Pages That Mention S.G. Simpson
Monday Febraury 12 1883 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m. for the special purpose od considering bids for Street Improvements Attes: E.S. Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
Feb. 12/893 Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of February 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournemnt.
The following of the Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman John Collins and Councilmen O.F. Cosper, Charles F. Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G. L. Manning.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Bids Received And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the bids for the sidewalk to be constructed on Columbia Street under Ordinance No. 354 which bids are as follows, towit:
L. E. Hicson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] $17.75 John M. Stewart et al perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.50 G. W. Currier perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 17.50 S.G. Simpson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.95 S. F. Hoole perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.00 D.S. Hill and H. Rosburg perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.90 Geo S. Cassell perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.40
And now is appearing to the Councl that the bid of S. F. Hoole is the lowest and best bid, and that he is the lowest responsible builder. It is therefore ordered that the contract be awarded to him upon his giving a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $500.00
And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the bids for the sidewalk to be constructed on Cherry Street under Ordinance No 354, which bids are as follows, towit:
243 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 16/83 Council on Licenses and Revenue. Licenses are ordered issued in accordance with said applications, towit: J.C. Nixon & Co wholesale &retail Zurmuller & Myers grocery Charles Kitts retail Wm Busha retail The application Geo W. Walsh for a retail license having been rejected by the Committee on Licenses and Revenue. The license is refused. Claims Paid City Fund Chronicle Printing No. 346 $54.63 2d, 3rd and Intersecting Streets Grade Ord. 288 Chin Guan & Charlie balance due on contract Nos. 204 & 205 $7686.76 Miscellaneous And now the Council proceeds to consider the bids for the grading of Washington Street under Ordinance No. 369. Whereupon it appearing to the Council that the bid of S. F. Hoole is the lowest best bid and that he is the lowest responsible bidder. It is ordered that the contract be awarded to him upon his giving a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $5000.00. And now the Council proceeds to consider the bids for the grading of Second Street in [Maynard's Plat]] under Ordinance No. 369. Whereupon is appearing to the Council that the bid of G. N. Alexander & Co is the lowest and best bid and that they are the lowest responsible bidders. It is ordered that the contract be awarded to them upon their giving a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $3000.00. And now the Council proceeds to consider the bids for the construction of sidewalks on Washington Street under Ordinance No. 369. Whereupon it appearing to the Council that the bid of S.G. Simpson is the lowest and best bid and that he is the lowest responsible bidder. It is ordered that the contract be awarded to him upon his giving a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $1000.00.
244 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 16/83 And now the Council proceeds to consider the bids for the construction of sidewalks on Second Street in Maynard's plat under Ordinance No. 369. Whereupon it appearing to the Council that the bid of S.G. Simpson is the lowest and best bid and that he is the lowest responsible bidder. It is ordered that the Contract be awarded to him upon his giving a bond in the sum of $500.00 with good and sufficient sureties. And now the Council proceeds to consider the bids for Improvements on James, Cherry and Spring Street from Front Street to Alley between Front and Second Streets under Ordinance No. 365. Whereupon it appearing to the Council that the bids of G.N. Alexander are the lowest & best bids, and that they are the lowest responsible bidders. It is ordered that the Contracts be awarded to them. Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to take the Warrant No.181 Road Fund favor of Gladding McBean & Co of San Francisco for $781.60 cash the same & forward such funds by proper means to said firm. Ordered that the Plans & Specifications for Madison Street Sewer as now presented be & are hereby adopted & that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to advertise for bids in accordance therewith A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills, Adopted Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday evening April 23, 1883 at 7 1/2 o'clock Attest: E. S. Osborne, Clerk Approved: H. G. Struve, Mayor Apr 23/83 Be it remembered that on this the 23rd day of April the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Offcers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve and Councilmen O.F. Cosper, Charles F. Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and U.M. Rasin. Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
June 1/83 J. L. Kahaley hauling lumber No 217 $1. John J. Cummings & Co laying sewer Madison Street 218 949.50
Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co Gas No. 50 $277.70 J. L. Kahaley attending lights 51 44. John Spencer repairing gas mains 52 33.85 Fire Fund W.A. Perry Steward of Engine House No. 164 $75. L. Miller Hauling Engines 165 15. L. Miller Hauling Engines 166 11. J.F. T. Mitchell repairs Washington St Incline 167 10.08 L. Neuman work on Fire Engine 168 6. Young & McKeon pipe etc at Engine House 169 3.95 F.W. Wusthoff rubber & sundries for Fire Dept 170 3.35 John Sterns services on Engine 171 3. Albert Cutler cleaning horse 172 2.50 Wald & Campbell cotton waste 173 1. South 2d Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369 G.N. Alexander grade contract work Nos. 217 and 220 $1703.12 S.G. Simpson sidewalk 221 263.68 Spring Street Grade (alley betw 3d and 4th to 7th) Ord 365 Keenen & Cummings contract work Nos. 222 to 226 $2570.56 Washington Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369 S.G. Simpson sidewalk No. 227 $476.76 S. F. Hoole grade Nos. 228 to 232 1001.94 Ordinances Received From Harbor & Wharves submitting an Ordinance entitled "Authorizing and empowering the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company or its assigns to erect and maintain a Wharf or Roadway access Main and Jackson Streets five hundred and forty feet west of Commercial Street in the City of Seattle; therepon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald, Manning & Rasin. Against adoption none. From Judiciary and Legislative submitting 2 Ordinances each being entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills." Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinances are adopted upon the
Nov. 2 '83
Yesler Mill Co lumber No. 308 $66.10 James Campbell labor 309 65. Geo. Hampton boarding prisoners 311 42.80 Luther Albee labor. 310 62.50 Gordan Hardware Co nails & hardware 312 30.20 G.P. McFaden hauling lumber 313 27.25 G.N. Alexander horse & cart on beach road 314 24. Thos McNear labor on streets. 315 23.75 Roff Russell hauling dirt 316 12. Chas McDonald sharpening tools 317 2.50
Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No. 65 259.76
Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Columbia St Engine House No 229 $650. W.A. Perry Engineer No 1 230 75. F.B. Cosper Engineer No 2 231 75. Young & McKern Cleaning out cistern 3d & Cherry 232 60. Young & McKern Stores & repairs 233 50.50 R.H. Calligan Coal & hauling 234 23. Chas McDonald Repairs to Engine House doors 235 23. Gordan Hardware Co Cleaning Material etc 236 15.45 L. Miller Hauling engines 237 12.50 G. Kellogg & Co Cleaning Material 238 11.80 Crockett & McCorkle Hauling Fire Engines to Fire 239 10. Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal oil 240 5.50 G.N. Alexander Hauling Fire Engine 241 2.50 Anthony Holmes Socket & wrench 242 2.50 Waddell & Miles Packing etc 243 1.75
Jackson St Improvement # 398 G.N. Alexander Contract Work $5530.62 J.M. Snow Engineering 155.75
Main Street Improvement # 385 S.G. Simpson Contract Work $3697.40 J.M. Snow Engineering 95.
9th Street Improvement # 395 Franklin & Simpson Contract Work $2248.71