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Pages That Mention Carkeek & Nicholas




298 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE July 16/83 Petitions Received From Carkeek & Nicholas for an extension of time on the contract for the construction of the Engine House on Columbia Street of 30 days. Granted upon the condition that the sureties on the bond of said contractors file with the Clerk their written assent thereto. From Geo. R. Smith et al on the matter of Fish stands at foot of Columbia Street. Referred to the Committe on Health and Police. Reports Received From the Surveyor on the matter of certain repairs to the Front Street Crib Work and submitting Specifications therefor. Referred to the Street Comtee. From the Attorney on the matter of Gas Light district & recommending the repeal of Ordinance No. 407. Adopted & Attorney instructed to submit the necessary ordinances. Committee's Reports Received From Finance approving the Treasurer's Semi-annual Report and the Treasurer's report on the Marion Street Sidewalk Tax Roll under Ordinance No. 364. Adopted. From the Committee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds recommending the letting of the contract for certain repairs to the Engine House on South 3rd Street to C.H. Metcalf on his bid upon giving a Bond with good & sufficient sureties in the sum of $500.00. Adopted and contract so awarded. From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the letting of the contract for the Improvement of Madison Street under Ordinance No. 406 to Strong and Harkins upon giving a Bond with good & sufficient sureties in the sum of $15000.00. Adopted and contract so awarded. From Streets and Street Improvements rejecting the petition of Thos Pierce et al for grading 4th Streets from Union to Pine. Adopted and petition denied. From Fire and Water supply approving Fire Warden's report. Adopted. From Harbor and Wharves on Inclines. Ordered that the Comtee on Harbor & Wharves be & they are hereby authorized to make

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom





Richard Osborn Attorney No. 459 $75. R. B. Crowell Making tax roll 460 67.50 T. H. Cann S. P. S. fees 461 59.50 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary 462 44.70 Ebersold & Co Job Work 463 33. Myra A. Carr Tax error refunded 464 10.76 Seattle Telephone Exchange use of lines 465 6.65 L. Neuman keys for City Hall 466 5. Cosper, McIntyre & Co. Brooms 467 3.5 E. S. Osborne Postage on Mayor Report 468 2.42

Road Fund Stetson & Post lumber No. 253 $476.76 Henry Sheahan Street labor $91. use of horse $39. 254 130. D. L. McCowan Boarding Prisoners 255 110. J. M. Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street, Pine north 256 78.8 James Campbell Street labor 257 63.75 Luther Absee Street labor 258 63.75 Stephen Barry Street labor 259 63.75 Thomas Rock Street labor 260 63.75 G. N. Alexander Carts & man 261 59.70 G. P. McFaden hauling lumber 262 40. Wald & Campbell Hardware 263 19.03 John Terrice Street labor 264 10. J. L. Kahaley hauling lumber 265 3. Geo. B. Adair, Trustee Nails 266 8.50

Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. Gas No. 61 $309.85 J. L. Kahaley Attending Gas 62 40.

Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Contract Work Columbia St. Engine House No. 205 $600. Donald Macke Services as Architect 204 145. W. A. Perry Engineer No. 1 205 75. F. B. Cosper Engineer No 2 206 75. Waddell & Miles Carbolized hose & sundries 207 19.50 Geo. A. Adair [------] Nails & sundries 208 3.15 Cosper McIntyre Co [-------] 209 2.50

