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Pages That Mention Thos Rock




30 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE & he is hereby instructed to issue a Warrant on the City Fund in favor of said Choir for the amount of tax paid by him on Block 52 in Maynards plot for the year 1880; thereupon the Clerk upon inspection finds that such tax paid amount to $3.41 The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by the Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts follows, to wit: City Fund E.S. Osborne Clerk $41.67 J.M. Hall Atty 41.67 J.H. McGraw Chief of Police 100.00 J.H. Woolery Police 80.00 D.L. McCowan Police 80.00 W.B. Jacklin " 80.00 James Lynn Watchman at fire 4.00 Freeman Johnson " " 4.00 Frank Seidel Assessor 187.50 F.H. Whitworth Surveyor 12.50 S.F. Coombs J.P.S. fees 11.00 Stewart Ebersold Job work 75.50 Seattle Chronicle Printing 11.25 M.V.B. Stacy Ground rent for Jails 10.00 Shorey & Atkins Water 6.00 S.G. Benedict & Co Stationery 6.95 Schwabacher Bros & Co Blankets 4.50 Road Fund R.H. Calligan Street labor $89.25 use of horse $16 $105.25 James Campbell Street labor 39." " Luther Albee " " 39." " Thos Rock " " 39." " Michael Keho " " 38." " Stetson & Post lumber 11.36 Robert Russell hauling lumber 21.50 John L. Kahaley hauling 3.50 J.S. McCallister use of cart 3.50

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




76 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Fire Fund Continued H W Wadleigh Water Rent No41 6.00 F W Wusthoff Mdse 42 3.10 W A Perry Can of Engine 43 75.00 John Holt Labor 44 1.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. Gas No13 235.85 Road Fund Stetson and Post Lumber No40 25.23 Wald and Campbell Mdse 41 1.55 James Campbell Labor 42 63.75 Thos Rock Labor 43 62.50 J L Kohal Teaming 44 7.00 R H Calligan Street Commissioner 45 142.00 Saml Allen Labor 46 3.75 F W Wusthoff Mdse 47 1.25 Luther Albee Labor 48 62.50 The Claim of the Seattle Chronicle is referred to the Finance Committee And now Comes the persons hereinafter named and make application for the business hereinafgter named from the dates and for the periods hereinafter specified and at the same tome said applicants file their several baonds in accordance with the ordinance relative thereto After due examination said bonds are approved and the said applicants making due proof that they are men of good moralcharacter it is therefore ordered that upon this compliance with all the other provisions of said ordinance the clerk be and her is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the periods and purposes following viz: Names Description of License period Date of Commencement Vitus Schmid Grocery 6 Mos June 1 Vitus Schmid Pool Table 6 Mos June 1 Vitus Schmid Pigeon Hole Table 6 Mos June 1 Brix & Co Retail Liquor 3 Mos June 2 Fergow & Worger Grocery 3 Mos June 1 Robert Hahn Grocery 3 Mos June 1 Robert Hahn Pigeon Hole Table 3 Mos June 1

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




93 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Fire Fund John Collins To pay for Fire Engine No 45 3250.00 W A Perry Steward of Engine 46 75.00 T D Hinkley Ground Rent onColumbia St 47 8.00 Chas McDonald Coal for Engine House 48 10.00 D A Jennings Coal Oil 49 16.20 A Holmes Repiars on Fire Engine 50 9.25 F S Poole Hauling Hose Cart 51 2.50 Willis and Minick Hauling Coal 52 2.50 O C Shorey Mending Ladders 53 3.00 F W Wusthoff Mirror for engine 54 .75 Chas McDonald Repairs on Fire Bell 55 50.00 Wm Campbell Chief Engineer 56 50.00 Road Fund R H Calligan St Com.66.50Horse Hire22.00prisoners Board 26.00 49 114.50 Joe Campbell Street Labor 50 65.00 Thos Rock Street Labor 51 65.00 Luther Alber Street Labor 52 62.50 M Keough Street Labor 53 2.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 54 33.29 J L Kahaly Framing 55 4.75 Robt Abrams Framing 56 1.00 Chas McDonald Blacksmithing 57 14.50 F W Wusthoff Nails 58 10.20 D A Jennings PickHandles and Nails 59 1.50 Gas Fund Seattle G L Co. Gas 198.00Attendee30.00MetersRent5.85 14 233.85 And now the Council proceeds to open the bids for building sidewalks For the construction of the sidewalk on Stewart, fourth and Virginia Streets under Ordinance No284, the following bids are received viz, A S Pinkham $405.00, Laurence Cummings $451.00 For the construction of the Sidewalk on Pine and Ninth Streets the following bids (under Ordinance No281) were received viz. A S Pinkham $588.00 Laurence Cummings $579.00 Said bids are all referred to the Street Committee

