City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention M J Costello




206 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb2/883 and in the amounts following, towit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 276 $ 90.00 J H Wooley Chief of Police 277 100.00 D L McCowan Police 278 80.00 W B Thompson Police 279 80.00 James Walsh Police 283 80.00 T J Small Police 284 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 285 75.00 Frank Seidel Attorney 286 187.50 T H Cann J P Fees 287 17.45 Chronicle Painting 288 41.54 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary etc 289 18.40 Stewart & Ebersol Job Work 290 7.00 SchwabacherBros&Co Carpet for Engine House 291 93.84 J Schram & Co Store etc for Engine House 292 26.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for Engine House 293 3.86 S P Brooks Attending Council Chamber etc 294 2.50 S E Davison Coal Hauling for Engine House 295 5.50 S C Harris Map for Council Chamber 296 500.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Streeet Labor $84 Use of Horse$30 No125 $114.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 126 52.50 Luther Albee Street Labor 127 38.75 M J Costello Street Labor 128 38.75 W M Estet Street Labor 129 32.50 James Gleeson Street Labor 130 16.25 John Christopher Street Labor 131 15.00 Thos McNara Street Labor 132 12.50 P Welsh Street Labor 133 11.25 S Lyons Street Labor 134 11.25 John McClosky Street Labor 135 11.25 Robt Fitzhenry Street Labor 136 10.00 James Campbell Street Labor 137 7.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 138 38.46

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




218 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 2/83 Schwabacher Bros & CoFurnishingforEngineHouse No 311 $72.64 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co FurnishingforEngineHouse 312 26. Franthaler Bros Furnishing for EngineHouse 313 $20.40 E Burg laying Carpet 314 $ 1.75 John Johnson bedsteads for Jail 315 $16.25 F W Clancy Coal for Engine House 316 $11. Henry Gormley Appraiser of Reamatter 317 $ 6. J F McDonald Appraiser of Reamatter 318 $ 6. I N Bigelow Appraiser of Reamatter 319 $ 6. James D Lowman Moneys refunded Joe Francisco 320 $ 75. L J Powell Moneys Refunded University 321 $10. F W Wusthoff Padlocks 322 $ 2. S C Harns Recording Deed 323 $ 2.50 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor$84 Use of Horse$33 No 143 $117. Thomas Rock Street labor 144 58.75 M J Costello Street labor 145 55. James Campbell Street labor 146 55. James Gleeson Street labor 147 52.50 Luther Albee Street labor 148 51.25 W M Estet Street labor 149 12.50 J R Evans Street labor 150 10.00 Gormley & Fletcher Repairs to Cribbing fronting Denny Block 151 105. Stetson & Post Lumber 152 333.53 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 153 1. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 154 3. F W Clancy Hauling Lumber 155 21.75 Charles McNeely Hauling Lumber 156 5.40 Wald & Campbell Nails etc 157 9.40 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 158 29. J W Hunt Repairs to cart 159 24.60 J H Woolery burying carrion 160 6.50 F W Wusthoff Slice & hardware 161 7.55 Herald Publishing Co Printing 162 2.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. Gas No 38 $219.50 J L Kahaley attending lights 39 36.50

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




233 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE April 6/83 C Hanford & Co Job Painting No 336 $ 7. Pumphrey & Lowman Tax Roll etc. 337 5.25 Cochran & Roff Team Numbers 338 5.80 D A Jennings Rope & broom 339 4.30 Waddell & Miles Lanterns 340 3. L Neuman Repairing Lock etc 341 4. F W Wusthoff Leg Irons 342 7.50 Road Fund P Quigley Hauling ballast No 164 $ 80. P Quigley Labor with team 165 54. Henry Sheahan Street Labor$91Using Horse$36 166 127. Thomas Rock Street Labor 167 65. M J Costello Street Labor 168 61.25 Stephen Berry Street Labor 169 60. Luther Albee Street Labor 170 55. James Gleason Street Labor 171 50. James Campbell Street Labor 172 48.75 Thomas McNara Street Labor 173 22.50 M Kehoe Street Labor 174 16.25 Stetson & Post Lumber 175 96.52 G P McFaden Labor with Team 176 39. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 177 7. W D Scott & Co Wfg on ballast 178 50. W D Scott & Co Wfg on Ballast 179 27.50 D L McCowan Prisoner's board 180 20. Gladding McBean & Co Sewer Pipe 181 781.60 John Paul burying dog 182 1. Louis Jacobs removing carcass 183 1. J H Woolery removing carcass 184 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co gas No 41 $230.30 J L Kahaley Attend lights 42 38. Schwabacher Bros & Co oil 43 2.25 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward No 149 $ 75. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co suction hose 150 48.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




