City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Geo W. Harris


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318 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3/83 Ordered that the time for the construction of the Improvement of Cherry Street under Ordinance No. 395 be and the same is hereby extended to December 1, 1883. Ordered that the time for the completion of the Improvement of South 3rd Street under Ordinance No. 399 be and the same is hereby extended to October 1, 1883. Ordered that the petition presented by S.F. Hoole for an extension of time on the Improvement of Washington Street under Ordinance No. 369 be and the same is hereby referred to a Special Committee towit: Day, Clancy and McDonald. Ordinances Received From the City Attorney entitled "To prevent the unauthorized interference with Gas Pipes, Gas meters and Street lamps." Thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Rasin, Rauke and Wusthoff. Against adoption none. Ordinances are submitted each being entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills"; Thereupon after due consideration the same are adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Rasin, Rauke and Wusthoff. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Saturday August 4, 1883 at 8 o'clock p.m. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved H G Struve Mayor Aug 4/83 Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of August 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H.G Struve and Councilmen B.F. Day, Geo W. Harris, U.M Rasin, Otti Rauke and F.W. Wusthoff.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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322 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/83 Charles Ross for a grocery license for 3 months from Aug 7/83 W.F. Allen for a retail license for 12 months from Aug 12/83 W.F. Allen for 3 Billiard table license for 12 months from Aug 12/83 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts followig, towit: City Fund Chronicle Printing No $129.89 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co Ballot Boxes No 22.50 Fire Fund Young & McKeon repairs to Engine No $4.05 Waddell & Miles repairs to Inclines 9.77 Stewart & Labrache hauling Engine and truck 8.50 L. M. Robbins removing bell & tearing down old Engine House 151.06 And now the Street Committee make their recommending that P Quigley & Co be granted an extension of time until Aug 15, 1883 on their contract for the Improvement of Eighth Street under Ord No. 388. Adopted. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday August 6, 1883 at 8 o'clock p.m. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved H G Struve Mayor Aug 6/83 Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of August 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve and Councilmen B. F. Day, Geo W. Harris, U.M. Rasin, Otto Ranke and F.W. Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From D.E. Blaine et al for the right to grade Pine Street from Front to

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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350 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sept 1/83 Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds be and they are hereby instructed to procure the services of George Boardman to complete his contract for the painting of the City Hall on South 3rd Street. And now His Honor the Mayor announces that he will be absent from the City for a time from and after September 3 1883 and requests the Council to elect an Acting Mayor to serve during such absence. Thereupon the Council elect Councilman U.M. Rasin to the position of Acting Mayor to serve during such absence. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday September 7, 1883 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m. Attest: E.S. Osborne Clerk Approved U M Rasin Acting Mayor Sept 5/83 Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of September 1883 the Comon Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman U.M. Rasin.

The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman U.M. Rasin and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, B. F. Day, Geo W. Harris, Charles McDonald, Otto Ranke and F.W. Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Elizabeth Cranney et als for reduction in taxes for and on a/c of Eighth Street Improvement under Ordinance No. 338. Referred to Street Committee. From K.C. Ward et al vacating plat of Wilfred addition and to replat the same. Referred to Street Committee. Communications Rec'd From His Honor the Acting Mayor returning an ordinance entitled "To appropriate $300.00 to secure the use of Hook and Ladder apparatus" without his approval and with his objections in writing to such approval which objections are as follows to wit: which objections (?)

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Jan 9/84 Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of January 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment.

The following Officers are present, towit: Councilmen Thos Clancy, B.F. Day, Geo W. Harris, Chas McDonald, Otto Ranke, U.M. Rasin and F. W. Wusthoff.

By reason of the mobility of His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve to attend, Councilman U.M. Rasin is elected to the position of President of the Council to serve during the meeting. Thereupon the following proceedings are had.

Petitions Rec'd From D.B. Ward et al for certain amendment to Ordinance No. 499. Referred to Judiciary and Committee. From James McKinlay et al for a sidewalk on Jackson Street between Commercial and 2d. Referred to Street Committee.

Reports Rec'd From Attorney on status of litigation. Adopted. From Attorney denying the petition of Charles Renton, Adopted. From Treasurer returning the Tax Roll for the year 1883 together with his report for 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1883. Referred to Finance Committee. From Treasurer for the month of December. Adopted From Surveyor on the matter of the completion of the sidewalk on Washington Street. Referred to Street Committee.

Committee Reports Rec'd From Finance on the petition of Anthony Le Brasche recommending that the sum of $50.00 be allowed to said petitioner for (?) services & that the Warrant therefor be made payable to the order of the Fire Warden. From Finance on the petition of B.B. Freed. Re-referred. From Finance rejecting the petition of N. John Ronberg. Adopted. From Street Committee denying the petition of O. A. Hohn for the right to build steps on sidewalk. Adopted. From Street Committee denying the petition of Geo. F. (?) et al the (?) all in Street. Adopted. From Street Committee denying the petition S A Clark for compensation From Street Committee denying the petition of (?)

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Apr. 4/84

Keenen, McDonald, + Northrup, against adoption Day, Harris, Ranke, Rasin + His Honor the Mayor, the said vote being a tie vote.

Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday April 11, 1884 at 7-1/2 o'clock P. M.

attest: E. S. Osborne Clerk

approved G. W. Struve Mayor

Apr. 11/84

Be it remembered that on this the 11th day of April 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment.

The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve and Councilmen Thos. Clancy, B. F. Day, Geo. W. Harris, John Keenen, B. L. Northrup, Otto Ranke, U. M. Rasin + F. W. Wusthoff.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had:

Petitions Rec'd

From John Spencer for removing obstructions from against fence. Referred to Com tee on Sewers.

From Robt. Russell et al for permission to grade James Street from alley East of 3rd Street to 5th Street. Referred to Street Com tee.

From Mrs. P. W. Searcy for boarding prisoners. Referred to Com tee Health + Police.

From W. H. Shoudy et al for reconsidering the approval of the plat of Water Front add'l, Supplemental to Dennys North Seattle.

Ordered that the vote by which said plat was approved be + is hereby reconsidered.

Ordered that a Com tee consisting of Councilmen Harris, Wusthoff + Clancy be + are appointed to consider the said plat of Dennys Water Front addition + report thereon next Friday evening.

From M. [Keezer?] et al [?] against the proposed grading of [Front?] Street. Referred to [Street?] Com tee.

From [?] [L?] for [?]. Granted

Last edit over 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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