Pages That Mention Joe Francisco
Names Description of License Period Date of Commencement Joe Francisco Retail Liquor 3 mos May 16, 1882 August Hess Grocery 3 mos May 15, 1882 J.T. Wilkins Retail Liquor 3 mos May 13, 1882 An invitation is received from the Grand Army of the Republic requesting the City Council to take part in the ceremonies on Decoration Day. the invitation is accepted and the thanks of the council tendered to said society. Ordered that the matter of obstructions at the end of Madison Street incline be referred to the Fire Committee Ordered that the matter of certain Band instruments belonging to the City be referred to the Finance Committee Ordered that the Council now stand adjourned until May 13th 1882 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor Be it remembered that on this 12th day of May 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber, as a Board of Equalization pursuant to adjournment of May 11th 1882. Present, His Honor, the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. thereupon the Council proceeds to the Equalization of the Assessment roll for the year 1882, pending which the Council adjourns until May 13th 1882. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith, Mayor
214 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb. 12/83 J.H. Honell and Joe Francisco for Retail liquors Licenses Granted Trana & Ackley for retail liquor Claims Paid Seneca Street Sidewalk Ord 336 Hill & Rosburg Contract Work No 176 $619.57 City Fund Wm Gure Taxes refunded No. 297 $22.50 And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the award of the Arbitrators duly appointed to consider & act upon the claim of E.W. Rea for $716.00 for extra services on Engine House: thereupon said arbitrators award in found to be in favor of E.W. Rea for $301.25. Award adopted. And now the Council proceeds to consider the specifications of the Surveyor for a Stone Wall fronting the Denny & Colman Blocks in Front Street. Pending which the matter is laid over until next meeting. And now the Plans and Specifications for Marion Street sidewalk under Ordinance No. 364 are presented and after due examination the same are approved and ordered filed. And now the Plans and Specifications for a sidewalk in Battery Street under Ordinance No. 362 are presented and after due examination the same are approved and ordered filed. Ordered that the matter of a Telephone for the Engine House on South 3rd Street be laid over until next meeting. The Finance Committee report favorable on the Report of the Treasurer. Adopted. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest: E.S. Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
234 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE April 6/83 Charles McDonald Freight on hose No 151 $ 1.50 L Miller Hauling engine 152 5. L Neuman screws etc. 153 2.25 R H Calligan hauling coke 154 3. F W Wusthoff waste etc. 155 2. E Ulin Repairs Washton Street Incline 156 3. Columbia Street Sidewalk Ord 354 F H Whitworth Engineering No 191 $ 20. Marion Street Sidewalk Ord 364 F H Whitworth Engineering No 202 $ 20. James B Henderson Contract work 203 596.25 The claim of Stewart & Ebersold for $18.00 is rejected Licenses Granted The following application for Licenses having been duly approved by the Committee on License & Revenue, licenses are ordered issued on accordance with such applications to wit: D J McKinney Retail liquor J M King Retail liquor J M King 1 Pigeon Hole Table T B Timony Retail liquor J W Wilson Retail liquor Peter Anderson & Co Retail liquor Geo Meister Retail liquor Frank Peters Retail liquor Joe Francisco Retail liquor Jacob Bersch Grocery Jacob Bersch 1 Pigeon Hole Table & 2 Pool Tables Special Orders of the Day And now the Surveyor submits the Plans, Specifications & Estimates For the improvement of Washington Street under the Ordinance No369 thereupon after due examination the same are approved And now the Surveyor submits the Plans, Specification & Estimates for the improvement of South 2nd Street under the Ordinance No 369; thereupon after due examination of the same are approved And now in pursuance to the notice duly published in Council
726 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 13 1885 Committee Reports From Committee of Fire & Water to whom was referred that question of a water supply for North Seattle reporting that the Spring Hill Water Company would extend their pipes to Belltown provided the city would authorize the placing of seven (7) plugs on their line between Pike Street and Bell's Hotel and three (3) plugs between Columbia Street and Pike Street, and recommending that the City Attorney enter into a contract with the said water co. for supplying North Seattle with Water. adopted From Same Committee returning the report of the Chief of teh Fire Deptartment and recommending that the Laundry on Mill St conducted by Hop Sing be declared a nuisance and abated. Adopted and the Chief of Police directed to abate the nuisance. Application for Licenses Referred Andreas Lunn, John Collins, S V Schnyder, Oliver Bernard, Oscar A Kraus, Frank Wilton, E C Slorah, James P Tighe Mark Gottstein, Patrick Flynn, M S Booth Thomas and Morgan, Joe Francisco, E J Powers & Co, Chas B Sperry Licenses Orderd Issued Emil Davidson Retail Intox 3 months from Dec 13, 1885 H S Meyer Retail Intox 3 months from Dec 7, 1885 John Brannan Retail Malt 3 months from Dec 3, 1885 The Vote upon issuing said licenses being as follows to wit: In favor of same, Calligan, Furth, Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, Post and Young against none On motion the matter of Lincoln Street Bridge is continued until the next regular meeting with request that the Street Commissioner then present a majority report. On motion the matter of properly marking the site of the hulk of the Steamer Mississippi is referred to the Com on Harbor & Wharves,
770 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 19 1886 The following applicationfor liquor licenses are received and referred to License Committee to wit: Schollp and Grueninger, J McCary, G K Beede, M L Abbott, J J Marsh, Joe Francisco, O A Kraus G Meister, Thomas and Davis, A F Able & Co C F O'Hara and G G Steinweg The following applications for liquor licenses having been approved by the Committee are granted viz: Oliver Bernard Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 27 J W Smith Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 1 John Collins Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 28 F Wilton Retail Malt 3 months from Mch 13 Powers & Meyers Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 18 M & K Gottstein Wholesale Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 17 S Baxter Wholesale Intoxicating 6 months from Mch 5 J Brannan Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 3 M S Booth Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Apr 1 A Lunn Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Apr 1 Davidson & Morgan Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 13 E C Slorah Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 13 V Schmid Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Mch 1 Margaret Harmon Retail Intoxicating 3 months from Feb 25 B Murphy Retail Malt 3 months from Mch 12 M McDonald Retail Malt 3 months from Mch 8 The vote on the foregoing application being as follows in favor of the granting thereof Councilmen R H Calligan J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and J J Post. against none The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are allowed and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the respective funds to wit: Sharpe Coffman & Co Fire Fund #802 $1.40 repairing hydrants Chas McDonald Fire Fund #801 $4.50 repairing Engine #1 Lowman & Hanford S&P Co Fire Fund#803$13.50 Printing for Chief Fire Dept Allmond & Phillips Fire Fund #804 $400.00 building 10 hydrants