Pages That Mention W N Bell
176 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 20/82 of $500. Ordered that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to prepare the proper bond and contract. A report is received form the Gas Comtee recommending that the Contract for Gas Work be awarded to John Spencer on his bid & that the Contract for furnishing lamp posts be awarded to the Washington Iron Works on its bid. Adopted Ordered that the Bond of John Spencer be fixed in the sum of $250. & that the Bond of Washington Iron Works be fixed in the sum of $200. Ordered that the City Atty prepare the proper contracts & bonds. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Dec 1/82 Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of December 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Chas F Clancy, Fred Gasch and Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Received From John Leary asking for damages by reason of the grading in front of his property corner 2d & Madison Streets. Referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improvements From Chin Guan and Charlie for an extension of time on Front Street 2d,3rd, & intersecting Streets & Union Street Grades. Referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improvements From Geo C Thompson for the transfer of an Exhibition license. Referred to the Committee on License & Revenue From W N Bell for the right to build a temporary sidewalk. referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improve-
231 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 6/83 Be it remembered that on this the 6th day ofApril 1883 the Common Cuncil of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to the law. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman JohnCollins and councilmen O F Charles F Clancy, Charles McDonald & U M Rasin Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions received From J D Smith et al for the opening of 7th Street from Pike to the City limits North. Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From Geo H Lockerby et al for the appointment of Policemen for North Seattle. Referred to the Committee on Health & Police From W N Bell et al for the right to erect a Veranda, referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From O Ranke et al for the Improvement of Pike Street from the alley between 3rd & 4th streets to 8th Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From Geo D Snow et al for a gas Lamp corner of Cherry and 2d Streets. Referred to Comtee on Gas Lights From L Stenhouse for the right to munber the buildings. Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds From W E Jones et al for raising a sidewalk on Front Street Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From H L Yesler for the right to construct a sidewalk around Block 33. Granted on the condition othat the Contractors on 3rd Street Grade give their Consent to same Reports received & Filed Attorney, Treasurer's General, Harbor Master, Clerk & City Justice Reports Received & Referred Treasurer's General, Treasury on Stewart et al Sidewalk & Washington Street Sidewalk referred to Finance Comtee, Street Commissioner referred to Streets, E A Turner on Rents collected referred to Finance Reports of Committees Received
245 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 23/83 Petitions Received From James Alexander, et al for the opening of 10th Street Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From H Jones for the right to lay water pipes. Referred to Judicary & Legislative Committee From Edwin Eells for lowering 3rd Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. Committees Reports Received From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the grading of and the construction of sidewalks on both sides of Pike Street from the alley between 3rd & 4th Streets to the west side of 8th Street. Adopted. From Streets and Street Improvements approving Street Commissioners Report Adopted From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the opening of 7th Street from Pike Street to the city limits. Adopted and Street Commissioner is hereby instructed to open the same. From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the construction of sidewalks onboth sides of James Street from Second St to 3rd Street. Adopted Ordered that the Street committee be & They are hereby instructed to notify all property owners in said district that unless such sidewalk is constructed within 10 days from date an ordinance will be submitted therefor Ordered that the Legislative and Judiciary Committee be & they are hereby granted until next meeting in which [?] on the ordinance granting to J H Lewis et al certain rights to construct Street railways. From Streets and Street Improvements rejecting the petition of W N Bell et al to erect a veranda. Report adopted & petition denied. Applications for Licenses Granted John Collins 1 Billiard Table Isaac Cooper Grocery Bids Received
595 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 P E Smith Engineer #2 No 512 $77.50 Frank McCoy Work on Engine & hose 513 5. A LaBrasche Washing hose 514 3. James Dunham Washing hose 515 3. Waddell & Miles Stove etc for Engine House #2 516 30.87 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co Furniture for Engine House #2 517 93. R L Burke Repairing Engine Room for # 4 518 10.50 Western Mill Co Lumber for Engine Room for #4 519 23.77 W N Bell Lumber for Engine Room for #4 520 2.35 Ballard & Sox Nails etc 521 2.25 John McCauley & Co Fixing Bell Clapper 522 1. Geo London Engine from fire 523 5. J D Lowman Ink Stands 524 1. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 525 2.25 Cemetary Fund Seattle Cemetary Association Lots exchanged as follows: Mrs S J Plummer $31.50 S F Coombs $31.50 E Calbert $31.50 D Horton $31.50 W W White $31.50 No 35 $157.50 Seattle Cemetary Association W Perry Smith 36 16.50 Ursula Wyckoff Lots Exchanged 37 25. Moses Keezer Lots Exchanged 38 16.50. Mary Etta Settle Lots Exchanged 39 12.50 A E Hanford Acknowledging Deeds 40 10. Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes refunded 41 25. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water No 16 $139.50 Sharpe Coffman & Co repairing Hydrant 17 5. Fifth Street Grade #573 R H Thompson Engineering No 1312 $28.45 Wm Harkins Bal in Contract 1313-1351 1450.65 Latimers Claim The Claim of J H May against the Road Fund is referred to Street Comtee The Claim of W G Latimer as submitted by the street Commissioner in pursuance of teh order of the Council of Date Jan 16,185 and
264 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 12 1887 Ordered that Lot 7 Block 5 McNaught's 3rd Addn be assessed to John Norwood and Lot 8 Block 5 McNaught's 3rd Addn to Charles Johnson and both stricken from H H Dearborns list. Also assess Lot 7 Block 6 McNaught's 3rd Addn to S S Shedd and strike same for H H Dearborns list. & Correct double assessment of same. Also assess Lot 6 Block 6 McNaught's 3rd Addn to S S Shedd the same having been omitted by the assessor. Ordered that Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Block 18 Dearborn's Addn to Plummers Be assessed to H H Dearborn having been omitted by the assessor. Ordered that Lot 26 block 28 Northern Addition and Lot 20 Block 30 Kidd's Add'n be assessed to H H Dearborn the same having been left off the roll by the assessor. Ordered that Lot 16 Block 12 McAllen's 2nd Add'n be assessed to E A Bridges omitted by assessor. Ordered that 1/6 of Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, Block 2 J C Kinnear's Add'n be assessed to A A Coburn left off by asessor. Ordered that the Western Union Telegraph Co be reduced on personal property from $5327 to $1000. Ordered that Frac. Block Y Bell's 4th Addn and Lots 1 & 2 Block 17 Denny's Ex to Bell and Denny be assessed to D Rohlfs and strike same from W N Bells assessment. And add $600 improvements on lot 1 above.