City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention E.L. Smith


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And now the Council proceeds to consider Ordinance No 269, the same being entitled as follows, towit; - "An Ordinance to amend Section five of an ordinance entitled 'Ordinance No 129, relating to Fire Warden his powers and duties.'"

After due consideration said ordinance is adopted by the following vote, towit; In favor of adoption, Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, M. Densmore, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald. Against adoption, none.

Ordered that the Ordinance Committee be and they are hereby instructed to submit an ordinance to provide for the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Washington Street from Second Street and to Fourth Street.

Ordered that the Council now stand adjourned.

Attest E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor

Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of May A.D. 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to law.

The following officers are present, towit; His Honor the Mayor L. P. Smith and councilmen due consideration said ordinance by the following vote. In favor Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had.

A petition is received from R.S. Green et al praying for the opening and widening of the extension of Madison Street, and the same in grading.

Heaeth Officer, Dr E.L. Smith submits the following report which is received and ordered placed on file.

"To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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92 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE July 7 '82 on the funds and in the amounts as following, [illegible], City Fund E.S. Osborne Clerk No 83 41.67 J.M. Hall City Atty 84 41.67 W P. Smith Police 85 3.00 Gillchrist Police 86 3.00 M.V.B. Stacy Jail Rent 87 10.00 Stewart and Ebersold Job printing 88 14.00 Waddell and Miles For Repair on Fire Engine 89 .75 J.M Conway Messenger to Pest House 90 22.00 J.L. Kohaley Policeman 91 3.00 Keene Policeman 92 3.00 John J Seely Services at Pest House 93 56.00 P. Brumm Policeman 94 6.00 Stewards Policeman 95 3.00 J.D. Symons Policeman 96 6.00 D.A. Jennings Groceries for Pest House 97 52.30 Matthew A. Kelly Drugs for Pest House 98 5.00 Jas Welsh Policeman 99 80.00 W.B. Thompson Policeman 100 80.00 D.L. McCowan Policeman 101 80.00 [F.H. Whitworth] Engineer 102 12.00 [S.G. Benedict & Co]] Stationary 103 4.78 Seattle Chronicle Printing 104 52.86 F.S. Poole Sprinkling Streets 105 50.00 Young and McKeon Police Stars 106 .75 Chas McDonald Repairs on Balls & Chains 107 2.75 E.L. Smith Health Office 108 75.00 Jas H. Woolery Chief of Police 109 100.00 Jackson Street Sidewalk Fund J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 9 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 10 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 11 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 12 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 13 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 14 100.00 J.P. Roberts Building Sidewalk 15 35.00

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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