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my houses so I could rent them to better advantage whereupon the Supt charged me one dollar extra for the water upstairs in each house thereby taking just one fifth of the my rents. and this because each house was supplied by two separate familys Now why should a man be charged twice as much for five persons occupying the same house and using water from the same service, as he would be for eight persons occupying the same house and using water from the same service simply because in the one case those occupying one room are known by the name Jones, and those occupying another room in the same house are known by the name of Brown, and in the other case all answer to the same name. Now I have not had a many as eight persons in either of my houses for more that a year past, but have been obliged to pay on each house the full rate for 18 persons. Now in all candure I do think that this sort of thing should not be allowed to go any longer, and I do think that I should be allowed a rebate on my water rent equal to the amount erronously collected. which is $16.00 being $2.00 per month (one dollar each house)

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




200 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 3 1887 Communication from Park Commissioner's calling the attention of the Council to the condition of the Park and asking that steps be taken to prevent depredation of animals therein. Referred to Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds with power to act. Monthly Reports recieved From City Atty for Month of May read & ordered filed From Chief of Police for Month of May read & ordered filed From Custodian of Powder House for Month of May read & ordered filed From Justice Jones for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Justice Soderberg for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Jailor for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Street Commr Referred to Com on Streets and returned approved and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee on petition Citizens of Houghton in regard to the road to LAke Washington recommending that the petition be laid onthe table. The Committee state that they will repair this & other roads leading into the City as soon as practicable. Adopted. Fourth Street Grade From same Committee on petition of C C Otis et al to grade Fourth Street fromBell Street to Union Street and build sidewalks on bothsides of said street recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and the City surveyor directed to survey said street and establish the grade and that an assessment district be created in accordance therewith. From same Committee rejecting petition of J G Kenyon for permission to erect a wooden building adjoining the Kenyon Block on Front St adopted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




274 JOURNl OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 19 1887 From same Committee returning approved reports of Justices Jones & Soderberg & City Jailor Bogart. adopted Licenses ordered Issued. B Kurz Retail Malt 6 Months form Sept 1st 1887 H S Carlton Retail Liquor 6 Months form Sept 1st 1887 Sain Licenses are granted by the following vote viz: Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze Nays none. Licenses Referred Ole Nelson Bills allowed The following bills having been duly audited by the Council are allowed and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name No Fund Amount Remarks Eben S Osborn 2458 City 20.00 List of owners of Property Harrington & Smith 2459 City 3.50 Supplies for Jail & City Hall E Deal 2460 City 65.00 Special Police F A Minick 2461 City 65.00 Special Police C L Wynegar 2462 City 43.20 Special Police B B Dearborn 2463 City 12.00 Printing Justice complaints Albro Gardner 2464 City 25.00 Bal Salary Martin Lange 2465 City 1.25 One Half Barrel Lowman & Hanford 2466 City 16.50 Printing Blanks Geo W Craig 2467 City 1.00 Hauling man to Jail Young Bros 2468 City 1.00 Repairing Closet in City Hall W Soderberg 2469 City 28.35 Justice Fees Pat Flynn 2470 City 2.20 Justice Fees J Caldwell 2471 City 4.40 Justice Fees H F Jones 2472 City 74.10 Justice Fees J R Kinnear 2473 City 20.00 Justice Fees Manuel Huerta 2474 City 54.00 Justice Fees [total]436.50 Frank Beattie 1088 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Frank Beattie 1088 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Ira Hummell 1089 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Wm McDonald 1090 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose [total]448.50

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




288 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 2 1887 Monthy Reports Received From City Attorney read and Ordered filed. From Chief of Police read and Ordered filed. From Police Justice Jones Referred to Financial Committee From City Treasurer Referred to Financial Committee From City Jailor Referred to Financaial Committee From Street Commissioner Referred to Street Committee returned approved. From Chief of the fire Department, read and referrred to Committee on Fire & Water. Licenses Ordered Issued Ole Nelson Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 20th 1887 Davis & Davis Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 23rd 1887 The vote upon granting said licenses is as follows: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran Neisz & Russell against none. Applications of Licenses Referred E C Slorah & Co & Cole & Pratt Committee Reports Received From Com on Health & Police recommending for the better equipment and strength of the force as follows: 1st That hand-cuffs, club & nippers be furnished to each police officer & charged to him and upon his retirement from the force to be redeemed by the City; 2nd That the Purchasing agent be instructed to purchase a book to be used in the Police headquarters as a record book, and that a list of all property stolen be recorded therein. 3rd That we find the present force inadequate for the preservation of life and property and recommend that three additional men be put on the force. 4th We also recommend that a system of telephonic communictaion with Police headquarters be adopted as soon as practicable.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




323 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 4 1887 on Corner Virginia & Front Streets; Virginia and 2nd St Also on S E Cor Leonora & 3rd St, on the N W cor of Leonora & 3rd Sts & Cor of Blanchard & 3rd Streets, read & referred to Committee on Street Lights. Communication from Stetson & Post Mill Co in regard to lumber contract read & referred to Judiciary Committee. Monthly Reports Received From City Attorney for month of October read & ordered filed. From City Justices Jones & Soderbergread and referred to the Finance Committee. From Chief of Police; read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer; read and referred to Finance Committee. From City Jailor; read and referred to Finance Committee. From Street Commissioner; read and referred to Street Committee and returned approved. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee granting petition of Willis L Ames and others for opening Sixth Street from Battery to Depot Street and Pine Street from Fifth to Depot Street adopted. From same Committee on petition of J H Payne & others for the opening of Harrison Streetfrom the Bay to Box Street recommending that Harrison Street be opened from Temperance Street to its intersection with Box Street. Adopted. From Committee on Street lights granting petition of Fred Prosch and others for street lights along Fourth Street from Pine Street to Blanchard Street also Petition of M L Wright and others for Street Lights along Seventh Street from Olive Street to Battery Street also Petition of D Rohlfs & others for street lights on Clay Street from Second Street to Fourth Street and recommending that the lights be placed on wooden posts or if convenient

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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