251 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4/83 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds in the amounts following to wit: City Fund Frank Seidel Assessor No 347 $187.50 E L Smith Health Officer 348 125. J H Woolery Chief of Police 349 100. E S Osborne Clerk 350 90. D L McCowan Police 351 80. W B Thompson Police 352 80. James Welsh Police 353 80. A H Manning Police 354 80. C H Hanford Atty 355 75. J C Floyd Police 356 40. Chronicle Printing 357 29.07 D L McCowan J P Fees 358 23. Seattle Telephone Exchange Use of telephone 359 20. Seattle Literary M&D SocietyLicense remitted 360 10. Baptist Sunday School License remitted 361 5. Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor $87.50 Horse Hire $37.50 No 186 $125. Stetson & Post Lumber 187 112.88 Thomas Rock Street Labor 188 58.75 James Campbell Street Labor 189 56.25 Luther Albee Street Labor 190 52.50 [D L McCowan]] Prisoners food 191 26. Stephen Berry Street Labor 192 40. John McElroy Street Labor 193 16.25 G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 194 9.25 James Brennan Repairing Cart etc 195 8. M J Costello Street Labor 196 6.25 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 188 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No 46 $ 247.90 John Spencer Iron lamposts etc 47 81.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




759 COMMON COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SEATTLE Mar 5 1886 Name Fund Amt Gutta Percha & Rubber Co City 25.00 Young & McKeon City 4.50 W A Perry City 75.00 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 13.50

G P McFadden Fire 10.00 G Kellogg Fire 75.00 J Dunham Fire 75.00 Engine Co 1 Fire

Z C Miles Fire 1.10 C McDonald Fire 4.50 Gordon Hardware Co Fire .25 Engine Co #2 Fire Claims Allowed The following having been duly audited by the Council are allowed and ordered paid by warrants drawn of the several funds as follows to wit: Name Fund # Warrant Amount Remarks Harrington & Smith Road 1213 49.35 Supplies to Street work Chas McDonald Road 1214 13.50 Blacksmithing for Street work Schwabacher Bros & Co Road 1215 25.05 Oats Stetson Post Mill Co Road 1216 321.04 Lumber for planking Streets Wm Burk Road 1217 49.50 Labor on Streets James Campbell Road 1218 51.15 Labor on Streets J A McBeath & Co Road 1219 7.55 Blacksmithing for Streets A McRae Road 1220 21.90 Labor on Streets L Miller Road 1221 5.75 Carrots J Finnegan Road 1222 26.40 Labor on Streets A L Woolery Road 1223 17.40 Labor on Streets Z Scott Road 1224 42.15 Labor on Streets Henry Roseburg Road 1225 39.35 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock Road 1226 52.85 Labor on Streets Joseph Mann Road 1227 19.65 Labor on Streets M Murphy Road 1228 45.00 Labor on Streets M J Costello Road 1229 23.05 Labor on Streets J Mahoney Road 1230 19.65 Labor on Streets J L McClellan Road 1231 51.75 Labor on Streets E S Mattson Road 1232 1.10 Labor on Streets David Moore Road 1233 52.85 Labor on Streets E C McClelahan Road 1234 54.00 Labor on Streets Philip Cochran Road 1235 48.90 Labor on Streets John Kuvan Road 1236 19.65 Labor on Streets John Christopher Road 1237 21.90 Labor on Streets J Delany Road 1238 27.55 Labor on Streets Simpson & Jordan Road 1239 Balance on Union Street sewer Simpson & Jordan Road 1240 Balance on Union Street sewer Simpson & Jordan Road 1242 780.00 Balance on Union Street sewer 1st National Bank Road 1241 1599.38 In lieu of Seneca Street Warrant

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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