Pages That Mention J M Snow
332 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 17/83 Waddell & Wiles Lanterns $29.00 Waddell & Wiles Extra Work per hour 50 cents Seattle Gas Light Co Lamp Posts $11.00 Seattle Gas Light Co Lamps 7.00 Seattle Gas Light Co Street Cocks & Burners 1.00 Seattle Gas Light Co 3/4 inch pipe per foot .08 Seattle Gas Light Co 1/2 inch pipe per foot .07 Seattle Gas Light Co 3/8 inch pipe per foot .06 Seattle Gas Light Co Labor per hour 50 cents Seattle Gas Light CoLighting Per month 1 cleaning per week $1.00 Seattle Gas Light CoLighting Per month 2 cleanings per week $1.25 Ordered that all the foregoing bids be & They are hereby referred to the Comtee on Gas Lights. And now the Council proceeds to open & consider the bids for the completion of the grading of Washington Street Ord 369 which bids are follows, to wit: G N Alexander Earthwork per cu yd 49&1/2 cents G N Alexander Box Drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $25.00 Frahm & Simpson Earthwork per cu yd 50 cents Frahm & Simpson Box Drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $25.00 Ordered that said bids be referred to the Street Comtee Claims Piad The following claimshaving been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & inthe amounts following to wit: Eighth St Improvement Ord 388 J M Snow Engineering $35.00 G N Alexander Bal. due on Contract $1622.45 Senea St Improvement Ord 401 J M Snow Engineering $21.00 G N Alexander Bal. due on Contract $1668.94 Committee Rpeorts Rec'd From Street Comtee recommending that the Contract for the completion of the grading of Washington Street be awarded to G N Alexander upon executing a bond in the sum of $10000.00. Adopted Ordered that said G N Alexander be granted an extension
362 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sept 18/83 to the Comittee on Licenses From L B Andrews asking for an equalization of valuation of property on Madison Street Assessment Roll. Referred to the Street Comtee. From Henry Westphal et al for the abatement of a nuisance on Pike Street between Front & West Streets. Referred to Health Comtee From Louis Rostein for permission to move Store Building. Referred to Street Comtee Communications Rec'd From J M Snow, Surveyor, recommending certain changes in the grade lines on Jackson St Extension. Referred to Street Committee Committees Reports Rec'd From Street Committee awarding the Contract for the Improvement of Jackson Street Under Ordinance No 442 to G N Alexander on his bid there for. Adopted From Street Committee awarding the Contract for the Improvemet of Battery Street under Ordinance No 441 to Wm Harkins on his bid there for. Adopted. From Street Committee awarding the Contract for the improvement of South 4th Street under Ordinance No 439 to Frahm & Simpson on their bid there for. Adopted From Fire Committee recommending that the Fire Warden is instructed to purchase 2 heaters for Steam Fire Engines & be instructed to repair the Water tanks conrers of Front & Cherry and 3d & Cherry to connect the same with water mains. Adopted From Gas Committee recommending the granting of the right to C S Roe to erect spars & stretch wires thereon for Electric light purposes. re-referred to Gas Comtee. Special Orders of the day And now the Council proceeds to the consideration and equalization of the Assessment Roll for the Improvement of Madison Street under Ordinance No 406, thereupon the Council after due consideration of the petition of P H Lewis with reference to said assessment, denies the same. Ordered that the said Assessmemt Roll be & the same is hereby referred to the surveyor with instruction to report hereon any corrections in
370 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5/83 T C Cann J P Fees No 486 $29.60 Geo B Adair, Trustee Handcuffs etc 487 8. Seattle Telephone Exchange Line Rentals 488 6.65 Charles Blood Special Policeman Villard Reception 489 6. Wm Truitt Special Policeman Villard Reception 490 6. J L Kalaley Special Policeman Villard Reception 491 3. H G Thornton Special Policeman Villard Reception 492 3. Neuman & Argens Padlocks & Keys 493 3. Humphrey & Lowman Stationery 494 2.75 J C Gordon Witness Fees in Justice Court 495 2.20 Wm Henderson Witness Fees in Justice Court 496 2.20 E S Osborne Paid for cleaning Council Chamber 497 2. Cochrane & Roff Team Numbers 498 1.60 Joe McClaire Expressage 499 1. Road Fund Ballard & Hatfield Discharging Ballast No 267 $224. Henry Sheahan Labor $87.50Use of Horse $37.50 268 125. Stetson & Post Lumber 269 101.25 Harrington & Smith Wharfage on Ballast 270 84. Stephen Berry Labor on Streets 271 72.10 James Campbell Labor on Streets 272 62.50 John Terrice Labor on Streets 273 62.50 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 274 61. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 275 55. J M Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street 276 50.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 277 40. John Kelly Labor on Streets 278 25. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber & Rubbish 279 23.50 Richard Burns Labor on Streets 280 21.25 J W Hunt Repairs to dump cart 281 19. Geo B Adair, Trustee Nails & Hardware for Streets 282 17.50 J L Brasche Team on Streets 283 18. J Norris Team & Labor on Streets 284 18. Rolf Russell Team on Streets 285 12. W H Dilley Labor on Streets 286 10. C Ronson Labor on Streets 287 10.
