Pages That Mention E.W. Rea
Sept. 15th '82
to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements.
Committees Reports
From Finance, on the petition of the Clerk for an increase in his salary recommending that his salary be fixed in the sum of $90.00 per month & that the fees of the Office be paid into the Treasury. Adopted & referred to Judiciary and Legislative Comittee with instructions to submit the proper Ordinance
From Licenses and Revenue; on the application of Beede and Co. for a Retail Liquor license, recommending the same be granted. Adopted and license ordered issued
From Licenses and Revenue on the application of Trana & Ackley for a retail liquor license, recommending that application be rejected. Adopted and license refused.
From Finance, on the petition of the King County Industrial Association for remitting moneys paid for license, recommending the petition be granted. Adopted.
The following claims having been duly audited are paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following towit.
City Fund
E.W. Rea Contract Work City Engine House No's 181, 182 & 183, $1200.00
King County Industrial Assn Moneys refunded 184 15.00
And now the Judiciary and legislative Committee submit Ordinance No 308 entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" Thereupon after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, McDonald & Manning Against adoption Gasch.
Ordered that the matter of W. N. Bell with reference to sidewalk in front of his property be referred to Street Committee
Ordered that the Legislative & Judiciary Committee be & they are hereby instructed to submit at next meeting an ordinance providing for the purchase of 25 x 60 feet off the West side of Lot 2 in Block 5 of Boren's plat in accordance with the terms of an ordinance for the purchase of the same property previously rejected. ordered that the matter of considering and equalizing the assessment Roll under Ordinance No 288 for 2nd, 3rd & other Streets
162 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov. 3/82 Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of November 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: Councilmen O.F. Cosper, Chas F. Clancy, Fred Gasch, G. L. Manning and U.M. Rasin. Thereupon the following proceedings are had. By reason of the absence from the City of His Honor the Mayor Councilman U.M. Rasin is elected to the position of Acting Mayor to serve during such absence. Petitions Received From W.D. Lyts for the right to erect a building near the Columbia Street Incline. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From John H. Carr et al for a sidewalk on the north side of Jackson Street from the west side of 8th Street to the the west side of 6th Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From F.X. Prefontaine et al for a refunding concert license paid by Catholic Church. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From E.A. Turner et al for the right to raise a sidewalk on 8th Street fronting Lot 5 Block 40 and to grade and raise crosswalk. Referred to the Commitee on Streets and Street Improvements. From M. S. Booth et al for a street lamp corner Jefforson and 5th Streets. Referred to Gas Light Committee. From W. N. Bell with a reference to a sidewalk in front of Odd Fellows Hall on Front Street in BellTown. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From E.W. Rea asking for further time in which to complete the New City Engine House. Referred to Jail Comtee. From H.J. White protesting against paying grade tax for Union Street grade. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. Reports Received From the City Attorney for the month ending Oct 01 1882.
164 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 3/82 From Fire and Water Supply on the petition of J.W. George et al with reference to Wash House on Lot 8 Block 6 Maynard's Plat stating that work had been stopped there and occupation thereof forbidden. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending a retail liquor license be issued to Frank Peters. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending a retail liquor license be issued to J.H. Grimsley. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending a retail liquor license be issued to Joseph Francisco. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending a retail liquor license be issued to Wm. Grose. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending the granting of the petition of F.X. Perfontaine refunding license collected from Catholic Church. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue recommending the granting of the petition of the Sing Verein Orion for refunding license collected. Adopted. From Jail Committee that E. W. Rea have 5 weeks further time from date in which to complete the New City Engine House. Adopted. From Finance approving the Treasurer's report on Jackson Street sidewalk. Adopted. Claims paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit: City Fund E.W. Rea contract work City Engine House Nos. 207 208 209 210 211 212 $1068.75 E. S. Osborne Clerk No. 213 180.00 C.H. Hanford Atty 214 41.65 J.H. Wooley Chief of Police 215 100.00 D. L. McCoulan Police 216 80.00 W. B. Thompson Police 217 80.00 James Welch Police 218 80.00 R. H. Calligan Police 219 71.85 J.W. Renart Police 220 8.15 Frank Seidel Assessor 221 187.50
177 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 1/82 -ments. From F. X. Prefontaine et al for the remitting of the amount of concert license paid. Referred to the Committee on Licenses and Revenue. From M.S. Booth et al for a gas lamp at S.E. corner of Block 34 corner 4th and Jefferson Streets. Referred to thr Committee on Gas. From Hoole & Simpson for a release from further work on Front Street sidewalk. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Hoole & Simpson for further time on Union Street sidewalk. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. Reports Received From City Justice. Approved and ordered filed. From Clerk. Referred to Finance Comtee. From Treasurer. Referred to Finance Comtee. From Street Commissioner. Approved and ordered filed. From Surveyor showing work done on Street Contracts. Approved and ordered filed. From Harbor Master asking further time in which to report. Granted. Committees Reports Received From Public Buildings, Property and Grounds rejecting the petition of Ching Jung et al for a Wash House. Adopted and petition rejected. From Finance approving Treasurer's Report for October. Adopted. From Licenses and Revenue rejecting application of Thos Moore for a retail liquor license. Adopted and license refused. From Comtee. on Jail Building recommending that a Warrant be drawn favor of E.W. Rea Contractor for $1000.00. Adopted. A communication is recd. from Councilman U.M. Rasin asking a leave of absence from the city for 90
190 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan. 5/83 Block 10 of Boren's plot. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. Reports Received From the City Attorney showing the condition of pending litigation. Reffered to the Judiciary and Legislative Comtee. From the City Justice showing fines collected. Referred to the Health and Police Comtee. From the Clerk showing fees collected. Approved. From the Treasurer submitting his semi-annual report of the reciepts and disbursements also returning the Tax roll for the year 1882 with a list of the delinquent taxes. The said report is referred to the Finance Committee. From Treasurer submitting his report of the reciepts & disbursements on a/c of Union Street Grade. Also returning the tax roll therefore. Said report is referred to the Finance Committee. From the Street Commissioner showing work done. Referred to the Street Committee. From the Surveyor showing the amount of work done on 2d, 3d and intersecting streets grade; also a report showing a final amount of work done on Union Street grade; also a report showing a final amount of work done on Front Street grade. All referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Harbor Master showing Harbor and Wharfage fees and dues collected. Approved. From Fire Warden reporting fines and damages to Engine No. 2. Referred to the Comtee. on Fire and Water supply. Committees Reports Received From the Jail Committee recommending the rescinding of the contract with E.W. Rea on the New City Engine House. Referred to the City Attorney. From the Finance Comtee approving Treasurer's Report on Union Street grade. Adopted. Applications for Licenses Received From Lewis Korn for a grocery. Granted. From J.M. King for retail liquors. Granted. From Jacob Bersch for a grocery, 1 Pigeon Hole Table & 2