Pages That Mention Jas McNaught
74 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the council stand adjourned. Attest: E. F. Osborne, Clerk Approved: L. P. Smith, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 31st day of May, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to the call of the Mayor to take proper prevention to prevent the spread of smallpox. Present, His Honor, the Mayor, L.P. Smith, and councilmen, Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald. Ordered that the health officer be and he is hereby instructed to proceed to destroy or dispense of the bedding and furniture in the New England Hotel used by certain small pox cases. Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved: L.P. Smith, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 2nd day of June, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present, His Honor, the Mayor, L. P. Smith, and Councilmen Thos Clancy, John Collins, M. Densmore, Wm. A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. Thereupon the following proceedindge are had. A petition is received from B. Crossern praying for permission to erect a booth on Occidental Square; on motion said petition is laid on the table. A petition is received from Jas. M. Colman and others praying for the removal of certain buildings from the foot of Columbia Street, whereupon the same is referred to the Street Committee. A petition is received from Jas McNaught and others praying for the vacation of Alley in Block 39 on Mill Ave.
74 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the council stand adjourned Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved L. P. Smith, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 31st day of May, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to the call of the Mayor to take proper precaution to prevent the spread of Smallpox. Present His Honor the Mayor, L. P. Smith, and Councilmen Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Chas McDonald. Ordered that the health officer be and he is hereby instructed to proceed to destroy or dispose of the bedding and furniture in the New England Hotel used by certain small pox cases. Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved L. P. Smith, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 2nd day of June 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in it's Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present, his Honor, the Mayor ]]L. P. Smith]] and Councilmen Thos Clancy, John Collins, M Densmore, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan and Chas McDonald. Thereupon the following proceedings are had; A petition is received from B. Grossen praying for permission to erect a booth on Occidental Square; on motion said petition is laid on the table. A petition is received fromJas M. Colman and others praying for the removal of certain buildings from the foot of Columbia Street, whereupon the same is referred to the Street Committee. A petition is received from Jas McNaught and others praying for the vacation of Alley in Block 39 on Mill and
Ordered that the council stand adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved: L. P. Smith Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 31st day of May, 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursant to the call of the mayor to take proper precaution to prevent the spread of smallpox. Present His Honor the Mayor, L. P. Smith and Councilman Thos Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings John Keenan Moses Keezer and Chas McDonald Ordered that the health officer be and he is hereby instructed to proceed to destroy or displace of the holding and furniture in the New England Hotel used by certain small pox cases. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved, L P Smith Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 2nd day of June 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law Present, his Honor the Mayor L P Smith and Councilman Thos Clancy, John Collins, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan, and Chas McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had; A petition is receiving from B Crosson praying for permission to erect a booth on Occidental Square; on motion said petitionis laid on the table A petitionis received from Jas M Colman and others praying for the removal of certain buildings from the foot of Columbia Street whereupon the same is referred to the Street Committee A petition is received from Jas McNaught and others praying for the vacation of the Alley in Block 19 on Mill And
586 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 27 1888 Ordered that Blocks 30, 31 & 32 of G Kinnear's addition be stricken from Geo Kinnear's assessment the same being water lots. Orderedthat W G Latimer be reduced on improvements on Lot 2 Block 20 Bell & Denny's Addn from $1000 to $750 Ordered that W H Taylor, W R Thornhill & J Schram be cited to appear and show cause why the assessed valuation of thier real estate should not be raised. Orderd that Emily Carkeek J M Colman & Jas McNaught be cited to appear before the Council and show cause why the assessed valuation of their improvemnets on realty should not be raised. Council Proceedings His Honor the Mayor returns to the CouncilOrdinance No 984 entitled "An Ordinance authorizing H W Wheeler, J A Stratton, Wm D Wood & L H Wheeler, their heirs and assigns to construct, operate and maintain a street railway in the City of Seattle" with his objections thereto in writing as follows: Seattle August 25th 1888 Gentlemen of the Council. I return herewith without my signature & Approval Ordinance No 984 passed by your honorable body Aug 17 1888 with the recommendation that the provision in Section 8 be stricken out which reads as folows: "Provided however that if the said grantees their heirs or assigns shall be hindered or prevented from building said Railway on account of the interruption or delay of grading said streets they shall have an extension of the time for the completeion of said work equal to the time that the construction of said Railway shall be impeded or prevented by any of said causes"