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Pages That Mention Olive Street




Acme Chemical Works Curtiss Brothers, Proprietors Manufacturers of Root Beer, Ink, Bluing, Etc. 1728 Thirteeth Street Seattle Washington July 20 1891

To the Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, We the undersigned citizens of the City of Seattle and residents in the vicinity of 12th Street and Olive Streets do petition your Honourable body to Abate as a nuisance the continual playing of baseball on Sunday, on block 56 Heirs of Sarah A. Bells Second Addition to the City of Seattle, thereby disturbing the peace and quiet of the citizens of the said neighborhood.

Mrs. M.E. Dutton Mrs. Custiss Mrs. H. G. Potter Mrs. H. Hough Miss L. E. Hough Mrs. G. Harrison L. M. Summers M. L. Barnhart A.E. DeKay Mrs. Geo. Martin Mrs. H.M. Frankland Mrs. B. H. Holland Mrs. Wilson Morry Penter Frank [?] Emma Pettersen Emma Randall Laura Knipe

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle Washington State of Washington County of King C E W Bowers being duly sworn doth depose & say that he has read the report made by the Hon Committee to whom was refused his claim for reduction of Street Assessment on Olive Street in Seattle whereby it appears that said report & recommendation won & said upon erroneous information as follows to wit: "that from petitioners property is located 120 feet on Olive Street 60 feet in Seventh Street and 17&1/2 feet on 6th Street. Whereas in truth and in fact your petitioner has no property on 7th Street Whatever. That his property is Lot 1 in Block 6 Heirs of Sarah A Bell Addition to Seattle which property by a reference to the Map of the City. as to the Plat of said Addition will be seen to embrace 17&1/2 feet on 6th Street and 120 Feet on Olive

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


That is to say said permission extend just half the distance from 6th Street to 7th Street That the lot on the corner of 7th and Olive Streets is the property of Patric Conningham (whose given name is not known to your petitioner) and is at least 80 feet on 7th and 120 feet on Olive & the assessment thereon is $155 which is greatly disproportionate to your petitioner's under any circumstances believing that your Hon Committee if currently informed as to the facts will recommend a reduction of your petitioners assessments. he therefore repectfully asks a reconsideration thereof and that in Communication herewith that his former petition be read which fully explains his reason for asking a reduction which in breif is that said assessment was made on the basis of a full sized lot to wit: 60 feet on 6th Street by 120 on Olive St. whereas it is a fractional lot and is but (17&1/2 ) Seventeen feet 6 inches on 6th by 120 feet on Olive.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Whereby your petitioner is assessed out of all proportion to adjoining property owners on whom said Olive Street assessment was made. Respectfully C E W Bowers State of Washington King County C E W Bowers being duly sworn says that he had heard read foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof and that he belives it to be true C E W Bowers Sworn & Subscribed before this 12 day of May 1892 H Willis Carr notary public in and for the Stae of Washington, residing at Seattle

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb





Be it remembered that on this the 18th day of January 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following officers are present, towit: Councilmen Thomas Clancy, B. F. Day, John Keenen, Chas McDonald, B. L. Northrup, Otto Ranke, U. M. Rasin and F. W. Wusthoff By reason of the absence from the City of His Honor the Mayor, H. G. Struve, Councilman U. M. Rasin is appointed to the position of Acting Mayor to serve during such absence. Petitions Rec'd From W. H. Brunk at al for establishing the grade on Lake Street. Referred to Street Committee From Chas Mascoline et al for the right to occupy foot of Columbia Street for a Fish Stand. Referred to Street Committee From Perry Clymer et al for opening Olive Street 10th to 16th. Referred to Street Committee From Geo. R. Smith et al for permission to occupy foot of Columbia Street for a Fish Stand. Referred to Street Committee From O. Jensen for permission to occupy 7th Street near King. Referred to Street Committee Communications Rec'd From the Chief of Police for the appointment of an additional Policeman & recommending J. J. Small for such appointment. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following towit : City Fund James F. Cass Costs in City-v-Thorndike $25.45 L. S. Rowe Front St grade Warrant issued Nov 14/76 $33.14 Road Fund Assessors appraisement Jackson St Extension $103. Madison St Improvement #406 [C. M. ?] Engineering $111.64 [S?] Contract work Final payment $8736.33 Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to retain $200.00 of

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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