Pages That Mention Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co
129 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sept 11/82 From Public Buildings, Property and Grounds on claims of F.H. Whitworth in the sum of $27.00 for surveying City Cemetery recommending that the same be paid. Adopted. From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of M. Densmore et al to re-grade Union Street from Front Street to 8th Street, recommending that the same be granted. Laid over until next meeting. From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of Geo Harlip for a fish stand, recommending that the same be reejected. Adopted and petition rejected. From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of Robert Knupe et al for sidewalks on both sides of Union Street from Front to the east side of 8th Street, recommending that the petition be granted. Laid over until next meeting. From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that a sidewalk be constucted fronting the north side of Block 30 of Terry's 1st addition. Ordered that the property owned on the north side of said Block be and are hereby instructed to build such sidewalk within 10 days from date. From Streets and Street Improvements on the monthly report of the Street Commissioner recommending that the same be adopted. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue on the application of Blanco and Parker for a retail liquor license, recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and license ordered issued. From Licenses and Revenue on the application of Baker and Hughes for a retail liquor license recommending that the same be rejected. Adopted and license rejected. From Licenses and Revenue in the petition of John A. Paddrock et al for the remitting of 4 Exhibition licenses paid, recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and money ordered refunded. From Judiciary and Legislative submitting an ordinance levying a tax to pay for improvements under Ordinance No. 289. Communications received From the Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co and from Joesph Buchtel
233 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE April 6/83 C Hanford & Co Job Painting No 336 $ 7. Pumphrey & Lowman Tax Roll etc. 337 5.25 Cochran & Roff Team Numbers 338 5.80 D A Jennings Rope & broom 339 4.30 Waddell & Miles Lanterns 340 3. L Neuman Repairing Lock etc 341 4. F W Wusthoff Leg Irons 342 7.50 Road Fund P Quigley Hauling ballast No 164 $ 80. P Quigley Labor with team 165 54. Henry Sheahan Street Labor$91Using Horse$36 166 127. Thomas Rock Street Labor 167 65. M J Costello Street Labor 168 61.25 Stephen Berry Street Labor 169 60. Luther Albee Street Labor 170 55. James Gleason Street Labor 171 50. James Campbell Street Labor 172 48.75 Thomas McNara Street Labor 173 22.50 M Kehoe Street Labor 174 16.25 Stetson & Post Lumber 175 96.52 G P McFaden Labor with Team 176 39. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 177 7. W D Scott & Co Wfg on ballast 178 50. W D Scott & Co Wfg on Ballast 179 27.50 D L McCowan Prisoner's board 180 20. Gladding McBean & Co Sewer Pipe 181 781.60 John Paul burying dog 182 1. Louis Jacobs removing carcass 183 1. J H Woolery removing carcass 184 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co gas No 41 $230.30 J L Kahaley Attend lights 42 38. Schwabacher Bros & Co oil 43 2.25 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward No 149 $ 75. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co suction hose 150 48.
458 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 18/84 Mill Street from alley East of 3rd St to Williamson Street adopted. From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the purposes of grading of Bell Street from First Street to 5th Street. Adopted From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the proposed grading of Howell Street from 8th to 10th, along Bismark and along Bismark to Republican. Adopted From Special Comtee recommending that the petition of W H Shoady et al regarding Denny's Water Front Addition be referred to City Attorney. Adopted From Silsby Mfg Co offering to furnish an Engine; also from The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co offering to furnish hose. Referred to Ranke, Wusthoff & Keenan. Claims Paid Road Fund Wm Harkins Bal due on sewer Mill St $736.31 Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issues as follows to wit: T B Timony Retail for 3 months from April 7 The A P Hotaling Co Wholesale for 6 months from April 16 Shaw & Alger Retail for 3 months from April 9 Celestin StUpery Retail for 3 months from April 19 Wm Busha Retail for 3 months from April 17 Gledhill & Kavanaugh Retail for 3 months from April 24 Miles & McCormick Retail for 3 months from April 15 Consideration of Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled 'To amend Ordinance No 317 entitled "Prescribing the mode of making and collecting assessments for street improvements"; After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Harris, Keenen, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for the first election of Chief of Fire Department of the City of Seattle and to come into effect Ordinance No 536" . After due consideration said Ordinance is
29 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 14 1886 Councilman Lake submits a proposal of the Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co for furnishing the City a new hose cart. On motion the matter is referred to the Committee on Fire & Water. The City Surveyor submits plans and specifications for Beach Road Bridge which are adopted and on motion the Clerk is directed to advertise for bids for the Construction of the same, said bid to be filed on or before 4 o'clock pm June 25th 1886 each of said bids to be accompanied by a certifired check for $1000. The mayor approved G W Hall a member of the Jusdiciary Committee in place of John Keenen absent from the City. Ordinances The City Attorney submits an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to locate and establish a Public Street extending from the intersection of Eighth & Plummer Streets to the intersection of Grant and Hinds Streets in the City of Seattle" which afterr due consideration is adopted by the following vote: In favor of said ordinance Calligan, Furth, Hall, Harrington Lake, McDonald and Young. Against none An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance to Vacate a portion of Tenth Street in Judkins Addition to the City of Seattle" which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same Calligan, Furth, Hall, Harrington, Lake, McDonald and Young. Against none The Clerk submits an ordinance entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is adopted passed by the following vote: Ayes Calligan, Furth, Hall, Harrington, Lake, McDonald and Young. Nos none Ordered that Council adjourn until Monday June 21st at 8 o'clock pm H L Yesler mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk
31 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 22 1886 fire alarm system recommending that the proposal be accepted on motion th enter into a contract withthe Sunset Telephone Co for the erection and completion of said Co at an expense of not exceeding $250. The same Committee recommend that fire plugs be places at the [Corner of Front & Wall Street]]s and at the Corner of West & Wall on motion the report is adopted Onmotion the Fire and Water committee are authorized to contract for a requisite number of Fire plugs not to exceed twelve at a price not exceeding $40. each The same committee present a report on the proposal of Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co to furnsih hose cart recommending the purchase of one hose cart at a cost of $250. on motion the report os adopted onmotintheCouncildoes now adjourn H L Yesler mayor attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy