City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Seattle Gas Lights Co




165 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 3/82 T. H. Carr J.P.'s fees No. 222 $25.90 Seattle Chronicle Printing 223 109.14 C. Hanford & Co. Job Printing 224 73.50 M.V. B. Stacy Ground rent for jails 225 10.00 Davis & Woodruff Stationary 226 40.00 Sing Verein Orion license refunded 227 5.00 Catholic Church license refunded 228 15.00 J. F. Cochran making term numbers 229 14.00 D.A. Jennings groceries and c for Pest House 231 6.55 E. F. Manning Hauling toPest House 232 1.50 Road Fund Henry Sheahan street labor$91horsehir$23 prisonersboard $26 No 92 $140.00 Stephen Berry Street Labor 93 60.00 M.S. Costello Street Labor 94 58.75 Thomas Rock Street Labor 95 50.00 Luther Albee Street Labor 96 46.25 Robert Russell do with team 97 6.00 Stetson & Post lumber 98 73.99 G. P. McFadden hauling lumber 99 4.75 F. W. Wusthoff Nails etc 100 19.50 James Benman repairs to Street cart etc 101 3.75 F.H. Whitworth Surveys Washton. St grade 102 58.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co Gas No. 23 $214.65 John L. Kahaley attending lights 24 34.50 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas lamps 25 80.70 D.A. Jennings Oil etc 26 1.85 Fire Fund W.A. Perry steward No 82 $75.00 James Dunham cleaning engine 83 3.00 McDaniel Bros hauling engines to & from incline 84 2.00 Miller & Miller hauling coke and engine 85 4.00 S. E. Davison Hauling coal 86 .50 J. Maginnis Hauling coal 87 .50 F. W. Wusthoff Oil etc 88 8.10 D.A. Jennings Oil etc 89 8.50

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




233 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE April 6/83 C Hanford & Co Job Painting No 336 $ 7. Pumphrey & Lowman Tax Roll etc. 337 5.25 Cochran & Roff Team Numbers 338 5.80 D A Jennings Rope & broom 339 4.30 Waddell & Miles Lanterns 340 3. L Neuman Repairing Lock etc 341 4. F W Wusthoff Leg Irons 342 7.50 Road Fund P Quigley Hauling ballast No 164 $ 80. P Quigley Labor with team 165 54. Henry Sheahan Street Labor$91Using Horse$36 166 127. Thomas Rock Street Labor 167 65. M J Costello Street Labor 168 61.25 Stephen Berry Street Labor 169 60. Luther Albee Street Labor 170 55. James Gleason Street Labor 171 50. James Campbell Street Labor 172 48.75 Thomas McNara Street Labor 173 22.50 M Kehoe Street Labor 174 16.25 Stetson & Post Lumber 175 96.52 G P McFaden Labor with Team 176 39. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 177 7. W D Scott & Co Wfg on ballast 178 50. W D Scott & Co Wfg on Ballast 179 27.50 D L McCowan Prisoner's board 180 20. Gladding McBean & Co Sewer Pipe 181 781.60 John Paul burying dog 182 1. Louis Jacobs removing carcass 183 1. J H Woolery removing carcass 184 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co gas No 41 $230.30 J L Kahaley Attend lights 42 38. Schwabacher Bros & Co oil 43 2.25 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward No 149 $ 75. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co suction hose 150 48.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb






June 1/83 J. L. Kahaley hauling lumber No 217 $1. John J. Cummings & Co laying sewer Madison Street 218 949.50

Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co Gas No. 50 $277.70 J. L. Kahaley attending lights 51 44. John Spencer repairing gas mains 52 33.85 Fire Fund W.A. Perry Steward of Engine House No. 164 $75. L. Miller Hauling Engines 165 15. L. Miller Hauling Engines 166 11. J.F. T. Mitchell repairs Washington St Incline 167 10.08 L. Neuman work on Fire Engine 168 6. Young & McKeon pipe etc at Engine House 169 3.95 F.W. Wusthoff rubber & sundries for Fire Dept 170 3.35 John Sterns services on Engine 171 3. Albert Cutler cleaning horse 172 2.50 Wald & Campbell cotton waste 173 1. South 2d Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369 G.N. Alexander grade contract work Nos. 217 and 220 $1703.12 S.G. Simpson sidewalk 221 263.68 Spring Street Grade (alley betw 3d and 4th to 7th) Ord 365 Keenen & Cummings contract work Nos. 222 to 226 $2570.56 Washington Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369 S.G. Simpson sidewalk No. 227 $476.76 S. F. Hoole grade Nos. 228 to 232 1001.94 Ordinances Received From Harbor & Wharves submitting an Ordinance entitled "Authorizing and empowering the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company or its assigns to erect and maintain a Wharf or Roadway access Main and Jackson Streets five hundred and forty feet west of Commercial Street in the City of Seattle; therepon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald, Manning & Rasin. Against adoption none. From Judiciary and Legislative submitting 2 Ordinances each being entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills." Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinances are adopted upon the

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




375 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct. 8/83 Frank Peters for Retail liquors for 3 months from Oct 11, 1883 Claims Paid Road Fund John Wasser watching fire on Main St. $3. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co gas $271.45 Consideration of Ordinances And now the Council proceeds to consider an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the construction and maintenance of a Street railroad in the City of Seattle," thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 410," thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To regulate manner and form of making, approving and filing plats" thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "For the [?] of Ordinance No. 198," thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An Ordinance to amend Section Three(3) of Ordinance No. 246 entitled 'An Ordinance fixing the pay, fees and compensation of the City Officers of the City of Seattle'", thereupon after due consideration the same is approved upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "An Ordinane to amend Section Five(5) of Ordinance No. 246 entitled 'An Ordinance fixing the pay, fees and compensation of the City Officers of the City of Seattle'", thereupon (?) is laid over until next meeting.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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