City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention S E Davison


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206 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb2/883 and in the amounts following, towit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 276 $ 90.00 J H Wooley Chief of Police 277 100.00 D L McCowan Police 278 80.00 W B Thompson Police 279 80.00 James Walsh Police 283 80.00 T J Small Police 284 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 285 75.00 Frank Seidel Attorney 286 187.50 T H Cann J P Fees 287 17.45 Chronicle Painting 288 41.54 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary etc 289 18.40 Stewart & Ebersol Job Work 290 7.00 SchwabacherBros&Co Carpet for Engine House 291 93.84 J Schram & Co Store etc for Engine House 292 26.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for Engine House 293 3.86 S P Brooks Attending Council Chamber etc 294 2.50 S E Davison Coal Hauling for Engine House 295 5.50 S C Harris Map for Council Chamber 296 500.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Streeet Labor $84 Use of Horse$30 No125 $114.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 126 52.50 Luther Albee Street Labor 127 38.75 M J Costello Street Labor 128 38.75 W M Estet Street Labor 129 32.50 James Gleeson Street Labor 130 16.25 John Christopher Street Labor 131 15.00 Thos McNara Street Labor 132 12.50 P Welsh Street Labor 133 11.25 S Lyons Street Labor 134 11.25 John McClosky Street Labor 135 11.25 Robt Fitzhenry Street Labor 136 10.00 James Campbell Street Labor 137 7.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 138 38.46

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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558 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 7/84 Ballard & Sox hardware No 678 $48.65 J H May Hauling Gravel 679 $48.65 Miller Bros & R Russell Hauling Gravel 680 $48.65 G Kellogg & Co Castor oil etc for team 681 $2.75 Alfred Snyder Feed for Team 682 $48.65 Jones & Hubbell Feed for Team 683 $48.65 J F Warner & Co Supplies of use of horses & Harness 684 $22. G L Manning Expenses to Renton to purchase cart 685 $2. J W Hunt Sharpening Picks etc 686 $14.30 Neuman & Argens Sharpening Tools 687 $1.10 Wm Beattie Repairing Scraper 688 $8.90 S E Davison Hauling Scraper 689 $.50 Oregon & Transit Continental R R Co. Cart Harness & Scraper 690 $43. J Smith Hauling Harness & Scraper 691 $4.50 Waddell & Miles Bucket 692 $1.50 F A Pontius Road Poll tax refunded 693 $4. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Lamps No 91 $461.12 Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas 92 $322. Washington Iron Works Co Lamp posts 93 $73.50 J H May Attending lights 94 $50.15 J Schram & Co Fixing Lamps 95 $43.08 Moses Keezer Making Gas Light Stand 96 $7. Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 No 480 $75. P E Smith Engineer #2 481 $75. Chas E Harding Washing hose 482 $3. G Kellogg & Co Supplies 483 $16.66 John F Trana Washing hose 484 $6. Hunter & Shaw Hauling Hose Cart 485 $10. R H Calligan Coal 486 $17.05 G Kellogg & Co Coal 487 $10.80 M J Calligan Coal 488 $6.10 G Kellogg & Co paint & brush 489 $5. Robt H Street Damages to stock, EnginePractice 490 $11. John Langston Hauling hose cart 491 $5.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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560 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 Robt G Westerman 2354 Road 11.72 Bolts etc Marion St Slip Stetson & Post 2355 Road 140.59 Lumber Seattle Lumber &C Co 2356 Road 42.42 Lumber Parker & Orr 2357 Road 390.09 Estimate on Marion St Wharf Parker & Orr 2357 Road 699.05 Estimate on Grant St McKinnon & Co 2358 Road 4815.37 Estimate on Comm'il St [total]6099.38 Gas Seattle Gas Co 201 Gas 19.59 Lighting City Hall Etc Seattle Electric Lt Co 202 Gas 648.95 Street Lighting Fire W A Perry 1356 Fire 82.50 Engr No 1 O A Drew 1357 Fire 82.50 Engr No 2 C H Albertson 1358 Fire 15.00 Steward Nox Gordon Hardware Co 1359 Fire 1.35 Rope etc E A Snodell 1360 Fire 10.00 Hauling H & L Truck O W Seats 1361 Fire 4.25 Perf Seats for No 1 Maidment & Meydenbaur 1362 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose S E Davison 1363 Fire 7.50 Hauling H & L Truck Moran Bros 1364 Fire 11.35 Hose Oil cans etc Dan'l Moore 1365 Fire 2.50 Hauling Engine Sunset Telephone Co 1366 Fire 13.50 Telephone Services Aug E B Preston 1367 Fire 34.80 Prunty Nozzle & [?] J H Sullivan 1368 Fire 2.50 Hauling Cart M M Keating 1369 Fire 6.00 1 gal varnish No 2 Wm Beattie 1370 Fire 42.50 Cart Wheels Bogen & Clark 1371 Fire 6.00 Washing HoseHauling Cart P E Barnum 1372 Fire 2.50 Hauling Cart Water Spring Hill Water Co 66 Water 330.50 Water for Aug Fifth Street improvement fund Ord #905 Albro Gardner 1645 36.90 Surveyor's Fees

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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638 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 19 1888 Name Fund No Amt Remarks W R Forrest pur agt City 3407 13.40 Telegraphing etc. Mechanics Mill City 3408 98.34 Work at Police Hdqtrs Times Pub Co City 3409 6.00 Printing Puget Sound Tel Co City 3410 46.66 Rent of Police Hdqtrs J L Mears City 3411 48.00 Spc Police Box Street Impf und City 3412 145.64 St Grade Tax Ladies Relief Road Fund City 3413 10,000.00 Transfer McKinnon and Co Road 2554 834.80 Driving piles for sewers Josiah Collins Fire 1426 100.00 Salary as chief Hale and Gamble Fire 1427 6.00 Washing Hose Dunham & Beattie Fire 1428 6.00 Washing Hose A D McNight Fire 1429 2.50 Extra Work at fire H M Gamble Fire 1430 2.50 Extra Work at fire Henry Matthews Fire 1431 2.50 Extra Work at fire I W Busby Fire 1432 2.00 Extra Work at fire D McKinnon Fire 1433 2.00 Extra Work at fire A Allen Fire 1434 2.50 Extra Work at fire James Dunham Fire 1435 2.50 Extra Work at fire S E Davison Fire 1436 2.50 Extra Work at fire W H Clark Fire 1437 2.50 Extra Work at fire Clark & Startup Fire 1438 6.00 Washing Hose Peterson & Co Fire 1439 3.00 Hauling Cart Seventh Street Imp Fund Ord 829# W N White 133 645.07 Estimate Final Wall Street Imp Fund Ord 948# P & J M Quigley 134 2911.65 Final Estimate Jno G Scurry 135 51.41 Pay roll Ordinances The City Atty submits an Ordinance entitles "An Ordinance fixing the ratio to be charged by the Union Water Co" Consideration of above postponed for two weeks.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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