Pages That Mention T J Small
196 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 5/83 to said Treasurer commanding him to proceed and forthwith to collect the delinquent taxes upon said roll in the manner provided by law and pay the cause to the Tresasuer of the City of Seattle less his fees & Costs of collection and return the Warrant with his doings thereon, and the receipt of the City Treasurer for all moneys collected there by paid to the City Treasurer to the Clerk. Ordered that the Gas Committee be & they are hereby instructed to place a kerosene lamp corner 5th & Jefferson Streets Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday eveing January 15,1883 attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Be it remembered that on this the 15th day of January 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G L Manning Thereupon the following proceedings are had Petitions Received From A S Miller et al for Gas Lamps corner Marion & 3rd & Marion & 4th. Referred to Commmittee on Gas Lights From W H Pumphrey et al for an extension of time in the payment of taxes for Pine & 9th and Stewart 10th & Virginia Streets Sidewalks. Referred to the Committee onStreeets and Street Improvements From H V B Stacy for the right to build sidewalk from 3rd Street to alley in Block 21. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From W H White et al for an investigation as to the right of T J Small to act an policeman. Referred to Committee
205 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 2/82 From Clerk Adopted From Treasurer, Referred to finance comtee From Street Commissioner, adopted From Fire Warden Adopted Committees Reports Rec'd From finance recommending that the Tresurer be instructed to proceed forthwith to collect all taxes on tax rolls for Pine & 9th and Stewart, 10th & Virginia Streets sidewalks. Adopted From Health & Police on the matter of T J Small Policeman. reporting that said T J Small at the time of his appointment as such Policeman was not eligible to such office. Adopted & office declared vacant. From Streets recommending the establishment of the grade within the districet bounded by Pine, 7th, Mill & Broadway Streets. Adopted From Streets reporting that the cribbing fronting the Colman & Denny Blocks on [Front Street]] is in a dangerous condition. Ordered that the Street Committee be & they are hereby instructed to take some inmmediate measures so as to prevent the said cribbing from giving way. Ordered that the surveyor be & he is hereby instructed to submit plans, specifications & Estimates for a stone wall to front said blocks in place of said cribbing. from Gas Lights recommending the erection of gas lamps corners if 3rd & Marion & 4th & Marion Streets adopted From Committee on Jail Building recommending the acceptance of the Engine House in South 3rd Street Laid over until next meeting From Finance approving the Surveyors report of work done on 2d, 3rd, & intersecting Streets grades. Adopted Claims Paid The following Claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds
206 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb2/883 and in the amounts following, towit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 276 $ 90.00 J H Wooley Chief of Police 277 100.00 D L McCowan Police 278 80.00 W B Thompson Police 279 80.00 James Walsh Police 283 80.00 T J Small Police 284 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 285 75.00 Frank Seidel Attorney 286 187.50 T H Cann J P Fees 287 17.45 Chronicle Painting 288 41.54 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary etc 289 18.40 Stewart & Ebersol Job Work 290 7.00 SchwabacherBros&Co Carpet for Engine House 291 93.84 J Schram & Co Store etc for Engine House 292 26.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for Engine House 293 3.86 S P Brooks Attending Council Chamber etc 294 2.50 S E Davison Coal Hauling for Engine House 295 5.50 S C Harris Map for Council Chamber 296 500.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Streeet Labor $84 Use of Horse$30 No125 $114.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 126 52.50 Luther Albee Street Labor 127 38.75 M J Costello Street Labor 128 38.75 W M Estet Street Labor 129 32.50 James Gleeson Street Labor 130 16.25 John Christopher Street Labor 131 15.00 Thos McNara Street Labor 132 12.50 P Welsh Street Labor 133 11.25 S Lyons Street Labor 134 11.25 John McClosky Street Labor 135 11.25 Robt Fitzhenry Street Labor 136 10.00 James Campbell Street Labor 137 7.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 138 38.46
210 JOUNRAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb2/83 Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald & Manning. Against adoption none. And now the council porceeds to an election for the purpose of fillinf the vacancy caused by the removal of Policeman T J Small. Whereupon A H Manning seeing a majority of all the votes for the Councilmen present is duly declared elected as policeman to fill said vacancy for the term provided by law. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday February 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock PM Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Collins acting mayor Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of February 1883 the CommonCOuncil of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor Acting MayorJohn Collins and Councilmen O F Cosper, Chas F Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald & G L Manning. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Applications for Licenses The following applications for licenses are laid over until next meeting to wit: J H Hornell, Joseph Francis Co & Trana & Ackley The following applications aaare gratned to wit: John Collins, Retail liquors; James Vergen Retail Liquors & Pigeon Hole Table; Andrew Slorah Grocery; Thos Smith 2 Retail Liquors; Margaret Sullivan Grocery; Louis Sylvania Retail Liquors; Flynn & Anderson Retail Liquors & 1 Billiard Table; A F Hill Retail Liquors & 1 Billiard table; Wm Grose Retail Liquors, Fred Gasch Grocery & 1 Pigeon Hole Table, Smith & Farrar Retail Liquors & I Billiard Table
465 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May2/84 City Fund J M Snow Engineering Madison St Extension No 658 $399.78 Frank Seidel Assessor No 659 187.50 Herald Pub Co Printing No 660 169.50 W H Taylor Treasurer No 661 150. E S Osborne Clerk No 662 125. J H Woolery Chief of Police No 663 100. J M Snow Howell, 10th & Bismark Sts Engineering No 664 96.13 F A Minick Police No 665 80. J C Floyd Police No 666 80. T J Small Police No 667 80. A H Manning Police No 668 80. James Welch Police No 669 80. D L McCowan Police No 670 80. A H Manning Police No 671 80. Chas Lind Police No 672 80. R Osborne Atty No 673 75. E L Smith Health Officer No 674 75. J M Snow Engineering Mill St Grade No 675 74.48 J M Snow Engineering 5th St Grade No 676 71.68 T H Cann J P Fees No 677 45.70 Clarence Hanford Job Work No 678 26.50 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals No 679 6.65 J D Lowman Stationary No 680 2. Henry Sheahan Key to Jail No 681 1.50 James Brannan Bar to Jail Window No 682 1. Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor $91. Use of Horse $39. No 438 $130. Stetson & Post Lumber 439 100.11 J M Snow Washton, James & Mill Sts sewers Engineering 440 93.89 S Berry Street Labor 441 75. John Ternie Street Labor 442 69.50 Thos Rock Street Labor 443 65. James Campbell Street Labor 444 63.75 Luther Albee Street Labor 445 60. John Stoche Street Labor 446 53.75