City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention James




214 4/23/1890 Pet. for electric light at Broadway Street + James Street.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


32 MAY 2 1890 G C Phinney for street light Broadway Street + James Street Allow as of [----------] 54 Lights 30 [---------] Power

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




J E Crichton President G K Coryell Deputy City Clerk and Clerk of House Chamber of the House of Delegates Standing Committees Judiciary, Legislation and Railroads Voigt, Hurd, James Finance James, Voigt, Little City Lights Kistler, Hurd, Chapman Streets Little, James, Gleeson Harbor and Wharves Goodhue, Kistler, Hurd Police, License and Revenue Goodhue, Hurd, James Fire and Water Hurd, Kistler, Little Library and Printing Chapman, Goodhue, Kistler Sewers and Drainage Gleeson, Goodhue, Little Health and Sanitation Chapman, Voigt, Gleeson Public Buildings and Grounds Little, Gleeson, James Elections and Boundaries Chapman, Voigt, Kistler Claims James, Little, Goodhue Engrossed Bills Voigt, Kistler, Chapman Rules and Order of Business Crichton, James, Goodhue Labor Gleeson,Chapman, Goodhue Seattle Wash., Mch 23th 1896 J E Crichton, Chairman Ordinance: Hurd, McArdle, Chapman Fianance: James, Reedy, Chapman, Rude, Raymond City Lights: Chapman, Hermann, Gibson, Dodds, Navin Streets: Rudy, Gibson, Hurd, Taylor Harbor & Wharves: Dodds, Raymond, McArdle Police License & Revenue: Navin, Taylor, Hurd Fire & Water: Hermann, James, Rude, Gibson Library & Printing: Raymond, Chapman, James, Hermann Sewers & Drainage: Gibson, McArdle, Dodds Health & Sanitation: Chapman Hermann Raymond Public buildings & Grounds: Rude, Navin, Rudy Election & Boundries: McArdle, Raymond, Hurd Claims: Taylor, James, Chapman Engrossed Bills: Hurd, Hermann, McArdle Rules Order Biz: Crhichton, James, Hurd,Rudy, Chapman, McArdle Labor: Taylor, Navin, Rude Railroads: Rude, McArdle, Hurd, Gibson, Navin Parks & Boulevards: Raymond, Dodds, Hurd

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




216 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 2/83 of the petition of Fred E Sander for the right to use a building as a Wash House. Adopted From Judiciary & Legislature approving the report of the City Justice. Adopted From Fire and Water Supply reommending the granting of the petition of Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co. for repairs to Madison Street Slip. Adopted Ordered that the Committee on Harbor, Wharves be & they are hereby instructed to secure bids for such repairs as may be necessary From Streets recommending the granting of the petition of Amos Brown et al for Improving Spring Street Adopted & atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor. From Streets recommending the granting of the petition of Geo D Hill et al for Improving Spring Street, Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an ordinance therefor From Judiciary & Legislative approving Attys report Adopted From Streets recommending the grading of James, Cherry & Columbia Streets from Front to the Alley between Front & 2d Streets. Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor From Streets recommending the grading of James Street on the petition of Henrietta M Halber et al therefor. Adopted & atty instructed to submit an Ordinance therefor. From Streets recommending the rejection of the petition of Geo D Hill et al for Imrpoving 5th street. Adopted & petition denied From Streets recommending the payment of certain bills for hauling gravel. Rejected Bids Received And now the Council proceeds to open & consider the bids for the side walk to be constructed on Marion Street under Ordinance No 364, which bids are as follows to wit: S F Hoole per M B M [thousand board feet] $17.00 S G Simpson $16.20

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




990446 Fred H. Peterson P. H. J. Pennefather


Office: Third Street, bet. James Street and Cherry Street. Temple Court

Seattle, Washington Feb 20 1890

To The Hon. Mayor and Common Council

Gentlemen: Your petitioner respectfully represents that he sold a tract of land 40 ft. x 90 feet on Main Street in the City of Seattle to said City of Seattle for engine house purposes, that it was expressly agreed and so stated in the deed from petitioner to said City that grantee was to pay all taxes on said land assessed against the same for the year 1889; that said petitioner was the owner of Lots 5+ 6 Block 57 of Maynard's Plot, whereof the above is a portion, and said lots 5 + 6 were entirely assessed to said petitioner and in order to pay his taxes was compelled to pay the taxes of the whole two lots including the portion sold to the City; Petition paid for County tax $25.50 City tax -- 18.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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