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




371 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5/83 B Erison Labor on Streets No 288 $10.00 M Hestbeck Labor on Streets 289 10. G Collins Labor on Streets 290 10. David Webster Labor on Streets 291 10. J M Snow Engineering Front St Cribbing 292 8.75. Thos McNear Labor on Streets 293 8.75 D T Wheeler Giving Ownership of property Jackson St Extension 293 5. James Brennan Sharpening tools 294 4.75 Thos Norris Refunding Road Poll Tax paid 295 4. Wm Morris Labor on Streets 296 3.75 M Strong Hauling Gravel 1/2 a day 297 3. Waddell & Miles Lantern corner 4th & James 298 1.25 Gas Fund John Spencer Repaird to Gas Mains No 63 $5.20 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Construction of Columbia St Engine House No 2 No 213 $1914.50 W A Perry Engineer No 1 217 75. F B Cosper Engineer No 2 218 75. Young & McKeon Plumbing etc City Hall 219 26.92. Geo B Adair, Trustee Hardware 220 16.10 Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal, Oil etc 221 8.85 M W Pealer Horses at Engine No 1 222 5. T W Bennett Boxing Water Pipe Columbia St 223 3. Spring Hill Water Co Water 224 3. Anthony Hohnes Repairing Heater 225 2.75 Waddell& Miles Packing & Funnel 226 .38 Spring St Sidewalk #440 J M Snow Engineering No 419 $14.75 South 3rd St Improvement #399 Strong & Harkins Contract Work Nos 421-422-542-543 $1355.03 G N Alexander Contract Work 423 655.97 J M Snow Engineering 419 29.38 James Street Improvement #387 J M Snow Engineering No 424 $38.88

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom






Nov. 2 '83

Yesler Mill Co lumber No. 308 $66.10 James Campbell labor 309 65. Geo. Hampton boarding prisoners 311 42.80 Luther Albee labor. 310 62.50 Gordan Hardware Co nails & hardware 312 30.20 G.P. McFaden hauling lumber 313 27.25 G.N. Alexander horse & cart on beach road 314 24. Thos McNear labor on streets. 315 23.75 Roff Russell hauling dirt 316 12. Chas McDonald sharpening tools 317 2.50

Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No. 65 259.76

Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Columbia St Engine House No 229 $650. W.A. Perry Engineer No 1 230 75. F.B. Cosper Engineer No 2 231 75. Young & McKern Cleaning out cistern 3d & Cherry 232 60. Young & McKern Stores & repairs 233 50.50 R.H. Calligan Coal & hauling 234 23. Chas McDonald Repairs to Engine House doors 235 23. Gordan Hardware Co Cleaning Material etc 236 15.45 L. Miller Hauling engines 237 12.50 G. Kellogg & Co Cleaning Material 238 11.80 Crockett & McCorkle Hauling Fire Engines to Fire 239 10. Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal oil 240 5.50 G.N. Alexander Hauling Fire Engine 241 2.50 Anthony Holmes Socket & wrench 242 2.50 Waddell & Miles Packing etc 243 1.75

Jackson St Improvement # 398 G.N. Alexander Contract Work $5530.62 J.M. Snow Engineering 155.75

Main Street Improvement # 385 S.G. Simpson Contract Work $3697.40 J.M. Snow Engineering 95.

9th Street Improvement # 395 Franklin & Simpson Contract Work $2248.71

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




405 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE De 7/83 J C Floyd Police 541 80. John Kelly Police 542 80. R Osborne Atty 543 75. T H Cann J P fees 544 43.40 Gottlieb Burien License Money refunded 545 31.25 Hall and Paulson Furniture Co Curtains 546 20. Snow, MunchLocating Plummers Building in King St 548 15. Clarence Hanford Job work 547 19. E S Osborn Procuring Charter etc 549 14.55. O Schillestad Team register & Repairs 550 13. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 551 6.65 Gordon Hardware Co Lime etc for Jail 552 4.50 J M Lyon Level books 553 1.50 Road fund J M Snow Establishing Grades 320 $159.55 Henry Sheahan Labor on Sts $91Use of Horse $36. 321 127. Yesler Mill Co. Lumber 322 92.53 Stetson & Post Lumber 323 83.50 Stephan Berry Labor on Streets 324,325 75. John Tenice Labor on Streets 326,327 67.50 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 328 65. James Campbell Labor on Streets 329 65. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 330 50. M Huse Labor on Streets 331 75. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 332 22. M Murphy Labor on Streets 333 17.50 Gordon Hardware Co. Nails 334 8.50 J W Hunt Saddle etc. 335 3. J L Kahaley Hauling 336 67.50 Wald & Campbell Steel Rake 337 .90 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 66 $106.29 Seattle Gas Lt Co gas 67 269.05 Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 68 65.08 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas On a/c Columbia St Engine House 244 $1000.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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