371 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5/83 B Erison Labor on Streets No 288 $10.00 M Hestbeck Labor on Streets 289 10. G Collins Labor on Streets 290 10. David Webster Labor on Streets 291 10. J M Snow Engineering Front St Cribbing 292 8.75. Thos McNear Labor on Streets 293 8.75 D T Wheeler Giving Ownership of property Jackson St Extension 293 5. James Brennan Sharpening tools 294 4.75 Thos Norris Refunding Road Poll Tax paid 295 4. Wm Morris Labor on Streets 296 3.75 M Strong Hauling Gravel 1/2 a day 297 3. Waddell & Miles Lantern corner 4th & James 298 1.25 Gas Fund John Spencer Repaird to Gas Mains No 63 $5.20 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Construction of Columbia St Engine House No 2 No 213 $1914.50 W A Perry Engineer No 1 217 75. F B Cosper Engineer No 2 218 75. Young & McKeon Plumbing etc City Hall 219 26.92. Geo B Adair, Trustee Hardware 220 16.10 Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal, Oil etc 221 8.85 M W Pealer Horses at Engine No 1 222 5. T W Bennett Boxing Water Pipe Columbia St 223 3. Spring Hill Water Co Water 224 3. Anthony Hohnes Repairing Heater 225 2.75 Waddell& Miles Packing & Funnel 226 .38 Spring St Sidewalk #440 J M Snow Engineering No 419 $14.75 South 3rd St Improvement #399 Strong & Harkins Contract Work Nos 421-422-542-543 $1355.03 G N Alexander Contract Work 423 655.97 J M Snow Engineering 419 29.38 James Street Improvement #387 J M Snow Engineering No 424 $38.88
372 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5/83 Jackson St Improvement #398 J M Snow Engineering No 425 $68.63 G N Alexander Contract Work 426 to 433 3652.25 Battery St Improvement #441 J M Snow Engineering No 435 $3.50 Jackson St Improvement #442 J M Snow Engineering No 436 $113.25 G N Alexander Contract Work 437-438 791.51 South 4th St Improvement #439 J M Snow Engineering No 439 $3.50 Frahm & Simpson Contract Work 440 55.84 9th St Improvement #395 J M Snow Engineering No 441 $164.88 Frahm & Simpson Contract Work 484-480-482-450-449-448-447 42-443-444-445-446 5279.50 Pine St Improvement #421 J M Snow Engineering No 53 $28.75 Strong & Harkins Contract Work 454-455 569.95 Main St Improvement #385 J M Snow Engineering No 456 $49.01 S G Simpson Contract Work 457-464 4006.78 Washington St Improvement #369 J M Snow Engineering No 465 $57.01 G N Alexander Contract Work 466-469 1831.12 Fourth St Improvement #395 J M Snow Engineering No 470 $50.63 J N Bigelow, Walter Burritt & Wm Meydenbaur Contract Work 471 89.52 Madison St Improvement #406 J M Snow Engineering No 472 $167.13 Strong & Harkins Contract Work Nos 473to477 500to541 2367.74 Columbia St Improvement #386 J M Snow Engineering No 485 $156.01 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 486-499 1137.31 Miscellaneous Bids Rec'd And now the Council proceeds to open and consider the bids received for the construction of the Sidewalk on Spring Street under Ordinance