City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention P.S. Smith


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72 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Be it remembered that on this, the 18th day of May A.D. 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its council chamber pursuant to adjournmentof May 17th 1882. Present, His Honor, the Mayor, L.P. Smith and councilmen, Thos Clancy, John Collins, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. There being no business before the council an adjournment is ordered until May 18th 1882. Attest; E.F. Osborne, Clerk Approved; L.P. Smith, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 18th day of May, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber as a board of equalization pursuant to adjournment of May 17th 1882. Present His Honor, the Mayor, L.P. Smith and councilmen, Thomas Clancy, John Collins, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. Ordered that the assessment roll as corrected be adopted as the assessment roll for the year, 1882. The Board therefore adjourns sine die. Attest: E.F. Osborne, Clerk, Approved L.P Smith, Mayor) Be it remembered that on this 19th day of May, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to adjournment of May 18th 1882. Present, His Honor, the Mayor, L.P. Smith and Councilmen Thos Clancy, John Colllins, Wm. A Jennings, John Keenan and Chas McDonald. Therefore the following proceedings are had. A petition is received from P.S. Smith praying for the right to use a spring on Virginia Street and the same is granted. And now come Brix & Nielson and make application for a license to Retail Liquor for a period of three months from May 1882 to August 1882, and at the same time file their bond in accordance with the ordinance relative thereto: after

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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