City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention William Morris




Morris Personal recommendations re police applicant

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




62 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE consideration said ordinance is adopted by the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald against adoption none. And now the ordinance committee submit ordinance No 272 the same being entitled as follows to wit: A Special Ordinance to provide for the grading and improvement of Front Street - from the center line of Pike Street to the center line of Lake Avenue Street in the City of Seattle Countyof King and Territory of Washington" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted by the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. against adoption, none. And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 273, the Same being entitled as follows to wit: A Special Ordinance to provide for the grading and improvement of Union Street from the center line of Front Street to the Center line of Eighth Street in the City of Seattle, County of King, and Territory of Washington" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted by the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Thomas C Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles Mc Donald against adoption none. And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 274, the same being entitled as follows towit: A Special Ordinance to provide as follows towit: " A Special Ordinance to provide for the construction of a Sidewalk along the East side of Eleventh Street from the South Side of Jackson Street to the SoughSide of Weller Street in the City of Seattle,County of King, and Territory of Washing ton" After due consideration of said ordinance is adopted by the following vote to wit: in favor of adoption Thomas Clancy John Collins, Wm a Jennings, John Keenan and Charles Mc Donald The Council proceeds to open the bids for the grading of the City lot in Second Street and the same are found to be as follows to wit: From Patrick Forest, offering to do the grading for 20 cents per yard; John Welch & Lawrence Doyle, for 26 cents per yard; A Quigley for 20 cents per yard; John Kevan for 26 cents per yard; John McClasky, Peter Peterson and William Morris

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




109 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE 1886 James P Tighe 1992 City 2.20 Wit Fees Justice Hill's Ct J M Colman 1993 City 8.00 Coal for CouncilRooms Sunset Telephone Co 1994 City 5.90 Telephone for Nov Lowman & Hanford 1995 City 17.00 City Printing R H Thomson&Asst 1996 City 144.25 Engineering & Assts G St P Rd D C Harris 1997 City 1.00 Recording Chg of Sale Neuman & Argens 1998 City 5.50 Repairing Revolvers etc F W Woodman 1999 City 3.50 Stepa for Powder House Albro Gardner 2000 City 8.00 Engineering on Union St sewer Dr E L Smith 2001 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 11.50 Supplies for Engine No 4 Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 3.90 Dating Stamp for Treasurer James P Tighe 2003 City 3.50 Medicine for Prisoners [total]1589.18 E C McClellahan 1413 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore 1414 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock 1415 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochran 1416 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1417 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets James Burke 1418 Road 54.65 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1419 Road 45.00 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1420 Road 20.25 Labor on Streets Charles Brown 1421 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1422 Road 54.00 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1423 Road 57.35 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry 1424 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Jus Cunningham 1425 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets C Beckman 1426 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets W D Goss 1427 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Jus Keenan 1428 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets Eugene LaPort 1429 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets N Macum 1430 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Paatrick Welch 1431 Road 6.15 Labor on Streets Hugh Tierney 1432 Road 3.35 Labor on Streets Peter Person 1433 Road 13.50 Labor on Streets William Morris 1434 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1435 Road 10.10 Labor on Streets [total]769.85

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




243 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 Name No Fund Amount Remarks 1639.32 Hall & Galloway 2447 City 5.20 Milk Furnished Angeline Robt Russell 2448 City 33.00 Cash paid Amanda Companies B & C 2449 City 10.00 Rent of Armories Election Lyman Wood 2450 City 1.10 Recording Deed Hasbrook & Terry 2451 City 8.25 Medicine for Angeline L Newman 2452 City .75 1 Box Cartridges M A Kelly 2453 City 15.25 Medicine for Prisoners Young Bros 2454 City 8.63 Repairing Closet in Jail Sunset Tel Co 2455 City 5.90 Telephone Services R L Polk & Co 2456 City 3.50 1 directory for City Clerk Albro Gardner 2457 City 3.50 Surveying Republican & Natchez Albro Gardner 2457 City 38.48 Surveying South Third St [total]1772.88 Daniel Moon 1666 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Thos Rock 1667 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1668 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1669 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1670 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1671 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1672 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets William Krouse 1673 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets William Morris 1674 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Leamy 1675 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Ben Anderson 1676 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1677 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Ira Carpenter 1678 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Valine 1679 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets M J Hill 1680 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Anthony Anderson 1681 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Delaney 1682 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Harrington & Smith 1683 Road .50 Block & Tackle Schwabacher Bros & Co1684 Road 32.30 Block & Tackle R H Calligan 1685 Road 7.00 Use of Wagon 14 days Jones & Hubbell 1686 Road 100.85 Horse Feed Stetson & Post 1687 Road 142.11 Lumber J A McBeath & Co 1688 Road 12.55 Horse Shoeing City Livery Stables 1689 Road 10.00 Doctoring Horse

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




403 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Mar 2 1888 Phillip Cochran 2013 Road 60 .00 Labor on streets Stephen Berry 2014 Road 56.25 Labor on streets John Sheehan 2015 Road 60.35 Labor on streets John Mahoney 2016 Road 47.80 Labor on streets Oscar Young 2017 Road 57.95 Labor on streets O F Soderberg 2018 Road 56.80 Labor on streets Wm Kraus 2019 Road 58.50 Labor on streets P Cunningham 2020 Road 54.00 Labor on streets Z Scott 2021 Road 56.25 Labor on streets Geo Clark 2022 Road 56.25 Labor on streets John J Hobbs 2023 Road 56.25 Labor on streets William Morris 2024 Road 54.00 Labor on streets Peter Brunn 2025 Road 22.50 Labor on streets M J Hill 2026 Road 54.00 Labor on streets P Lancy 2027 Road 54.00 Labor on streets P A Albin 2028 Road 56.25 Labor on streets Fred Hilton 2029 Road 56.25 Labor on streets M Wilnomer 2030 Road 55.10 Labor on streets J Ingram 2031 Road 51.75 Labor on streets Joseph Rock 2032 Road 27.00 Labor on streets James Doyle 2033 Road 45.00 Labor on streets Thomas Davis 2034 Road 47.25 Labor on streets C J Cullen 2035 Road 47.25 Labor on streets Thos Alexander 2036 Road 45.00 Labor on streets Leo Hansen 2037 Road 43.85 Labor on streets David Murphey 2038 Road 41.60 Labor on streets Jones 2039 Road 1.70 Labor on streets John Valine 2040 Road 44.45 Labor on streets A J Dahline 2041 Road 5.60 Labor on streets Hans Swanson 2042 Road 4.50 Labor on streets Ira Carpenter 2043 Road 34.85 Labor on streets P Delaney 2044 Road 37 .10 Labor on streets Lawrence Gaffney 2045 Road 24.75 Labor on streets Antone Alvers 2046 Road 11.25 Labor on streets Henry Lahse 2047 Road 10.00 Brick & labor Chas M Donald 2048 Road 66.79 Sharpening tools

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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