Pages That Mention Tom Crow
292 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE July 6/83 Alden & Fiske for Retail liquor for 3 months From July 1 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund Frank Seidel extra allowance for assessment rolls No 383 $250.00 Chronicle Printing No 384 $163.85 J H Woolery Chief of Police 385 100. E S Osborne Clerk 386 90. D L McCowan Police 387 80. James Walsh Police 388 80. J C Floyd Police 389 80. A H Manning Police 390 80. Charles Lind Police 391 80. C H Hanford Attorney 392 75. MVB Stacy Marion St Sidewalk Tax refunded 393 64.60 T H Cann J P Fees 394 44.85 T H Cann Costs in City-v-J B Roberts 395 37. F Anthony Building Detail Statement 396 17.50 D T Wheeler & Co Abstract of title to Lots 6, 7 & 8 Block 5 Maynard's 397 16. Eben Smith Referee in City-v-Mitchell Seneca St Sidewalk Tax 398 15. Waddell & Miles Cooler & Tumblers 399 10.45 W M Davis Special Policeman 400 9. C Hanford & Co Job Work 401 8. Charles McDonald Bars & Screws for Jail 402 7. Waddell & Miles Bucket & Cleaning Materials 403 3.12 Tom Crow Special Policeman 404 3. Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor $91.& Horse Hire $30. No 219 $121. D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 220 67. James Campbell Street Labor 221 65. Stephen Berry] Street Labor 222 65. [Thomas Rock Street Labor 223 62.75 Stetson & Post Lumber 224 48.23 F H Whitworth Engineering Madison St Sewer 225 48.