Pages That Mention 10th St
Seattle, Wash. Sept 6th 1890
A petition to improve the alley between 9th & 10th Sts. and Pike & Pine Sts.
To the Honorable Mayor and the Council of the city of Seattle: -
Gentlemen: -
Whereas, the alley between 9th & 10th Sts. and Pike & Pine Sts. is the natural drain way for several blocks in that vicinity and Whereas, the recent grading of Pine street has partially stopped the flow of water while the increasing settlement of the neighborhood has added to the need of and outlet, and Whereas, the presence of stagnant sewage not only makes said alley impassable but furnishes a sanitary condition perilous to all who dwell near it, Therefore we, the undersigned taxpayers and residents in the aforementioned district do respectfully pray your honorable body to abate this nuisance and to render the alley passable;
451 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4 1888 Be it remembered that this 4th day of May 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present: Acting Mayor J Furth Councilmen Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Reitze and Russell, and deputy Clerk C W Ferris Petitions Petition of J D Smith et al for the grading of and cconstructing sidewalks onboth sides of University Street from 5th to 8th Streets. Read and referred to street committee. Petition of O W Lynch et al for the abatement of a nui-- sance on 10th St between Stewart and Howell Streets Read and referred to Sewer & Drainage Committee. Communication from H W Wheeler et al asking for a franchise from the City for a street railway. Read and referred to Street Committee. Communication from W H H Green recommending Sydney Smith for the position of Policeman. Read and ordered filed. Petition of A A Bell et al for the opening of Bell Street from 7th toDepot Streets. Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of A A Bell et al for the grading of, and constructing sidewalks on both sides of Eighth Street from Depot St to Mill Street. Read and referred to Street Com. Petition of A A Bell et al for the grading and constructing sidewalks on both sides of Wall Street from Elliott's Bay to Depot Street read and referred to Street Com.