City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Gordan Hardware Co






Nov. 2 '83

Yesler Mill Co lumber No. 308 $66.10 James Campbell labor 309 65. Geo. Hampton boarding prisoners 311 42.80 Luther Albee labor. 310 62.50 Gordan Hardware Co nails & hardware 312 30.20 G.P. McFaden hauling lumber 313 27.25 G.N. Alexander horse & cart on beach road 314 24. Thos McNear labor on streets. 315 23.75 Roff Russell hauling dirt 316 12. Chas McDonald sharpening tools 317 2.50

Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No. 65 259.76

Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Columbia St Engine House No 229 $650. W.A. Perry Engineer No 1 230 75. F.B. Cosper Engineer No 2 231 75. Young & McKern Cleaning out cistern 3d & Cherry 232 60. Young & McKern Stores & repairs 233 50.50 R.H. Calligan Coal & hauling 234 23. Chas McDonald Repairs to Engine House doors 235 23. Gordan Hardware Co Cleaning Material etc 236 15.45 L. Miller Hauling engines 237 12.50 G. Kellogg & Co Cleaning Material 238 11.80 Crockett & McCorkle Hauling Fire Engines to Fire 239 10. Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal oil 240 5.50 G.N. Alexander Hauling Fire Engine 241 2.50 Anthony Holmes Socket & wrench 242 2.50 Waddell & Miles Packing etc 243 1.75

Jackson St Improvement # 398 G.N. Alexander Contract Work $5530.62 J.M. Snow Engineering 155.75

Main Street Improvement # 385 S.G. Simpson Contract Work $3697.40 J.M. Snow Engineering 95.

9th Street Improvement # 395 Franklin & Simpson Contract Work $2248.71

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb






James Campbell labor on streets No. 345 $65. Thos Rock labor on streets No. 346 $65. Luther Albee labor on streets No. 437 $60. M. Murphy labor on streets No. 348 $52.50 Chas McDonald Ironing mud scraper No. 349 $41.50 Peter Zimme teaming on sts No. 350 $39. J. M. Snow Establishing Grades No. 351 $23.02 G. P. McFaden hauling for sts No. 352 $20.25 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co lumber No. 353 $15.73 Seattle Gas Lt Co digging ditch No. 354 $5. W. H. Shoudy Poll tax refunded No. 355 $4. Fred Bonis Poll tax refunded No. 356 $4. Ole P. Egge Poll tax refunded No. 357 $4. Joel Miller Poll tax refunded No. 358 $4. W. H. Sheran Hauling lumber No. 359 $3.50 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs etc. No. 69 $21.24 Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas No. 70 $263.65 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Final payment Columbia St Engine House No. 271 $1457.25 Young & McKeon Plumbing same Columbia St Engine House No. 272 $253.15 P. E. Smith Engineer No 2 No. 273 $80. Hall & Paulson Furniture Co. Furniture Columbia st Engine House No. 274 $78. W. A. Peny Engineer No 1 No. 275 $75. L. M. Robbins Labor in Columbia St Engine House No. 276 $43.99 John Shirn Platform sidewalk Columbia St Engine House No. 277 $36.25 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co Lumber for Columbia St Engine House No. 278 $34.91 Benj Agar CleaningColumbia St Engine House No. 279 $20. P. E. Smith Bedroom Furniture No 2 No. 280 $20. R. H. Calligan Coal No. 281 $19. Gordan Hardware Co Nails & hardware No. 282 $14.90 Chas McDonald repairing boom chains at Incline No. 283 $11.25 Frank McCombs Hauling Engine to Fire No. 284 $10. D. D. Martin Hauling Engine to Fire No. 285 $10. Peter Zimmer Hauling Engine to Fire No. 286 $10. Gordan Hardware nails sundries No. 287 $7.90

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




427 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 1/84 H. S. Butler Whitewashing Jail No. 599 $4. Cochran & Robb team numbers No. 600 $3.50 Neuman & Argens Jail keys No. 601 $2.75 Gordan Hardware Co lime & glue No. 602 $2.50 John Keenen Witness fee in JPs Court No. 603 $2.20 Waddell & Miles Candle Sticks No. 604 $0.50 Chas Lind Candles No. 605 $0.25 Road Fund G. Davies, R. Abrams & R. H. Calligan Appraisers Jackson St. Extension No. 360 $103. J. M. Snow Engineering Sewers $47.00 Engineering $151.68 No. 361 $198.68 Henry Sheahan labor $94.50 use of house $39. No. 362 $133.50 Stetson & Post Lumber No. 363 $97.84 S. Berry labor No. 364 $77.90 John Terice labor No. 365 $72.70 Thos Rock labor No. 366 $67.50 Luther Albee labor No. 367 $67.50 James Campbell labor No. 368 $67.50 M. Murphy labor No 369 $67.50 Geo. Howe labor No. 370 $37.50 J. E. Vining labor No. 371 $22.50 W. McCarty labor No. 372 $21.25 W. I. Evans labor No. 373 $20. M. Kelso labor No. 374 $20. J. Broker labor No. 375 $18.75 Gordan Hardware Co nails etc No. 376 $15.60 A. Thomas labor on streets No. 377 $15. G. P. McFaden Hauling No. 378 $13.75 Peter Zimmer labor on streets No. 379 $13. Chas McDonald Repairs to scaper +c No 380 $3.75 P. Goldin labor on streets No. 381 $2.50 M. J. Calligan labor on streets No. 382 $1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas No. 71 $275.90 Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs +c No 72 $ 140.39

