Pages That Mention J W Hunt
40 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Road Fund R H Campbell Street Labor $77.00 use of Horse 9.00 Prisoners Board 6.52 $92.52 James Campbell Street Labor 24.00 Luther Albee do 22.00 Thomas Rock do 22.00 M Keough do 1.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 7.81 John L Kahaley Haul Lumber & hws 3.25 Chas McDonald Sharpening Tools 3.00 Wald & Campbell axe & Shovel 3.40 J W Hunt repairs to cart 2.50 D A Jennings shovel & Broom 2.00 Harrington & Smith axes 4.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas & Light Co gas $169.65 attend lights $30.00 $199.65 Waddell & Miles work on gas fixtures 151.30 Fire Fund W A Perry engine steward $75.00 T A Hinckly ground rent 8.00 Waddell & Miles Pipe & Work for Dept 32.37 Waddell & Miles grate for stove .75 Chas McDonald boom Chains & iron 3.25 S P Andrews Pipe & labor 2.60 F W Wusthoff tacks and stove polish .65 McDaniel Bros hitching to Engine at fire 5.00 D A Jennings matches broom & oil 2.50 The claim of Wald & Campbell is laid over until next meeting And now this being the time & Place appointed to hear complaints touching the assessment made in pursuance of Ordinance No 255 it is ordered that the examination of said assessment roll be laid over until the first regular meeting in September 1882 And now on this the 3rd day of March 1882 in pursuance of the Notice duly published as required by ordinance No 254 the Council proceeds to hear all complaints against
218 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 2/83 Schwabacher Bros & CoFurnishingforEngineHouse No 311 $72.64 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co FurnishingforEngineHouse 312 26. Franthaler Bros Furnishing for EngineHouse 313 $20.40 E Burg laying Carpet 314 $ 1.75 John Johnson bedsteads for Jail 315 $16.25 F W Clancy Coal for Engine House 316 $11. Henry Gormley Appraiser of Reamatter 317 $ 6. J F McDonald Appraiser of Reamatter 318 $ 6. I N Bigelow Appraiser of Reamatter 319 $ 6. James D Lowman Moneys refunded Joe Francisco 320 $ 75. L J Powell Moneys Refunded University 321 $10. F W Wusthoff Padlocks 322 $ 2. S C Harns Recording Deed 323 $ 2.50 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor$84 Use of Horse$33 No 143 $117. Thomas Rock Street labor 144 58.75 M J Costello Street labor 145 55. James Campbell Street labor 146 55. James Gleeson Street labor 147 52.50 Luther Albee Street labor 148 51.25 W M Estet Street labor 149 12.50 J R Evans Street labor 150 10.00 Gormley & Fletcher Repairs to Cribbing fronting Denny Block 151 105. Stetson & Post Lumber 152 333.53 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 153 1. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 154 3. F W Clancy Hauling Lumber 155 21.75 Charles McNeely Hauling Lumber 156 5.40 Wald & Campbell Nails etc 157 9.40 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 158 29. J W Hunt Repairs to cart 159 24.60 J H Woolery burying carrion 160 6.50 F W Wusthoff Slice & hardware 161 7.55 Herald Publishing Co Printing 162 2.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. Gas No 38 $219.50 J L Kahaley attending lights 39 36.50
293 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE July 6/83 Luther Albee Street Labor No 226 $47.50 P Kennedy Street Labor 227 35. John Kennedy Street Labor 228 35. Wm Cronin Street Labor 229 32.50 N E Preston Street Labor 230 22.50 Charles McDonald Sharpening Tools 231 9.25 G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 232 8. J W Hunt Setting tire on Cart 233 2.50 C F Williams Hauling Lumber 234 2.25 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No 53 $376.10 J L Kahaley Attending Lights 54 43. John Spencer Setting posts & repairs 55 15.55 Fire Fund Donald McKay Plans etc for Columbia St } Engine House } No 174 $159.00 Specifications for repairs to} 175 50. south 3d St Engine House } W A Perry Engineer No 1 176 75. Wm Campbell Repairs to Engines 177 65. John Leary Water 178 6. R H Calligan Use of horse to Engine July 4/83 179 5. F W Wusthoff Cleaning Material 180 4.55 L Newman Screw & Bolts for Fire Engine 181 3. Charles McDonald Wrench & Crank for Engine 182 1.75 Upper Spring Street Grade (alley betw 3d&4th to 7th ord 365) F H Whitworth Engineering No 233 $154.75 Washington Street Improvement Ord 369 S F Hoole Contract work No 234 to 237 $1242.33 S G Simpson Sidewalks No 238 316.76 F H Whitworth Engineering 239 83.
