City of Seattle Records

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96 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE July 14/82 of Seattle, County of King and Territory of Washington." After due consideration said ordinance is adapted by the following vote; to wit: In faove of Thos Clancy, Wm A Jennings G L Manning M Densmore, Chas McDonald and JohnKeenan. Against Adoption none. A petition is received from the Trustees of the M E Church asking for the refunding of $10.00 license collected from Miss A R Luce Said petition is granted and it is ordered that a warrant for $10.00 be drawn on the City fund in favor of Chas K Jenner The Street Committee report on the petitionof the Sisters of Charity praying for the vacation of the alley in Block 18 in Borens addition to Seattle. Ordered that said petition be granted and said alley be and hereby is declared vacated. Ordered that the Council stand adjourned until thrusday July 20th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor BE itr emembered that on this 20thday of july 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to adjournment of July 14th 1882 Present, His Honor the Mayor, L P Smith and Councilmen John Collins, W A Jennings, John Keenan, Chas McDonald and G L Manning. Therupon the following proceedings are had. Ordered that the chief of Police be and he hereby instructed to employ 20 Special Police for one week The Finanace Committee report on the Semi-annual Report fo the City Treasurer; whereupon said Report of the treasurer is approved by the Council, accepted and ordered placed on file. The folowing claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrant drawn on the City Fund; New England Hotel Infected Bedding etc 111 $20.00 C Hanford & Co Printing Election Laws 112 12.00 J N McGrath Inspector of Election 1st Wards 113 4.00 H G Thornton Judge of Election 1st Wards 114 4.00 Jesse King Judge of Election 1st Wards 115 4.00

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




281 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE June 18/83 From Streets recommending the granting of the petitionof E Calvery et al. Laid over From Public Buildings, Properties & Grounds recommending the granting of the petition of B F Day. Consideration postponed From Licenses & Revenue approving Clerk's Report on taxations Adopted. From Streets recommending the vacating of the alley in Block 19 of Boren's plat. Adopted & Attorney instructed to submit an ordinance therefor. Communications Rec'd From J G Kenyon notifying to Council to refrain from trespassing on Lot 2 Block C of A A Denny's Plat. Referred to the City Attorney. Licenses Granted The following licenses are ordered issued from the date & for the term, towit: Aug LeBallister & Co Retail for 3 months from June 22'83 Blanchard & Co Wholesale for 12 months from June 12'83 Blanchard & Co Retail for 12 months from June 12'83 Ang Mehlhorn 1 pigeon hole table 6 months from June 12'83 Special Orders of the Day Ordered that the Clerk be & he is hereby instructed to give 10 days public notice as required by law that a general election for all City Officers of the City of Seattle will be held on Monday July 9, 1883 The Officers to be elected are one Mayor, one Marshall, two Councilmen for First Ward, Three Councilmen for the Second Ward and two Councilmen for the Third Ward. The places hereby designated for holding said election and the Officers hereby appointed to conduct the same are as follows, to wit: First Ward Election to be held at the Office of T H Cann Esq a Justice of the Peace in Washington Street Inspector H S Alger, Judges C P Farrar & James Monogue. Clerk Robt Allen & Frank Skinner Special Policemen H G Thornton, Wm Davis

