Pages That Mention Madison Streets
423 Reports Rec'd Jan 25/84 From Surveyor submitting Plans for a new sewer on Mill Street. Referred to Street Committee. From Surveyor submitting proposed grades & elevations on Commercial & Mill Streets & on the matter of a Sewer on Mill Street. Referred to Street Committee. From the Attorney on the matter of the suit of G. W. Young-vHenry Sheahan Street Commissioner. Referred to Judiciary Comtee. Committees Reports Rec'd From Health & Police Comtee on Jail Ordered that the Health & Police Comtee be & are hereby instructed to procure blankets & straw ticks for use of Jail From Street Comtee rejecting petition of Chas Mascoline et al with reference to Fish Stall. Report adopted From Gas Light Comtee recommending the erection gaslights at the corners of following streets towit: Union & 2d; Union & 4th; Seneca & 4th; on Pike at 2d, 4th, 6th & 8th; Jackson & 5th Adopted Ordered that a special Comtee be appointed to examine & report the advisability of protecting the Inclines foots of Washington, Columbia & Madison Streets. Thereupon the Mayor appoints Wusthoff, Keenen & Ranke such Committee. Ordered that Licenses be issued as follows, towit; Bersch & Hink for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Feb 1, 1884 Dahlquist & Johnson for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Jan 13, 1884 Andrew Lunn & Co for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Jan 26, 1884 Celestin StUpery for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Jan 19, 1884 Wm Grose for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Feb. 1, 1884 Ordered that the Mayor be & is hereby requested to appoint a Comtee on Sewers to examine the matter of the proposed sewer on Mill Street & to consult with property owners regarding the same & to examine & report upon the matter of a Sewerage system for the City. Thereupon His Honor the Mayor appoints Keenen, Ranke & Northrup as such Committee. Ordered that a gas tank be erected at the corner of 2d and [?] Street.