Pages That Mention Otto Pasqua
145 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 6/82 Contract & Bond. From Fire and Water recommending that the Ordinance heretofore submitted granting certain rights to John Leary to lay waterpipes be adopted. Report adopted From Fire and Water recommending the pruchase of 500 feet of Maltese Hose and also of an additional Hose Carriage Adopted. From Licenses & Revenue recommending the rejection of the application of Thomas Moore for a Retail Liquor License Adopted & License refused. From License & Revenue recommending the granting of a Grocery, Pigeon Table & Pool Table licenses to Jacob Bersch upon his application. Adopted & licenses ordered issued. From Special Committee on rules of Council asking further time. Granted 1 week's further time in which to report. Application for Licenses From Otto Pasqua for Retail Liquors. Rejected Ordered that the said application be referred to the Committee on Licenses and Revenues From Shaw & Algar for Retail Liquors & One Billiard Table Granted & License ordered issued. From Trana & Ackley for Retail Liquors. Rejected From William Streit for Retail Liquors. Rejected Ordered that said application be referrred to the Committee on Licenses and Revenue From Fuhrmann & Christ for Grocery & Pool Table. Referred to the Committee on Licenses & Revenue From L Diller for Retail Liquor & 1 Billiard Table. Granted From J M King for Retail Liquor. Referred to the Committee on Licenses & Revenue Claims Paid The following Claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E W Rea Contract work City Engine House Nos 186, 185 $1000.00
151 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Oct 13/82 to order the same erected From Gas Lights recommending the placing of a gas light corner 4th & Washington Streets. Adopted & Committee instructed to order the same erected From Licenses and Revenue recommending a Grocery license be issued to Fuhrman & Christ. Adopted & license ordered issued. From Licenses and Revenue reccommending a Retail Liquor license be issued to Otto Pasqua. Adopted & license ordered issued. From Special Committee on Uniforms for Police Force submitting the following Resolutions Resolved by the Council that the regular Police Force of the City of Seattle when on duty shall wear a uniform in the style and manner following namely: Uniform for Police men Coat: The same shall be a blue Lock coat of beaver or kersey or similar material, single breasted with turned down collar, the waist to extend to the top of the hip and the skirt to within one inch of the bend of the Knee. The collar to be of the same material as the coat. There are to be eight buttons on the breast placed at equal distances; four buttons of same size behind two upper merging with lower breast buttons, the other two at the bottom of each fly and two smaller buttons at the seams of each cuff. The buttons to be yellow metal of the same pattern as sample now in the possession of Chief of Police. The body of the Coat to be well wadded and body and skirts to be lined with Italian cloth. Vest: The same is to be of the same material, single breasted, high in the neck, turned down collar and eight small police buttons placed at equal distances. Pantaloons. To be made of blue Cassmere or kersey and plain with one hip pocket in addition to the ordinary side pockets Hat: To be of the same pattern as now in charge of the Chief of Police as a sample. The hat to be corded with black and gilt cord.
199 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 15/83 Fire Fund James Denham Work on Engine No 119 $18.00 A B Merrill Use of Team & Hauling coal 118 8.00 John Schram & Co Sundries for fire Dept 117 5.50 L Miller Engine to shop 116 2.00 Chas McDonald To purchase Coal 135 10.00 Applications for Licenses James W Smith for Retail Liquors Granted Charles Kitts for Retail Liquors Granted L Diller for Retail Liquors Granted L Diller 1 Billiard Table Granted O Fuhrmann Grocery Granted O Fuhrmann 1 Pool Table Granted Shaw & Alger Retail Liquor Granted Shaw & Alger 1 Billiard Table Granted John Collins 1 Billiard Table Granted Otto Pasqua Retail Liquor Granted Wm Busha Retail Liquor Referred to L&R Comtee Geo W Walsh Grocery Referred to License Comtee Miscellaneous The Clerk submits Estimated of the Cost of Front Street Grade, Front Street sidewalk Union Street & sidewlak all Referred to Finance Committee Ordered that the City purchase of T D Hinckly 20 by 60 feet off from the West End of Lot 2 Block 5 of Boren's plat at the price fo $2500.00 for an Engine House And that the City Attorney submit the proper Ordinance therefor Ordered that the City Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit an Ordinance requiring all fees for landing on Inclines to be paid into Fire Fund Ordered that Washington Engine No 2 be turned over to Seattle Fire Co Not until such time as the New Engine House is ready to receive No 2 and that the Committee