City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Wm Meydenbauer


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280 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE June 18/83 Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Wm Meydenbauer et al for abating the nuisance cuased by the Foss Bros Slaughter House. Referred to Health & Police. From M V B Stacy et al for grading Madison Street. Refferred to Streets & Street Improvements. From G W Young for the right to dig a pit for discharging Sewer. Referred to Streets & Street Improvements. From E Calvert et al for refunding Sidewalk tax. Referred to Finance Committee From Williamson & Kellogg for the right to use portions of Spring Street. Referred to Streets & Street Improvements. From David Kellogg to compel Providence Hospital to connect with Madison Street sewer. Referred to Health & Police. From James McNaught et al for vacating alley in Block 19 of Boren's Plat. Referred to Streets & Street Improvements From B F Day to purchase Lot4Sec4T24NR4East Referred to Public Buildings, Property & Grounds. from W E Wilson et al for grading 5th Street. Referred to Streets & Street Improvements. Reports Rec'd From the clerk on fixing rates of taxation for the year 1883. Referred to License & Revenue. Committee's Reports Rec'd From Finance asking 1 weeks further time on the assessor's petition granted From Streets recommending the granting of the petition M V B Stacy et al, for grading Madison Street. Adopted From Streets recommending the granting to Williamson & Kellogg the use of 20 feet in South side of Spring Street for 60 days, also the foot of Spring Street for a like period, all sidewalks to be unobstructed by them. Adopted From Streets on Petition of G W Young. Petition granted From Health & Police on petition of C M Bywater et al. Ordered that Comtee on Health & Police be & they are hereby instructed to abate the nuisance complained of.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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428 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 1/84 Fire Fund John E. Good & Co Castings etc for Fire Dept No. 291 $110.77 Young & McKeon Work for Dept No. 292 $104.40 W. A. Perry Engineer No. 1 No. 293 $75. P. E. Smith Engineer No. 2 No. 294 $75. D. Mackay Architect No. 295 $64.90 Gordan Hardware Co. Hardware etc No. 296 $41.75 Puget Iron Works Heater etc No. 297 $41.05 Washton Iron Works 1 stove Engine House No. 298 $40. Gordan Hardware Co. Hardware etc No. 296 $41.75 Puget Iron Works Heater etc No. 297 $41.05 Washton Iron Works 1 stove Engine House No. 298 $40. Carkeek & Nicholas Furnace Columbia St House No. 299 $23.25 Chas McDonald bolts for Incline etc No. 300 $19.50 L. Miller Engine to Fire & to house No. 301 $12.50 W. A. Perry coal for Dept No. 302 $6. J. L. Kahaley coal & hose No. 303 $4. Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co. lumber No. 304 $3.96 Frank McCombs Hauling rubbish No. 305 $3. Edw'd Williamson Stove Wood No. 306 $2.50 J. D. McDermott Brackets & Shelf No. 307 $2.50 John Storm Washing hose No. 308 $1.50 G. Kellogg & Co. tripoli No. 309 $1. A. P. Freeman leather No. 310 $1. Battery Street Grade #441 Wm Harkins Contract Work $2885.37 J. M. Snow Engineering $188.41 4th Street Grade #395 J. N. Bigelow, Walter Bunitt & Wm Meydenbauer Contract Work $38.25 J. M. Snow Engineering $6. South 4th Street #439 Frahen & Simpson]] Contract Work $212.29 J. M. Snow Engineering $13.20 Jackson Street Grade #442 G. N. Alexander Contract Work $4356.28 J. M. Snow Engineering $148.69

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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458 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 4 1888 [total]1107.55 James Doyle 2126 Road 13.50 Labor on Streets Leo Hanson 2127 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets David Murphy 2128 Road 54.00 Labor on Streets Ira Carpenter 2129 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets Frank Peterson 2131 Road 31.50 Labor on Streets John Nelson 2132 Road 40.50 Labor on Streets J F Mason 2133 Road 36.00 Labor on Streets Charles Larson 2134 Road 6.75 Labor on Streets M H O'Connor 2135 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets Chas Johnson 2136 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets Oregon Imp Co. 2137 Road 113.57 Lumber Seattle Lumber & C Co. 2138 Road 33.20 Lumber Seattle Lumber & C Co. 2138 Road 266.14 Lumber Harrington & Smith 2139 Road 1020.13 Sewer Pipes Harrington & Smith 2139 Road 42.76 Supplies for St Comsr Stetson & Post 2140 Road 262.84 Lumber J M McBeath & Co. 2141 Road 32.05 Horse Shoeing Mechanics Store 2142 Road 3.50 Galv Pail Surber & Egan 2143 Road 118.90 Work on Columbia St Schwabacher Bros 2144 Road 40.11 Nails etc Gordon Hdwr Co. 2145 Road 55.90 powder etc. M McTeigh 2146 Road 11.75 Harness Etc T W Lake 2147 Road 80.00 Filling Washington Street [total]3548.40 Seattle Gas Light Co 195 Gas 25.88 Lighting buildings Seattle Electric Light Co 196 Gas 591.70 Lighting Streets W A Perry 1263 Fire 82.50 Salary as Eng No 2 O A Drew 1264 Fire 82.50 Salary as Eng No 1 Benson & McKinnon1265 Fire 10.00 Repairing Cart Allmond & Phillips 1266 Fire 46.50 Tops etc Hydrants Bridges & Coughlin 1267 Fire 23.03 repairing Closets Manning & Buck 1268 Fire 17.95 Bed Wash Stand Etc. Sunset Tel Co 1269 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service Mechanics Store 1270 Fire 3.00 Sprinkler forNo 2 Ed A Snodell 1271 Fire 12.50 Hauling Engines Wm Meydenbauer 1272 Fire 3.50 Hauling Hose Cart

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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