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




106 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/82 City Fund J M Hall Attorney No 140 41.63 E S Osborne Clerk 141 41.63 James Welch Policeman 142 80.00 W B Thompson Policeman 143 80.00 J H Woolery Chief of Police 144 100.00 D L McCowen Policeman 145 80.00 S F Coombs City Justice 146 15.55 Frank Seidel Assessor 147 187.50 James Hicks Burying Carrion 148 1.50 Wm Morris Burying Carrion 149 1.50 L Neuman Padlock & Keys 150 1.75 F W Wusthoff Hooks, Rope & Twine 151 .90 Seattle Chronicle Printing 152 77.16 Gas Fund Waddell & Miles 15 16.25 Road Fund R H Calligan StreetLabor87.00Horse Hire19.50 60 107.50 James Campbell Street Labor 61 58.00 Luther Alber Street Labor 62 58.00 Thos Rock Street Labor 63 58.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 64 20.36 John L Kahaly Hauling Lumber & Trees 65 5.25 Thos Wusthoff Nails 66 5.50 The City Attorney submits contracts with Chin Guan and Charlie for the improvements under Ordinance No 287, 288 and 289; thereupon said contracts are read bythe Clerk and the Mayor and Clerk are instructed to execute the same on behalf of the City And now comes the persons hereinafter named and make application for the licenses hereinafter named from the dates andf or the periods hereinafter specified and at the same time said applicants file their several bonds in acordance with the ordinance relative thereto After due examination said bonds are approved and The said applicants making due proof that they are persons

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




178 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 1/82 days. Granted. Committee on Health and Police granted further time in which to report on thr matter of sewers. Claims paid The following claims having been audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit: City Fund E. S. Osborne Clerk No. 233 $90.00 J.H. Woolery Chief of Police 234 100.00 D.L. McCowan Police 235 80.00 W. B. Thompson Police 236 80.00 James Welch Police 237 80.00 John Smart Police 238 80.00 C. H. Hanford Atty 239 75.00 T. H. Cann J.P.'s fees 240 20.70 Seattle Chronicle Printing 241 70.99 M.V. B. Stacy ground rent for Jails 242 10.00 J.H. Woolery Police buttons etc 243 15.74 Pumphrey & Lowman stationery etc 244 40.60 Stewart & Ebersold job work 245 15.50 F. H. Whitworth Surveys South 2d Street 246 59.00 E. W. Rea contract work New Engine House 247 & 248 1000.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street labor89.25Prisoner's Board30Labor with horse24 No. 103 $143.25 Stephen Berry Street labor 104 61.25 Thos Rock Street labor 105 60.00 M.J. Costello Street labor 106 57.50 Luther Albee Street labor 107 55.00 Stetson & Post lumber 108 53.73 C. F. Williams hauling lumber 109 2.90 G. P. McFaden hauling lumber 110 1.00 Gas Fund Williamson & Kellogg gas lamps No 27 $27.00 Seattle Gas Light Co gas 28 227.85 J.L. Kahaley attend lights 29 36.00 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas fix lines 30 23.20

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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