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Pages That Mention The A P Hotaling Co




458 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 18/84 Mill Street from alley East of 3rd St to Williamson Street adopted. From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the purposes of grading of Bell Street from First Street to 5th Street. Adopted From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the proposed grading of Howell Street from 8th to 10th, along Bismark and along Bismark to Republican. Adopted From Special Comtee recommending that the petition of W H Shoady et al regarding Denny's Water Front Addition be referred to City Attorney. Adopted From Silsby Mfg Co offering to furnish an Engine; also from The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co offering to furnish hose. Referred to Ranke, Wusthoff & Keenan. Claims Paid Road Fund Wm Harkins Bal due on sewer Mill St $736.31 Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issues as follows to wit: T B Timony Retail for 3 months from April 7 The A P Hotaling Co Wholesale for 6 months from April 16 Shaw & Alger Retail for 3 months from April 9 Celestin StUpery Retail for 3 months from April 19 Wm Busha Retail for 3 months from April 17 Gledhill & Kavanaugh Retail for 3 months from April 24 Miles & McCormick Retail for 3 months from April 15 Consideration of Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled 'To amend Ordinance No 317 entitled "Prescribing the mode of making and collecting assessments for street improvements"; After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Harris, Keenen, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for the first election of Chief of Fire Department of the City of Seattle and to come into effect Ordinance No 536" . After due consideration said Ordinance is

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




551 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct13/84 existing ordinances and Territorial Laws. Ordered that Mrs Dodd & Mrs Shultz be & are hereby permitted to peddle about the city for 3 months without a license. Ordered that Wm Lindsley and the Janitors of all School buildings be & they are hereby appointed Special Policeman without change to the city and that the Chief of Police be & is hereby instructed to give stars to said parties upon application. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Oct 17/84 Be it remembered that on this the 17thday of October 1884, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets inits Council Chamber pursuant to law. The Following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, B L Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler & W G Latimer Thereupon the following proceedings are had: The Assessment Rolls for Front, Kentucky, Harrison and Temperance Streets Improvements under Ordinance Nos 565 &581 and Jackson Street Improvement under Ordinance No 592 are referred to a special Committee, to wit: Latimer, Northrup & Frye A communication is rec'd from Justice Vrooman on the matter of Policemen's fees. Referred to Atty. A petition is rec'd from Walter Burritt for refunding $25.00 paid for a grocery license, which license was refused. Referred to Atty. Licenses Ordered issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows: Blanchard & Smith for Retail liquor for 12 months from Nov11 The A P Hotaling Co for Wholesale for 6 months from Oct 16 Chas G Steinweg for Retail for 3 months from Oct 3 M & K Gottstein for Wholesale for 3 months from Sept 17 A E Alden,manager for Retail for 3 months from Oct 1 John Collins for Retail for 3 months from Sept 25

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




615 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 3/85 From City Justice ordered filed From Chief of Police ordered filed Public Benefit Plat & Masonic Cem plat From Surveyor approving plats of Masonic Cemetary and Public Benefit Supplemental Addition. Report adopted Rollin St Extension From Surveyor on the Rollin Street Extension submitting map Ordered that the map be & is hereby referred to the Attorney with instructions to submit an Ordinance condemning the property on the line of the proposed street including the fractional lots at the intersections with Stewart, Lenora, Blanchard and Depot Streets. From the attorney on pending litigation. Ordered filed Spring St obstructions in Ordered that the Chairman of the Street Comtee be & is hereby instructed to remove certain obstructions from Spring St between Front and Second Streets. Foss slaughter House nuisance Evan slaughter house nuisance Ordered that the Health Officer be & is hereby instructed toproceed forth with according to law to abate the slaughter house nuisances maintained by L W Foss or his sucessor and W W Evans From Treasurer in condition of Funds Referred to Finance Comtee Hose to be Sold From Chief of Fire Dept making recommendation Ordered that the 250 feet of condemned hose be disposed of to the highest bidder by the Chief of the Fire Dept. Ordered that the balance of the Report be referred to Councilman Northrup From Jailor showing prisoners in confinement ordered filed Liquor Ord From Judiciary Comtee recommending the adoptionof anordinance to amend Sec 7 of Ord 637. Report adopted Constitution of Fire Dept From Fire Comtee recommending the printing of 100 copies of the constitution of theBoard of Fire Delegates. Adopted Licenses Referred Applications for Licenses Rec'd & Referred L Diller, Bersch & Hink , Wm Grose, McMaster & Caswell, Schoepp & Greemingler, Thomas & Morgan, O P Dahlquist, Andrew Lumm &Co. Grubb & Johnson. Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit: L V Schnyder for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from April 4, 1885 John McCary for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from April 15, 1885 The A P Hotaling Co for wholesale intoxicating liquors for 6 months from April 16, 1885

