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Pages That Mention Cowles & Foster




396 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 9/83 [?] Oct 3, 1883 .Adopted From surveyor on Jackson Street Improvement #398 approved From Attorney on the protest of W C Hill against Jackson Street Improvement Assessment Roll #442. Approved Committee Reports From Judiciary Committee on the matter of charges against City Justice T H Cann. Adopted From Finance Committee recommending that Cisterns for Fire purposes be placed at corners of 5th & Washington, 4th & Madison, 3rd & University and Front & Bell Streets. Adopted From Street Committee recommending that $500.00 be allowed to Strong & Harkins on a/c change of grade in Madison Street. Report rejected. Licenses Granted Ordered that licenses be issued to the following named persons for the period of 3 months to wit: S A Scullin for Retail & 2 Billiard Tables from Nov 11/83 R Pritchard for Retail from Nov 16/83 Pritchard & Lester for Retail from Nov 17/83 Aug Wolff for grocery & 1 Pool & 1 Pigeon Hole Table from Nov 13/83 Smith & Farrar for Retail & 2 Billiard Tables from Nov 8/83 Cowles & Foster for Retail & 2 Billiard Tables from Nov 12/83 Aug Mattson for Retail from Nov 12/83 John Collins for Retail from Nov 8/83 Patrick O'Shea for Retail from Nov 13/83 Geo Peters for Retail from Nov 10/83 claims Paid The folowing claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds in the amounts following , to wit: City Fund Western Union Telegraph Co Telegraph to Legislature $1.90 Herald Publishing Co Printing 4.50 Ebensold & Co Job Work 9. Wm Gash [?] [?] [?] [?] 75.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




434 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 14/84 ordered, but the same is hereby reconsidered. Ordered that said petition of H. E. Norwold et al be referred to Comtee on Licenses. From Chamber of Commerce thanking the Council for tendering the use of Council Chamber for meetings. Ordered filed. A notice of protest from James M. Colman against the Improvement done on Columbia Street & protesting against his individual assessment presented. Ordered that the vote by which the application of Margaret Sullivan for a licernse was rejected be & is hereby reconsidered. Applications for Licenses Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit; S. Baxter for Wholesale for 6 months from Feb. 10 Geo Nadeau for Retail for 3 months from Feb. 10 Margaret Sullivan for Grocery for 3 months from Feb. 15 Fredrick Lendin for Retail for 3 months from Feb. 20 Cowles & Foster for Retail for 3 months from Feb. 12 Schwabacher Bros & Co for Wholesale for 6 months from Feb. 9 O'Shea & Parent for Retail for 3 months from Feb. 13 S. A. Scullin for Retail for 3 months from Feb. 11 And now the Resolutions adopted by the Chamber of Commerce relative to the forfeiture of the unearned land grant of the Northern Pacific R. R. Co are presented & read; after due consideration it is ordered that the said Resolutions be approved & that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to spread said Resolutions at large in this Journal Said Resolutions read as follows, towit: Whereas the original object and purpose of the creation of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and the grant of lands thereto by the Congress of the United States, was to aid in the building of a continuous line of railroad from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, with a branch via the valley of the Columbia River to Portland to promote the public interest and welfare; And Whereas, the said Company with the aid so granted during the past three years, by the extraordinary and untiring efforts of its late President Henry Villard so far Completed said road to the West [?] [?] in connection from Portland to Lake Superior, and [?]