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




430 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 8/84 By reason of the absence from the City of His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve & Councilman U. M. Rasin is appointed acting Mayor to serve during such absence. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Phillips & Fredricks for permission to dump earth foot of Marion Street. Granted From D. C. Townsend et al for opening 11th & Howell Streets. Referred to Street Committee. From Gordan Hardware Co for changing sewer foot of Cherry Street. Granted & Street Commissioner is hereby instructed to change said Sewer. From C. L. Olds et al for opening Lake Street. Granted & Street Commissioner is hereby instructed to open the street. From Aug F. Turner offering his services as Janitor for Court House. Referred to Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds Reports Rec'd From Treasurer on Pine Street grade & Battery Street sidewalk Referred to Finance Comtee. From Health Officer suibmitting quarterly Report. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police From Surveyor submitting grade elevations on Battery Street. Referred to Street Comtee. Committees Reports Rec'd From Judiciary Comtee on Attorneys Report. Adopted From Judiciary Comtee recommending the paying out of City Fund of the Warrant held by D. Horton & Co on 2d, 3d & Intersecting Sts. grade. Adopted & Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay said Warrant out of funds to the credit of City Fund. From Committee on Inclines recommending the extension of Inclines. Adopted. From the Committee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds rejecting the petition of F. Turner for appointment of Janitor for the Court House. From Comtee on sewers recommending the construction of a brick Sewer on Mill Street the committee was instructed to adopt by ordi-

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




451 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Apr 4/84 Road Fund Henry ShealianLabor on Sts $91 Use of Horse $37.50 No 399 $128.50 John Terrice Labor on Sts 400 $72.25 James Campbell Labor on Sts 401 $65. S. BerryLabor on Sts 402 $65. Luther AlbeeLabor on Sts 403 $63.75 Thos RockLabor on Sts 404 $62.50 M. MurphyLabor on Sts 405 $55. Geo. HowesLabor on Sts 406 $45. John PeasleyLabor on Sts 407 $30. O. D. ButterfieldLabor on Sts 408 $28.75 H. GibsLabor on Sts 409 $28.75 J. ButterfieldLabor on Sts 410 $28.75 G. N. AlexanderLabor on Sts 411 $21. J. M. Snow Engineering Mill St sewer 412 $183.64 J. M. Snow Engineering Lake St Grade 413 $144.39 J. M. Snow Inprovements foots of Washton St & Columbia 414 $45.04 H. A. Atkins H A Atkins415 $405.65 Wm Harkins Contract Work Mill St sewer 416 $2454. F. W. Wusthoff Geo W Harris & Thos Clancy, Fire Comtee Labor roadway foots of Washton St & Columbia 417 $1031.93 Yesler Mill Co. Lumber foots of Washton St & Columbia 418 $1316.13 Chas McDonaldBlacksmith work foots of Washton St & Columbia 419 $134.82 Gordan Hardware Co Hardware foots of Washton St & Columbia 420 $264.20 R. H. Calligan Hauling Lumber foots of Washton St & Columbia 421 $83.71 W. H. Hatt Hauling Lumber foots of Washton St & Columbia 422 $43.683 Stetson & PostLumber 423 $49.88 Seattle Lumber & Comcial Lumber 424 $23.71 Wald & Campbell Nails and Hardware 425 $13.20 Chas McDonald Straps and Bolts foots of Washton St & Columbia 426 $11.50 L. Miller Hauling Lumber 427 $3.75 M. J. CalliganHauling Lumber 428 $2.75 G. P. McFadenHauling Lumber 429 $2. Geo. D. PriceHauling Lumber 430 $1.50 Chas McDonald Chains etc. 431 $1.50 Gordan Hardware Co Nails 432 $.30 Stetson & PostLumber foots of Washton St & Columbia 433 $741.90

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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