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




738 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 15 1885 as an increase fo salary which is contrary to law and Thereupon recommended that the petition beot granted. Adopted From Same committee approving the appointment of F A Minick a policeman by the chief of Police, and also reporting that the committee had appointed police officerWm Murphy to act as chief during Mr Woolery's absence. adopted From Same Committee reporting that they had ordered the police officers to record each arrest made by them in the recordin the Office of the chief of Police at the time the arrest is made. Adopted. From Same Comittee reporting that they had ordered the police officers to record each arrest made by them in therecord in the Office of the chief of Police at the time the arrest is made. Adopted. From Street Committee recommending that the petition for the opening of Box Street be not granted. Adopted From Same Committee recommending that the petition to plank the north side of Main Street between Second & Third Streets be granted adopted Application Referred Bersch & Hinck, F S Curtis, Schoepp & Grueninger, Andrew Lunn, Geo C Delfel, Shaw & Alger, Lewis Silvin, James Murphy, Wm Gross Grubb & Johnson, Mauer & Steiner, The A P Hotaling Co, W M Cunningham Wm McMasters and John Heinrich Jr Licenses Ordered Issued Chas B Sperry retail Intox 3 months from Jany 10 Chas G Steinweg retail Intox 3 months from Jany 4 Geo Meister retail Intox 3 months from Jany 10 Jno McCary retail Intox 3 months from Jany 15 Thos Clancey retail Intox 3 months from Jany 16 F O'Hara retail Intox 3 months from Jany 7 Brazil & Burns retail Intox 3 months from Jany 17 Jus J Marsh retail Intox 3 months from Dec 16 A F Able & Co retail Malt 3 months from Jany 1st M L Abbott retail Intox 3 months from Jany 1st H Kersey retail Intox 3 months from Jany 12th

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




56 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 30 186 is ordered to put in a wooden sewer in accordance with the prayer of the petitioner. Petition of G Kellogg et al for fire ladders to be placed at Lake Union Referred on Fire & Water Communicaton from A W Burrell contractor for Beach Road Bridge received read & Ordered filed and on motion of Councilman Furth the clerk is ordered to return the said Burrell the certified check deposited by him with his bid upon the filing of the approved bond & Contract Communication of L Kusters asking that the item of $2500 personal property be stricken from the assessment of Anna E Shannon she being a non-redisent of Seattle since 1885 & Living in Canada read & on motion the request is granted and the clerk is directed to make the correction. Committee Reports Received From Fire & Water Committee recommending that the sum of $50. be allowed Chief Engineer Campbell as partial compensation for valuable services rendered Adopted and Clerk ordered to draw a warrant in favor of said Campbell for the sum of $50.00 Quarterly report of Health Officer for the Quarter ending July 30 1886. received read and approved & ordered filed. Licenses referred O N Morse, The A P Hotaling Co, Andrew Slorah, & Margaret O'Shea Licenses Ordered Issued O P Dahlquist R Intox 3 months from July 23rd 1886 Walters & Dietz R Intox 3 months from July 29 1886 A Wolters R Intox 3 months from July 19 1886

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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