Last edit about 4 years ago by marionberry234




477 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 14/84 From Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds recommending the purchase of a tract of land accross the Bay near Milton for a Pest House. Adopted & Committee instructed to negotiate for the purchase of such property & report to the Council From Special Committee recommending the granting of the petition of Wm Harkins for an allowance on a/c of Fourth Street grade. Adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Keenen, McDonald, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption Northrup & Ranke From Street Comtee on the petition of Thos T. Minor et al for grading Cherry St between 9th & Broadway recommending that the Surveyor be instructed to make the necessary surveys. Adopted A "plat of Syndicate Addition to the City of Seattle" is presented and approved Licenses Ordered Issues Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, to wit: Margaret Sullivan for grocery license for 3 months from May 15 Cowles & Foster for Retail Liquors license for 3 months from May 15 S. A. Scullin for Retail Liquors license for 3 months from May 12 Shaw & Algar for Retail Liquors license for 3 months from May 12 Ang Wolff for grocery license for 3 months from May 13 Geo. M. Perkins for Retail license for 3 months from May 15 A. F. Hill for Retail license for 3 months from May 19 A Communication is rec'd from Hook & Ladder Co. asking the payment of the claim of P. E. Smith. Referred to Finance Comtee Consideration of Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for the grading and "improvement of a portion of Bell Street"; After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin, Wusthoff Against adoption Keenen. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for the vacation of a "certain alley in Boren's addition"; After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption more. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To amend section One (1) of

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




523 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE AUG 21/84 thereto the following And the Councilmay at any meeting thereof by order which shall be entered of record make such charges as it may deem advisible either in the number & Boundries of the Police districts or in the assignment of the Officers to the districts. Ordered laid on the table until next regular meeting And nowthe surveyor submits the Plans ans Specificationfor a sidewalk on Front, Kentucky, HArrison, & Temperance Streets under Ordinance No 581, thereupon after due examinatonthe same ore approved. Ordered that the owners of the buildings on Front Street recently damages by fire be & are hereby permitted to repair the same under instrructions from & supervisions of the Fire & Water Comtee Provided however, that said buildings when repaired sahll not exceed 3 stroies inheight. And now the Judiciary Comtee make their report on the petition of David Ross et als for reducing the license of book canvassers recommending that siad license be fixed at the rate of $20.00 per annum Adopted and Atty instructed to submit an Ordinance accordingly Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit: Andreas Mauer for retail liquors for 3 months from Aug 18 John Shepich for grocery for 3 months from Aug 8 Margaret Sullivan for grocery for 3 months from Aug 15 Schwabacher Bros & Co forWholesale for 3 months from Aug 9 S Baxter & Co for wholesale for 3 months from Aug 10 Chas Ross for Grocery for 3 months from Aug 7 Bernard Kurtz for Grocery for 3 months from Aug 6 Christ Krieger for Grocery for 3 months from Aug 10 Cowles & Foster for retail for 3 months from Aug 12 W F Allen & Co for retail for 3 months from Aug 13 Smith & Farrar for retail for 3 months from Aug 8 A F Able for retail for 3 months from Aug13 O'Shea & Tarent for retail for 3 months from Aug 13 Moran& Lawrence for retail for 3 months from Aug 23 Perkins & Ladd for retail for 3 months from Aug 15

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




566 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 5/84 Cowles & Foster for Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 12, 1884 S. A. Scullinfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 11 A. F. Hillfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Dec 3 Perkins & Laddfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 15 Smith & Farrarfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 8 J. N. Magrathfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Dec 1 Morgan & Lawrencefor Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 23 O'Shea & Parent for Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 13 Andreas Mauerfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Nov. 18 John Levyfor Retail liquors for 3 months from Dec 6 Orderedthat the application of Andrew Hemrich be & is hereby rejected Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the Funds and in the amounts following, towit: City Fund E. S. Osborne Clerk 920 $125. J. D. Lowman Treasurer 921 $150. C H. Hanford Atty 922 $100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 923 $150. E. A. Gardner Police 924 $80.. Wm Murphy Police 925 $80. D H. Webster Police 926 $80. Thos Ross Police 927 $80. W. H. Pinckney Police 928-929 $80. F. L. Bangs Police 930 $80. James Welch Police 931 $80. Chas Moore Police special 932 $5. Wm H. Hughes Assessor 933 $62.50. James Bogart Jailor & Janitor 934 $60. Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co printing 935 $10.80 Clarence Hanford Job Work 936 $36.50 Sunset-Telephone Co LIne Rentals 937 $6.65 Oregon & Trans-Continental R.R. Co Cart scraper harness 938 $43. Gordan Hardware Co Hand cuffs 939 $7.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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