Pages That Mention Lucinda Kesser
Pigeon-hole this Steete Grade Tax Petition of Amanda Boake for rebate of tax paid under illegal assessment 1894
B.of A. H.of D. Introduced by By Delegate Goodwin Date by re[?] 6/2/94 Comm Claim
Lot 12 Bk 5 Raugstorff Assessment Lucinda Kesser for $50.94 from June 25th92 $56.74 no note of payment undr protest
Department of Public Works Office of the City Engineer Reginald H Thompson, City Engineer H W Scott, A V Bouillon, Assistant Engineers A Jackson, Chairman Board Public Works G N Alexander, J W Van Brocklin, Members board Public Works Seattle, Washington, July 5th, 1894 Hon. J A James, Chairman Committee of Claims, House of Delagates Dear Sir, With reference to the petition of Amanda Boake for rebate of tax paid on account of the Division Street Assessment I would respectfully report as follows:That Lot 12 in Block 5 of Renstorff's Addition to the City of Seattle was assessed to Lucinda Kesser and the amount of the tax was $50.94. This tax became delinquent on June 25th 1892. On February 27th 1893 eight months after the date of delinquency, the above tax on Lot 12 in Block 5 Renstorff's Addition was paid together with penalty and interest, the total then paid amounting to $56.74. There is no note whatever of the petitioner Amanda Boake having any connection with said lot either at time of assessment of payment nor is there any record of the payment on said lot being made under protest as is set forth in the petition. On January 27th 1894 the Mayor approved Ordinance No 3200 duly passed by the City council authorizing a re-assessment of the actual value at the time of completion of the improvement upon all the property benefitted by the Division Street Improvement in accordance with the law and charter provisions now in force. this re-assessment was made for the reason that the