Pages That Mention O D Butterfield
466 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 2d/84 H Gibs Street Labor No 447 $52.50 James Bogart Working Prisoners No 448 44.75 O D Butterfield Street Labor No 449 38.75 John Peasley Street Labor No 450 35. J Butterfield Street Labor No 451 32.50 M Murphy Street Labor No 452 31.25 James Bogart Boarding Prisoners No 453 28.75 J M Snow Washton St sewer Engineering No 454 19.19 G P McFaden Hauling Lumber No 455 16.75 Wald & Campbell Hardware No 456 13.45 Stetson & Post Lumber for Inclines No 457 11.40 Chas McDonald Bolts for Inclines No 458 6.78 Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co Lumber No 459 5.90 John Tensin Use of Scow for Inclines No 460 3. James Brannen Sharpening tools No 461 2.75 Chas McDonald Sharpening Tools No 462 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co gas No 77 $322.40 Seattle Gas Light Co repairs 78 3.50 Fire Fund F W Wusthoff, G W Harris & Thos Clancy Fire Comtee labor on Street Extensions No 358 $109.50 W A Perry Engineer No 1 359 75. P E Smith Engineer No2 360 75. Gordon Hardware Co Hardware for street extentions 361 29.75 M J Calligan Coal 362 14.30 J M Snow Engineering Battery St Cistern 363 14. R H Calligan Coal & horse 364 13.85 Gordon Hardware Co Hardware etc. 365 12.90 John H Good & Co Brass Pump Bolts 366 9. J W Hunt Work on Hook & Ladder 367 8. F Miller Labor on Engine 1 368 7. W A Perry Coal furnished 369 6. James Dunham Labor on Engine 1 370 2.75 Andrew Miller Water Box Washton St Incline 371 3.50. L Miller Hauling engine 372 2.50
679 COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 23 1885 Application of Thos Ross for a license was granted upon the following vote In favor of granting such license Calligan, Furth, Harrington, Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, Young Against none Applications Referred Julius W Smith, Vitus Schmid, A F Hill, Schwabacher Bros & Co Gumbert & McKinon, Chas F McConnell, Geo M Perkins, Andrew Storah, Morgan & Lawence, John Levy, Jacob Boegli, Ernst Romey On Motion of J Furth the petition and bond of Richard Pritcherd heretofore laid over was taken from the table an on motion the application of the said Richard Pritchard for a licanse to sell Liquor at the Lake View House [East end of Jackson St]] was refused by the following vote Against issuing the same Calligan, Furth, Hall Lake and McDonald In favor of issuance Harrington,Keenen, Young Bills allowed the following claims haveing been duly audited by the Council and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts viz: E S Osborne City 41.66 E S Osborne City 37.90 G L Manning City 31.50 D L McCowan City 18.65 O D Butterfield City 00.00 G W Hapgood City 5.00 Wm Morris City 2.50 A H Manning City 2.50 O D Butterfield City 5.00 J C Helmes City 2.50 J W Hunter City 2.50 G W Hapgood City 2.50 J R Davis City 2.50 J L McClellan City 2.50 162.21
758 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 5 1886 F S Curtis retail intoxicating 12 mos from Mar 5th Chas Ross retail intoxicating 3 mos from Mar 1st Schwabacher Bros & Co wholesale intoxicating 6 mos from Feb 9th John Shepich retail intoxicating 3 mos from Feb 8th Theovte upon issuing siad licenses being as follows towit: In favor thereof Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, C McDonald, J J Post and G W Young; against none The following claims against the City are presented and referred to theproper committee viz: name fund amount W R Forrest City 125.00 C H Hanford City 100.00 A Chilberg City 83.33 L Cummings City 84.00 J Bogart City 60.00 J Bogart City 27.40 Geo G Lyon City 24.30 J Blood City 2.20 Geo Behan City 2.20 Chas Hardy City 2.20 Ed Norton City 2.20 L VanDoren City 2.20 Donovan Bros City 10.50 Gordon Hardware Co City 77.50 Neuman & Agrens City 11.20 Seattle Chronicle City 27.64 Sunset Telephone Co City 5.90 Harrington & Smith City 2.40 W H Pinckney City 41.17 Jas Burke City 41.17 G W Hapgood City 5.00 D H Webster City 32.50 Wm Morse City 32.50
