City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention J. A. McAuslan




To the Hon. Mayor, Common Counil and Board of Public Works of the City of Seattle:


We, the undersigned citizens and tax payers of the city of Seattle, residing on and in the vicinity of Harrison Street, repectfully represent that said Harrison Street is a thoroughfare that is greatly in need of improvement, being used a great deal by teamsters becomes cut up in the rainy season, therefore your petitioners respecfully ask your honorable body to order said Harrsions Street planked from Kentucky Street to Poplar Street two Blks, and your petitioners will ever pray.

Names D. T. Denny L. B. James G. F. Moyer G. M. Wheeler Wm. B. Denny J D McIntyre Moyer & Swegle N McCallum Alice M. Goldstine Mers H. Reynolds John B. Denny Mrs. Agnes Sherman R Byrne B. W Morgan J. A. McAuslan John G Spence Robert Sketon A. Krug Jas Howe S A Stenes Wm Ritterhuff


Last edit over 3 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




To his honor the Mayor and Common Councill of the City of Seattle


We, the undersigned property owners residing along Depot Street would respectfully petition your honorable body to pass an ordinance for the continuation of the Sewer which is now being constructed from its intersection at fifth Cedar and Depot Streets along Depot Street to Ash Street a distance of two blocks

R. Byrne J. A. McAuslan D. L. Ballard G. H. Woodhouse W. C. Lovering B. A. Anderson P King Thomas King F. T. Johnson Wm. L. Green A. C Roop J. F. Petersen Ed Petersen Albert Sieton Chas. E. Plimpton

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




17 Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle

[left margin] Oct 22 1890 [/left margin]

B of A Bill No. 7 An Ordince: To prescribe the salaries & compensation of the officers and Employees of the City. The bill was called for its 3rd reading but owing to the fact that the bill had been read twice in blank it was agreed to call it up for its first & second readings as filled ant = Motion prevailed = Bill read 2nd time and ref to Com on Salaries.

Com: From H of D: House Bill No. 2: An Ordinance to provide for a Special Election to be held in the 8th Ward on Dec. 1st 1890 to fill vacancy caused by the failure of J. A. McAuslan to qualify passed H of D 3rd reading: Bill read 2 time and ref to Jud. Committee.

Joint Resolution No. 1: H of D providing that the Police Judge have the use of the rooms vacated by the City Council in the Old City Hall. Read and laid over under the rules.

Com: from the H of D submitting the report of Joint Finance Committee in the matter of W. V. Rinehart and others: Ordered that the report be received and an ordinance be created covering the matter be passed. All papers referred back to the H of D for action thereon.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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