City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention O W Lynch




Petition Dated Jan 28th 1884

To the honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Seattle W T We the undersigned citizens and freeholders of the City of Seattle hereby respectfully request and pray your honorable body to cause to be opened for the travel of teams the following parts of streets Viz: that part of Eleventh Street running from Stewart Street to Howell Street Also Howell Street from Eleventh Street to Tenth Street Said Streets being Situated in that part of Seattle known as the second Addition of the heirs of Sarah A Bell.

D C Townsend John W Chew W D Kozcorsm F Wilhelm O W Lynch W Latka C E Plough A Graham Jas Alexander Samuel Scoon George F Smith J A Townsend H Smith C W Smith

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Seattle:

Gentlemen: your petitioners most respectfully represent unto your honorable body, that in our opinion the license fee of $400.00 required to be paid by auctioneers, is unreasonable high; and we most respectfully ask that said license fee be reduced to the sum of $100.00 - the amount previously required, or to some other reasonable and equitable amount.

Most Respectfully

Bickerton & Bell O W Lynch Conner Bros Standard Furn Co F J Monroe T H Dempsy J H McGraw D E Sander C R Frasch John Haley J E Chilberg Chester Clary J B Metcalfe John Leary H E Leary

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




348 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 2 1887 Name No Fund Amt $ Remarks G Kellogg 1132 Fire 75.00 Salary as Engr No 1 W A Perry 1133 Fire 75.00 Salary as Chiefngr No 2 [J A Kennedy]] 1134 Fire 75.00 Salary as Chief N S Snyder 1135 Fire 25.00 Salary as Secty W L Lindsley 1136 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hose Cart E R Clark 1137 Fire 1.50 Hauling Hose Cart E R Clark 1138 Fire 5.00 Hauling Hook & Ladder E R Clark 1139 Fire 6.00 Hauling Hose Cart Puget Sound Shore R R 1140 Fire 22.50 Freight on Hook & Ladder Z C Miles 1141 Fire .75 One Oiler Robt Russell 1142 Fire 2.50 Hauling Bell O W Lynch 1143 Fire 33.00 Chairs & Desk for No 7 Chas McDonald 1144 Fire 1.75 One Wrench Moran Bros 1145 Fire 390.16 One Bell W H Beattie 1146 Fire 4.00 Repairing Hose Cart Cowper & McIntyre 1147 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Cart Sunset Tel Co 1148 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service E Lobe & Co 1149 Fire 3.00 Lamps for No 7 J Schram 1150 Fire 43.35 Stoves etc for No 7 Spring Hill Water Co 58 Water 330.50 Water Rent Seattle Electric light Co 186 Gas 1000.16 Street Lighting J Furth 1503 7th St Ord 829 562.50 Estimate of work Albro Gardner 1504 7th St Ord 829 64.25 Engineer's fees Albro Gardner 1507 4th St Ord 836 48.25 Engineer's fees Albro Gardner 1508 Madison Ord 839 10.00 Engineer's fees Albro Gardner 1509 West Ord 843 75.50 Engineer's fees McGilvra & Blaine 1510 West Ord 843 986.64 Estimate of work Finch & Henderson 1511 West Ord 843 565.36 Estimate of work The Kent Mill Co 1512 West Ord 843 1000.00 Estimate of work Seattle Hardware Co 1513 West Ord 843 157.31 Estimate of work E C McClanahan 1514 West Ord 843 131.18 Estimate of work Seattle Lumber & C Co 1515 West Ord 843 313.30 Estimate of work

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




451 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4 1888 Be it remembered that this 4th day of May 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present: Acting Mayor J Furth Councilmen Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Reitze and Russell, and deputy Clerk C W Ferris Petitions Petition of J D Smith et al for the grading of and cconstructing sidewalks onboth sides of University Street from 5th to 8th Streets. Read and referred to street committee. Petition of O W Lynch et al for the abatement of a nui-- sance on 10th St between Stewart and Howell Streets Read and referred to Sewer & Drainage Committee. Communication from H W Wheeler et al asking for a franchise from the City for a street railway. Read and referred to Street Committee. Communication from W H H Green recommending Sydney Smith for the position of Policeman. Read and ordered filed. Petition of A A Bell et al for the opening of Bell Street from 7th toDepot Streets. Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of A A Bell et al for the grading of, and constructing sidewalks on both sides of Eighth Street from Depot St to Mill Street. Read and referred to Street Com. Petition of A A Bell et al for the grading and constructing sidewalks on both sides of Wall Street from Elliott's Bay to Depot Street read and referred to Street Com.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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