Pages That Mention Robt. Russell
Apr. 4/84
Keenen, McDonald, + Northrup, against adoption Day, Harris, Ranke, Rasin + His Honor the Mayor, the said vote being a tie vote.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday April 11, 1884 at 7-1/2 o'clock P. M.
attest: E. S. Osborne Clerk
approved G. W. Struve Mayor
Apr. 11/84
Be it remembered that on this the 11th day of April 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment.
The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve and Councilmen Thos. Clancy, B. F. Day, Geo. W. Harris, John Keenen, B. L. Northrup, Otto Ranke, U. M. Rasin + F. W. Wusthoff.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Rec'd
From John Spencer for removing obstructions from against fence. Referred to Com tee on Sewers.
From Robt. Russell et al for permission to grade James Street from alley East of 3rd Street to 5th Street. Referred to Street Com tee.
From Mrs. P. W. Searcy for boarding prisoners. Referred to Com tee Health + Police.
From W. H. Shoudy et al for reconsidering the approval of the plat of Water Front add'l, Supplemental to Dennys North Seattle.
Ordered that the vote by which said plat was approved be + is hereby reconsidered.
Ordered that a Com tee consisting of Councilmen Harris, Wusthoff + Clancy be + are appointed to consider the said plat of Dennys Water Front addition + report thereon next Friday evening.
From M. [Keezer?] et al [?] against the proposed grading of [Front?] Street. Referred to [Street?] Com tee.
From [?] [L?] for [?]. Granted