City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention J.L. Kahaley


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178 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 1/82 days. Granted. Committee on Health and Police granted further time in which to report on thr matter of sewers. Claims paid The following claims having been audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit: City Fund E. S. Osborne Clerk No. 233 $90.00 J.H. Woolery Chief of Police 234 100.00 D.L. McCowan Police 235 80.00 W. B. Thompson Police 236 80.00 James Welch Police 237 80.00 John Smart Police 238 80.00 C. H. Hanford Atty 239 75.00 T. H. Cann J.P.'s fees 240 20.70 Seattle Chronicle Printing 241 70.99 M.V. B. Stacy ground rent for Jails 242 10.00 J.H. Woolery Police buttons etc 243 15.74 Pumphrey & Lowman stationery etc 244 40.60 Stewart & Ebersold job work 245 15.50 F. H. Whitworth Surveys South 2d Street 246 59.00 E. W. Rea contract work New Engine House 247 & 248 1000.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street labor89.25Prisoner's Board30Labor with horse24 No. 103 $143.25 Stephen Berry Street labor 104 61.25 Thos Rock Street labor 105 60.00 M.J. Costello Street labor 106 57.50 Luther Albee Street labor 107 55.00 Stetson & Post lumber 108 53.73 C. F. Williams hauling lumber 109 2.90 G. P. McFaden hauling lumber 110 1.00 Gas Fund Williamson & Kellogg gas lamps No 27 $27.00 Seattle Gas Light Co gas 28 227.85 J.L. Kahaley attend lights 29 36.00 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas fix lines 30 23.20

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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