Pages That Mention J R Lewis
221 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 2/83 Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the assessment Roll for the Battery Street sidewalk under Ordinance No 362 & Filed Feb 17, 1883 Pending which the matter of such consideration is laid over until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm And now in pursuance to the notice duly published the Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the assessment roll of the Marion Street sidewalk under ordinance No 364 & filed Feb 17, 1883. Pending which the matter of such consideration is laid over until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday March 5, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm for the special purposes of settleing with E W Rea Contractor the cnsideration of assessment rolls & the matters of grading Washington, South 2d & South 3rd Streets. Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Collins acting mayor Mar 5/83 Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of March 1883 the Common Council of the ciyt of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman John Collins and Council men O F Cosper, Chas F Clancy, Fred Gasch, Chas McDonald, G L Manning & U M Rasin. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: And now in pursuance to t he order made of date March 2,1883 The Council proceeds to the correction and equalization of the assessment Roll for the Cherry Street sidewalk under Ordinance No354 & Filed Feb 10, 1883 thereupon the name of J R Lewis & Lots 5 & 8 Blk 27 of Boren's plat & the name of Sarah Russell & Lots 1 & 4 Block 32 of Boren's
283 COMMON COUNCI OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE June 18/83 Gasch, McDonald, Manning and Rasin. Against adoption none. The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitles "To amend Section 15 on Ordinance No 383." Laid over The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitles "To assess and levy taxes for general and Special municipal purposes for the year 1883" After due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Cosper Clancy, Gasch, McDonald, Manning & Rasin. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council now adjourned until Monday June 25, 1883 at 8 o'clock pm Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor June 25/82 Be it remembered that on this the 25th day of June 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The Following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen O F Cosper, Charles F Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald & U M Rasin. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Received From Bailey Gatzert et al for granting to Geo Baker the right to occuy an alley in Washington Street. Referred to the Comtee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Seattle Fire Engine Co. No 1. Referred to the Comtee on Harbors and Wharves. Communications Rec'd from His Honor the Mayor on the matter of the occupancy of King Street by Capt Geo Plummer. Referred to the Judicialry and Legislative Comtee From J R Lewis and W H White on the matter of the occupancy of King Street by Capt Geo Plummer. Referred to the Judiciary and
642 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Wednesday June 3, 1885 at 8 o'clock pm Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chambers pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart & S D Crockett Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Ordered the Communication from B L Northup resigning his office as Counclman from the 3rd Ward & heretofore laid upon the table, be taken up for consideration. Ordered that the resignation of B L Northrup as Councilman from the 3rd Ward be & is hereby accepted and the office declared vacant. And now the Council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the assessment Roll for the year 1885 Ordered that the following changes be made in said roll Fred E Sander raised $364. F H Whitworth certain real estate stricken off The application of James W Smith for a liquor license is presented & Referred to the License Comtee And now the Council proceeds with the Investigation of the Articles for its Impeachment of James H Woolery as Chief of Police Whereupon the accused appears by his counsel J R Lewis and O Jacobs & withdraws by leave of council his former plea of not guilty - to said charges & interposes a Motion to quash all the articles of Impeachment, excepting Articles 3 and 6 thereupon after argument by Counsel and theconsiderataion by the Common Council it is ordered that the motion to quash be & is hereby overruled. And now said James H Woolery by his counsel plead not guilty ato said articles of impeachment
642 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Wednesday June 3, 1885 at 8 o'clock pm Attest E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of June 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chambers pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart & S D Crockett Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Ordered the Communication from B L Northup resigning his office as Counclman from the 3rd Ward & heretofore laid upon the table, be taken up for consideration. Ordered that the resignation of B L Northrup as Councilman from the 3rd Ward be & is hereby accepted and the office declared vacant. And now the Council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the assessment Roll for the year 1885 Ordered that the following changes be made in said roll Fred E Sander raised $364. F H Whitworth certain real estate stricken off The application of James W Smith for a liquor license is presented & Referred to the License Comtee And now the Council proceeds with the Investigation of the Articles for its Impeachment of James H Woolery as Chief of Police Whereupon the accused appears by his counsel J R Lewis and O Jacobs & withdraws by leave of council his former plea of not guilty - to said charges & interposes a Motion to quash all the articles of Impeachment, excepting Articles 3 and 6 thereupon after argument by Counsel and theconsiderataion by the Common Council it is ordered that the motion to quash be & is hereby overruled. And now said James H Woolery by his counsel plead not guilty ato said articles of impeachment
240 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 Remonstrance of H L Yesler and others against grading Seventh Street from Madison Street to Mill Street read and laid on the table for the present and afterwards taken up and on motionthe same is rejected. Comunication from Herman Chapin stating that at a meeting of the property owners along the line of Second Street held July 21st there were chosen: to represent the property owners benefitted George Kinnear esq and to represent the owners of property condemned Francis J Burns esq; Also a communication from W V Rinehart appointing J R Lewis esq to act in his behalf; and also from Mrs Sara H Steves appointing A H Manning to act in her behalf are read: Thereupon His Honor the Mayor appoints Eben Smith esq, an appraiser, to act on behalf of the City; and the communications rec'd & ordered filed. Communication from [R H Thomson]] protesting against the change of grade on Mill Street read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Communication from W H Cowie withdrawing from the bond of Wm McMasters proprietor of the Corner Saloon read and referred to Committee on License & Revenue. Communication from W C Hill proposing to Settle grade and other taxes, read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Monthly Reports Rec'd From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer read and referred to Finance Committee.