and Water Supply reommending the granting of the petition of Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co. for repairs to Madison Street Slip. Adopted Ordered that the Committee on Harbor, Wharves be & they are hereby instructed to secure bids for such repairs as may be necessary From Streets recommending the granting of the petition of Amos Brown et al for Improving Spring Street Adopted & atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor. From Streets recommending the granting of the petition of Geo D Hill et al for Improving Spring Street, Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an ordinance therefor From Judiciary & Legislative approving Attys report Adopted From Streets recommending the grading of James, Cherry & Columbia Streets from Front to the Alley between Front & 2d Streets. Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor From Streets recommending the grading of James Street on the petition of Henrietta M Halber et al therefor. Adopted & atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor. From Streets recommending the rejection of the petition of Geo D Hill et al for Imrpoving 5th street. Adopted & petition denied From Streets recommending the payment of certain bills for hauling gravel. Rejected Bids Received And now the Council proceeds to open & consider the bids for the side walk to be constructed on Marion Street under Ordinance No 364, which bids are as follows to wit: S F Hoole per M B M [thousand board feet] $17.00 S G Simpson $16.20