Wm Murphy City 65.00 F A Minick City 65.00 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 5.50 Turn Verim Society City 75.00 Young & McKeon City .75 W B Jackling City 40.00 Bolton Rogers City 15.12 G L Hill City 20.44 Geo A Hill City 17.40 R H Thomson City 129.25 R H Thomson City 52.25 R H Thomson City 28.50 James Welch City 45.36 Wm Morse City 23.33 W H DeWolf City 18.67 W B Jackling City 18.67 H K Struve City 15.17 D H Blackmar City 15.17 Neil Heuly City 15.17 A McRae City 15.17 G W Hapgood City 15.17 J R Davis City 15.17
J W McGee City 15.17 S P Short City 15.17 M M Holmes City 15.17 C A Craig City 15.17 W M Morse City 15.17 Bolton Rogers City 15.17 G L Hill City 10.83 D H Webster City 15.17 J W Smart City 15.17 J W Currier City 15.17 P Frizell City 15.17 J Normile City 8.67 W M Jones City 15.17 E H Hubbart City 2.17 G Jager City J Kahaley City Jas Murphy City Leo Lester City O D Butterfield City W M Jones City 49.83 J Langston City 3.00 Spring Hill Water Co Water 166.00
238 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 For Custodian of the Powder House: Ed L Lindsley For Captain of Police A H Manning For Police Officer O D Butterfield For Police Officer Chas Robinson For Police Officer F A Fay For Police Officer Geo VanDyke For Police Officer P Farraher For Police Officer W M Jones For Police Officer J L McClellan For Police Officer W L Bowers For Police Officer D Phillips And now the Mayor designated the Committees of the Council and the membership thereof as follows: Judiciary } Chairman U R Niesz and } J M Frink Legislative} T W Lake
Public Buildings } Chairman C F Reitze and } Robert Russell Grounds } Robert Moran
Health } Chairman Joseph Green and } C F Reitze Police } Robert Russell
Finance } Chairman J Furth } U R Niesz } J M Frink
Streets } Chairman T W Lake and } C F Reitze Street Improvements} Robert Russell
290 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 2 1887 Name Fund No Amt Remarks E A Turner City 2479 40.00 Salary as Treasurer 12 days L G Gilman City 2480 100.00 Salary as City Attorney Lawrence Cummings City 2481 94.50 Salary as Street Commnr James Bogart City 2482 60.00 Salary as City Jailor James Bogart City 2483 132.80 Board of City Prisoners Wm Murphy City 2484 100.00 Salary as Chief of Police A H Manning City 2485 77.50 Salary as Captn of Police J L McClellan City 2486 65.00 Salary as Police Officer F A Fay City 2487 65.00 Salary as Police Officer Chas Robinson City 2488 65.00 Salary as Police Officer W M Jones City 2489 65.00 Salary as Police Officer O D Butterfield City 2490 54.20 Salary as Police Officer Geo Van Dyke City 2491 54.20 Salary as Police Officer W L Bowers City 2492 54.20 Salary as Police Officer D Phillips City 2493 54.20 Salary as Police Officer P Farraher City 2494 43.20 Salary as Police Officer James Miles City 2495 19.50 Salary as Police Officer J D Duncan City 2496 12.95 Salary as Police Officer M A Murphy City 2497 10.80 Salary as Police Officer J L McDaniels City 2498 10.80 Salary as Police Officer Jas Welch City 2499 10.65 Salary as Police Officer J W Hunt City 2500 8.65 Salary as Police Officer Fred Voight City 2501 10.80 Salary as Police Officer Wm H Hughes City 2502 5.25 Printing Stetson & Post City 2503 12.08 Lumber for City Jail G Davis City 2504 3.40 Tablets & Pens G Kellogg City 2505 1.50 Medicine order of Murphy Lowman & Hanford City 2506 48.50 Printing Blanks Press Pub Co City 2507 17.16 Printing M A Kelly City 2508 11.00 Medicines for prisoners H B Jones City 2509 17.70 Justice Fees J Caldwell City 2510 2.20 Witness Fees Gordon Hdw Co City 2511 1.50 Pick & Handle for Surveyor Sunset Tel Co City 2512 5.90 Telephone H Argens City 2513 1.80 Saw & repairs For city [total] 1336.94