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




370 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5/83 T C Cann J P Fees No 486 $29.60 Geo B Adair, Trustee Handcuffs etc 487 8. Seattle Telephone Exchange Line Rentals 488 6.65 Charles Blood Special Policeman Villard Reception 489 6. Wm Truitt Special Policeman Villard Reception 490 6. J L Kalaley Special Policeman Villard Reception 491 3. H G Thornton Special Policeman Villard Reception 492 3. Neuman & Argens Padlocks & Keys 493 3. Humphrey & Lowman Stationery 494 2.75 J C Gordon Witness Fees in Justice Court 495 2.20 Wm Henderson Witness Fees in Justice Court 496 2.20 E S Osborne Paid for cleaning Council Chamber 497 2. Cochrane & Roff Team Numbers 498 1.60 Joe McClaire Expressage 499 1. Road Fund Ballard & Hatfield Discharging Ballast No 267 $224. Henry Sheahan Labor $87.50Use of Horse $37.50 268 125. Stetson & Post Lumber 269 101.25 Harrington & Smith Wharfage on Ballast 270 84. Stephen Berry Labor on Streets 271 72.10 James Campbell Labor on Streets 272 62.50 John Terrice Labor on Streets 273 62.50 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 274 61. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 275 55. J M Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street 276 50.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 277 40. John Kelly Labor on Streets 278 25. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber & Rubbish 279 23.50 Richard Burns Labor on Streets 280 21.25 J W Hunt Repairs to dump cart 281 19. Geo B Adair, Trustee Nails & Hardware for Streets 282 17.50 J L Brasche Team on Streets 283 18. J Norris Team & Labor on Streets 284 18. Rolf Russell Team on Streets 285 12. W H Dilley Labor on Streets 286 10. C Ronson Labor on Streets 287 10.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




486 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE June 6/84 James Welch Police No 697 $80. J C Floyd Police No 698 $80. T J Small Police No 699 $80. D L McCowan Police No 700 $80. John Kelly Police No 701 $80. A H Manning Police No 702 $80. R Osborn Atty No 703 $75. J M Snow Survey James St grade No 704 $64.35 J M Snow Survey Mill St grade No 705 $55.86 T H Cann J P's Fees No 706 $33.60 J M Snow Survey Cherry St grade No 707 $8.25 Geo Newell Lumber Beach Road No 708 $8. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rental No 709 $6.65 J D Lowman Stationary No 710 $4.55 Stringhouse & Joslin Team Nos No 711 $4.20 Robb Russell Witness in Justice Court No 712 $2.20 H G Struve Witness in Justice Court No 713 $2.20 H G Thornton Witness in Justice Court No 714 $2.20 Young & McKern Repairs to Jail Closet No715 $1.50 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Labor on Street $91. Use of Horse $39. No 463 $130. G W Berry Labor on Streets 464 $86. John Terrice Labor on Streets 465 $75. S Berry Labor on Streets 466 $75. C Williams Labor on Streets 467 $66. Thos Rock Labor on Streets 468 $65. James Campbell Labor on Streets 469 $65. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 470 $65 H Gibs Labor on Streets 471 $62.50 H Bogart Prisoner's Board 472 $61.75. M W Pealer Labor on Streets 473 $55. M Murphy Labor on Streets 474 $52.50 P McCall Labor on Streets 475 $51.75 D Garrard Labor on Streets 476 $46.75 S Korn Labor on Streets 477 $33.75 Thos Davis Labor on Streets 478 $33.75

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




605 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 6/85 The note on granting said licenses is a follows In favor of granting said licenses Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Rinehart, Yesler, Against the same Northrup Claims paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No1035 $125. J D Lowman Tresurer 1036 150. C H Hanford Atty 1037 100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 1038 150. E A Gardner Police 1039 80. Wm Murphy Police 1040 80. Wm H Pinckney Police 1041-1043 80. James Welsh Police 1044 80. F L Bangs Police 1045 80. G L Manning Street Commissioner 1046 84. G A Hill City Justice Fees 1047 25. G A Hill City Justice Fees 1048 67.70 Geo G Lyon Justice Fees 1049 21.40 Geo G Lyon Justice Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1050 13.35 G A Hill Justice Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1051 6.50. H G Thornton Constable Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1052 5.70 Lewis Van Doren Constable Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1053 12.65 Lewis Van Doren Constable Fees City Cases 1054 6.60 W H Hughes Assessor 1055 62.50 James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 1056 60. Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 1057 11.60 Clarence Hanford Job Work 1058 7.50 Globe Printing Co Job Work 1059 7.75 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 1060 6.65 A Mitchell Plow 1061 15. G L Manning Freight on Plow 1062 .70 Young & McKeon Tinning Roof Engine House #2 1063 38. Neuman & Argens Keys etc. 1064 2.60

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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