City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention C.H. Hill


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464 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 2/84 Judiciary Committee instructed to select such counsel. From Atty on the matter of Madison St. Grade, petition to extend the time of payment. Adopted & Atty instructed to proceed to collect the delinquent taxes on said roll. From City Justice. Adopted. Committees Reports Read From Judiciary Committee recommending the vacation of the alley in Block 29 of Borens plat. Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an ordinace thereof. From Judiciary on matter of Attys salary recommending that the said salary be not raised. Adopted. From Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds submitting a list of lots that can be purchased for a Pest House. Re-Committed to make a selection. From Street Committee recommending that the surveyor be instructed to submit estimates of cost for planking foot of Marion Street. Adopted. From Special Committee on Madison Street Extension asking further time. Granted. Licenses Ordered Issued. Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit: Bersch & Hink for retail liquors for 3 months from May 1. Louis Sylvania for retail liquors for 3 months from May 7. Dahlquist & Johnson for retail liquors for 3 months from Apr 23 Wm. Grose for retail liquors for 3 months from May 1. C.H. Hill for retail liquors for 3 months from Apr 26. Coffin & Co for Grocery for 3 months from Apr 28 Thos Anderson for grocery for 3 months from May 24. P. Grubb for retail for 3 months from May 1. Fred Voight for grocery for 3 months from May 1. Claus & Harns for wholesale for 3 months from May 1. Claus & Harns for retail for 3 months from May 1. John Feigh for retail for 3 months from May 8. Flynn Anderson for retail for 3 months from May 8. Peter Baunnan for retail for 12 months from May 8. Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following, towit:

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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484 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE it is hearby approved. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved: H.G. Struve, Mayor June 6/84 Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of June 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in it's Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, To wit: His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve and Councilmen Thos Clancy, B.F. Day, Geo. W. Harris, John Keenen, Charles McDonald, B.L. Northrup, ]]Otto Ranke]], U.M. Rasin, & F.W. Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Petitions Received From E. Calvert et al for a rebate on a/c of Battery Street Grade. Referred to Street Comtee From H.A. Atkins for extending Sewer in Columbia Street. Referred to Sewer Comtee From C. & P.S. R.R. Co. for vacating plat of Lakeside addition and for approving replat of the same. Referred to surveyor From H.L. Yesler et al for opening 8th & Alder Streets, Referred to Street Comtee From Blanchard & Smith for transfer of C.H. Hills Retail License. Referred to Comtee on Licenses. From A.E. Stetson et al for remitting the fine imposed upon L.E. Ackley. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Margaret Harmon for repairing Columbia Street. Referred to Street Comtee Remonstrances Rec'd From W.N. Bell et al against the proposed grading of 5th Street, Referred to Street Comtee From James McNaught et al against the proposed grading of Cherry Street between 9th & Broadway. Referred to Street Comtee Reports Rec'd

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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