City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Fred Bones


Page Status Indexed


146 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 6/82 J H Woolery Chief of Police No 187 $100.00 D L MCCowan Police 188 80.00 W B Thompson Police 189 80.00 James Welch Police 190 80.00 R H Calligan Police 191 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 192 41.65 T H Cann J P Fees 193 23.15 J D Lowman Moneys refunded to Frank Hinckley 194 75.00 Chronicle Publishing Co Printing 195 162.80 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary 196 83.56 M V B Stacy Ground Rent of Jails 197 10.00 C Hanford & Co Job Work 198 7.00 D L MCCowan Stationary etc purchased 199 2.80 James P Ludlow Fees in city-v-McNaughr 200 5.30 J H McGraw Fees in city-v-McNaughr 201 3.50 Thomas Smith rent of dry pound 202 3.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Labor$84 use of horse$22 Prisoners Board$28.67 No 80 $134.67 M S Costello Labor 81 65.00 Luther Albee Labor 82 57.50 Stephen Berry Labor 83 50.00 Thomas Rock Labor 84 43.75 F W Wusthoff Nails & Hardware 85 9.90 Fred Bones Repair to Harness 86 4.50 James Bogart Labor 87 2.50 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 88 1.50 Geo Newell Mall & Handle 89 1.25 Gas Fund J L Kahaley Attending Gas Lights No 19 $34.00 Fire Fund W A Perry Steward Engine House No 74 $75.00 T D Hinckley Ground Rent 75 8.00 O C Shorey & Co Repairs to Hose Cart 76 4.00 Miller & Miller Hauling Coal 77 2.50 L Newman Key Work on Fire Engine 78 2.25 F W Wusthoff Emery cloth & Polishing material 79 2.15 ChasMcDonald to purchase Coal 80 10.00

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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207 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb2/83 G P McFaden hauling lumber No 139 $4.00 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 140 11.00 Wald & Campbell Hardware for streets 141 14.60 F W Wusthoff Handle 142 .40 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. gas No 35 $236.50 J L Kahaley attending lamps 36 36.00 John Spencer repairs to lamps 37 21.40 Fire Fund H P Gregory & Co horse carriage No 120 $350.00 W H Surber raising engine 121 40.00 G Kellogg & Co Tripoli etc. 122 2.75 W A Perry engine steward 123 75.00 T D Hinckly Ground rent for engine house 124 8.00 J Schram & Co Patching Smoke Stack etc. 125 3.00 John Spencer Nipples for engine 126 2.35 James Dunham Work on fire Engine 127 4.00 Anthony Holmes shaft & plate for engine 128 1.00 Fred Bones Breaststrap & suction sack 129 5.50 L Miller Hauling Engine 130 5.00 R H Calligan Hauling Coal 131 6.00 Young & McKeon Labor on pipes etc. 132 5.35 Young & McKeon Stove pipe & services at Incline 133 63.87 F W Wusthoff oil & Cleaning material 134 10.00 Chas McDonald to purchase coal 135 10.00 Seneca Street Sidewalk Ord 336 F H Whitworth engineering No 167 $27.00 2d 3d & Intersecting Streets Grade Ord 288 F H Whitworth engineering No 168 $229.50 Chin Guan & Charlie Contract Work Nos 169 to 175 $3228.24 The Claims of L Miller for $1.00 & Hoole & Simson for

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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559 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 7/84 Miller Bros Hauling Engines No 492 $6. J F Warner & Co Hose Grips etc 493 $32. Cochran & Robb Wharf Signs 494 $15. Columbia & P S R R Co. Labor on Engine #2 495 $4.13 Fred Bones Belt 496 $1. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 2 $123. James Street Grade #387 R H Thomsom Engineering No 1241 $49.50 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 1242-1263 $331.97 Fifth Street Improvement #573 R H Thomsom Engineering 1264 $23.10 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 1265-1281 $266.25 Battery Street Sidewalk #601 R H Thomsom Engineering 1282 $45.80 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 1285-1291 $225.54 Jackson Street Improvement #592 R H Thomsom Engineering 1292 $51.80 Miscellaneous Ordered that the assessment Roll for Battery Street Improvement under Ordinance No 601 be & the same is hereby approved Ordered that the Gas Comtee be & its is hereby instructed to report the advisibility of placing gas lamps on Jackson Street at 6th & 8th Streets Ordered that a Special Comtee towit: Rinehart, Sox, Harrington be & they hereby appointed to confer with Gas Co with reference to a contract with city for gas Ordered that the rate of assessment in order to provide funds to pay for the improvement of Front Street under Ordinance No 565 be & the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 9 cents on the dollar. Ordered that the rate of Front Street under Ordinance No 581 be & the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 22 mills to provide funds to pay for the improvement of Kentucky Street under Ordinance No 565 be & teh same is hereby fixed at the sum of 102 mills on the dollar.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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