City of Seattle Records

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513 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE H L Yesler, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox Councilmen from the Third Ward B F Day, B L Northrup, Geo F Frye Ordinances An Ordinance to amend sections 2 & 3 of Ordinance No 383 Referred to Street Comtee The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled "To amend sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No 89"; after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Day, Harris, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills"; adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Day,Harris, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff against adoption none. Claims Paid Bell St Grade fund Ord #555 J M Snow Engineering $96.28 W C Muir Contract work final payment $1065.69 Miscellaneous Ordered that the Atty be & is hereby appointed to draft suitable resolutions explaining the appreciation of the Council for the services of H G Struve to the public as Mayor. Carried unanimously Ordered that U M Rasin be & is hereby appointed to the position of Acting Mayor to serve during the intended absence of Mayor Struve. Odrered that the Council Stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved U M Rasin Mayor

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




524 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 21/84 Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited Bills" Adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Frye, Harrington, Matthias, Northrup, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none. The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance fixing the time for the regular meetings of the Common Council of the City of Seattle". After due consideration said ordiannce is Adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Frye, Harrington, Matthias,Northrup, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none. Ordered that the council Stand now adjourned Attect: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary Mayor Aug 28/84 Be it remembered that on this the 28th day of August 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of His Honor the Mayor John Leary The following Officers arepresent to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, B F Day, Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, B L Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox & H L Yesler. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: And now the Comtee on Publc Buildings, Property & Grounds be & hereby instructed to report at nest meeting regarding certain needed repairs at City Hall and also the sewer & foundation of Engine House No 1 with recommendations And now His Honor the Mayor makes a verbal reprot on the matter of working prisoners with suggestion. Ordered that all the acts done by his honor the Mayor in the premises be & are hereby recorded.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




524 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 21/84 Ordinances An ordinance is submitted entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Frye, Harrington, Matthias, Northrup, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none. The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance fixing the time for regular meetings of the Common Council of the City of Seattle" After due consideration said ordinance is Adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Frye, Harrington, Matthias, Northrup, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary Mayor Aug 28/84 Be it remembered that on this the 28th dayof August 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of His Honor the Mayor John Leary. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, B L Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox & H L Yesler. therupon the following proceedings are had: And now the Council proceeds to consider the matter of plpanking Commercila, Mill and Front Streets; thereupon the specification submitted therefor are read & referred to Street Comtee with instructions to report theron at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the Comtee on Public buildings, Property & Grounds be & are hereby instructed to report at next meeting regarding certain needed repairs at City Hall and also the sewer & foundation of engine House No 1 with recommendations. And now His Honor the Mayor makes a verbal report on the matter of working prosoners with suggestions. Ordered that all the acts done by His Honor the Mayor in the premises be & are hereby endorsed.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


526 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 28th/84 Committee until the next following regular meeting Ordered thta the Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit an ordinance to provide a special levy to pay for a water supply for the use of the City. Ordered that the Cemetary Commissioners be & they are hereby instructed to confer with the City Attorney & that the attorney submit an Ordinance for the regulation of the City Cemetary Ordered that the Council stand no adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary Mayor Sept 5/84 Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of September, 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, Wm A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox & H L Yesler. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd from Seattle Lumber & Commercial Co et al for repairs to foot of Madison Street. Referred to Street Comtee From W Burrit et al for extre work on a/c 4th Street grade. Referred to Street Comtee From Mrs Geo W Ward et al for opening 9th Street between Stewart & Leonora Streets. Referred to Street Comtee. Communications Rec'd From B F Day resigning the Office of Councilman for the 3rd Ward. Accepted From Franklin Matthias resigning the Office of Councilman for the First Ward. Accepted From the Clerk for a case in which to keep records & Envelopes. Referred to Comtee on Public Buildings Property & Grounds. Reports Rec'd

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




526 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 28th/84 Committee until the next following regular meeting Ordered that the Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit an ordinance to provide a special levy to pay for a water supply for the use of the City. Ordered that the Cemetary Commissioners be & they are hereby instructed to confer with the City Attorney & that the attorney submit an Ordinance for the regulation of the City Cemetary Ordered that the Council stand no adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary Mayor Sept 5/84 Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of September, 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, Wm A Harrington, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox & H L Yesler. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd from Seattle Lumber & Commercial Co et al for repairs to foot of Madison Street. Referred to Street Comtee From W Burrit et al for extre work on a/c 4th Street grade. Referred to Street Comtee From Mrs Geo W Ward et al for opening 9th Street between Stewart & Leonora Streets. Referred to Street Comtee. Communications Rec'd From B F Day resigning the Office of Councilman for the 3rd Ward. Accepted From Franklin Matthias resigning the Office of Councilman for the First Ward. Accepted From the Clerk for a case in which to keep records & Envelopes. Referred to Comtee on Public Buildings Property & Grounds. Reports Rec'd

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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