370 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5/83 T C Cann J P Fees No 486 $29.60 Geo B Adair, Trustee Handcuffs etc 487 8. Seattle Telephone Exchange Line Rentals 488 6.65 Charles Blood Special Policeman Villard Reception 489 6. Wm Truitt Special Policeman Villard Reception 490 6. J L Kalaley Special Policeman Villard Reception 491 3. H G Thornton Special Policeman Villard Reception 492 3. Neuman & Argens Padlocks & Keys 493 3. Humphrey & Lowman Stationery 494 2.75 J C Gordon Witness Fees in Justice Court 495 2.20 Wm Henderson Witness Fees in Justice Court 496 2.20 E S Osborne Paid for cleaning Council Chamber 497 2. Cochrane & Roff Team Numbers 498 1.60 Joe McClaire Expressage 499 1. Road Fund Ballard & Hatfield Discharging Ballast No 267 $224. Henry Sheahan Labor $87.50Use of Horse $37.50 268 125. Stetson & Post Lumber 269 101.25 Harrington & Smith Wharfage on Ballast 270 84. Stephen Berry Labor on Streets 271 72.10 James Campbell Labor on Streets 272 62.50 John Terrice Labor on Streets 273 62.50 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 274 61. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 275 55. J M Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street 276 50.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 277 40. John Kelly Labor on Streets 278 25. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber & Rubbish 279 23.50 Richard Burns Labor on Streets 280 21.25 J W Hunt Repairs to dump cart 281 19. Geo B Adair, Trustee Nails & Hardware for Streets 282 17.50 J L Brasche Team on Streets 283 18. J Norris Team & Labor on Streets 284 18. Rolf Russell Team on Streets 285 12. W H Dilley Labor on Streets 286 10. C Ronson Labor on Streets 287 10.
405 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE De 7/83 J C Floyd Police 541 80. John Kelly Police 542 80. R Osborne Atty 543 75. T H Cann J P fees 544 43.40 Gottlieb Burien License Money refunded 545 31.25 Hall and Paulson Furniture Co Curtains 546 20. Snow, MunchLocating Plummers Building in King St 548 15. Clarence Hanford Job work 547 19. E S Osborn Procuring Charter etc 549 14.55. O Schillestad Team register & Repairs 550 13. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 551 6.65 Gordon Hardware Co Lime etc for Jail 552 4.50 J M Lyon Level books 553 1.50 Road fund J M Snow Establishing Grades 320 $159.55 Henry Sheahan Labor on Sts $91Use of Horse $36. 321 127. Yesler Mill Co. Lumber 322 92.53 Stetson & Post Lumber 323 83.50 Stephan Berry Labor on Streets 324,325 75. John Tenice Labor on Streets 326,327 67.50 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 328 65. James Campbell Labor on Streets 329 65. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 330 50. M Huse Labor on Streets 331 75. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 332 22. M Murphy Labor on Streets 333 17.50 Gordon Hardware Co. Nails 334 8.50 J W Hunt Saddle etc. 335 3. J L Kahaley Hauling 336 67.50 Wald & Campbell Steel Rake 337 .90 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 66 $106.29 Seattle Gas Lt Co gas 67 269.05 Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 68 65.08 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas On a/c Columbia St Engine House 244 $1000.