City of Seattle Records

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490 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE June 16th/84 Be it remembered that on the 16th day of June 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman U M Rasin for special business. Present, His honor the Acting Mayor Councilman U M Rasin & Councilman Thos Clancy, B F Day,John Keenen, Chas McDonald, B L Northrup, Otto Ranke & F W Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: A communication is rec'd from the Clerk regarding the levy of taxes. Adopted Bids rec'd And now the Council porceeds to open bids for the grading of Bell Street under Ordinance No 555, which bids are as follows, to wit: Wm Harkins $2775. W C Muir Earthwork per cu yd 27 cents Sidewalks per M B M [thousand board feet] $12. Boxdrains perM B M [thousand board feet] $14. Grubbing & Cleaning per acre $74. S G Simpson Earthwork per cu yd 34 cents Sidewalks per M B M [thousand board feet] $14.50 Boxdrains perM B M [thousand board feet] $19. Grubbing & Cleaning per acre $100. Ordered that the Contract be & is hereby awarded to W C Muir upon his executing a bond in the sum of $1000. & that the time for completion be fixed at 60 days after executing contract. And now the Council porceeds to open bids for the grading of James Street under Ordinance No 384, which bids are as follows, to wit: W C Muir Earthwork per cu yd 28 cents Cribbing per cu yd $2. Sidewalks per M B M [thousand board feet] $14. Boxdrains perM B M [thousand board feet] $17. Grubbing & Cleaning per acre $34. Simpson & Jordan Earthwork per cu yd 29 cents Cribbing per cu yd $2.40

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




734 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE [total]$383.75 Michael Murphy 39.35 Labor on Streets Patrick DeLaney 57.60 Labor on Streets John Christopher 54.00 Labor on Streets John Keenan 56.45 Labor on Streets R L Woolery 56.25 Labor on Streets Phillip Corchran 55.35 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock 51.75 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore 59.60 Labor on Streets James Campbell 57.60 Labor on Streets [total]$871.50 Stetson & Post Mill Co. 1217.81 Lumber for Streets J A McBeath & Co 9.95 Blacksmithing etc Harrington & Smith 173.70 Supplies for St Comn'r Chas McDonald 4.75 Repairing tools J H Carlisle 1.00 Hauling load lumber G Kellogg & Co 1.25 Horse Medicine Simpson & Jordan 477.40 Ofc Union St Sewer A Chilberg 11.00 Horse feed A W McFarlane 1.00 Hauling Lumber Seattle Gas Light Co 402.92 Gas etc Dec W F Glick 32.43 Care St Lamps Stetson & Post Mill Co 3.12 Lumber for No 1 Belfry D McDaniel 1.50 Hauling Hose Cart G Kellogg 54.37 Coal for Engines 1 & 2 James Dunham 75.00 Salary Engineer No 2 W A Perry 75.00 Salary Engineer No 1 C H Kittinger 1.00 Acknowledgements Mrs A W Pontius 25.00 Lot Seattle Cemetary Ordinances An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to amend Section 7 and to repeal sections 15 & 18 of Ordinance No 637 and to repeal Ordinance no 650 which after being duly considered by the Council and passed by the following vote: In favor of the said ordinance, Calligan, Furth, Hall, Lake, McDonald Post and Young Against Councilmen Harrington & Keenen having been previously excused

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




746 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 5 1886 Burget & Booth 1201 23.80 Harness repairs etc street work Stetson & Post 1202 67.48 Lumber etc street work Harrington & Smith 1203 45.14 Supplies street work J A McBerth & Co 1204 23.35 Horse Shoeing etc street work Schwabacher Bros & Co 1205 22.87 Oats for City Stable Simpson & Jordan 1206 00.00 Union St Sewer Contract Simpson & Jordan 1207 00.00 Union St Sewer Contract Simpson & Jordan 1208 00.00 Union St Sewer Contract Simpson & Jordan 1209 00.00 Union St Sewer Contract Simpson & Jordan 1210 00.00 Union St Sewer Contract Simpson & Jordan 1211 1541.25 Union St Sewer Contract W F Glick 143 33.84 Attending Street Lamps Seattle Gas & Light Co 144 367.56 Gas month of Jany W A Perry 730 75.00 Salary Engine No 1 James Dunham 731 75.00 Salary Engine No 2 J Schram 732 336.00 Bell for Engine No 1 Robt Russell 733 1.00 Hauling fire [?] to No1 Wald & Campbell 734 2.05 Nails etc for Belfry No 1 Gordon Hardware 735 4.35 Rope & Aisle gravel No 1 Moran Bros 736 1.25 Repairing Engine No 2 E Ulin 737 24.50 Putting up Bell in No 1 Henry Redding 738 3.00 Washing hose Thos Boardman 739 3.00 Washing hose Miles Wiggins 740 3.00 Washing hose Schwabacher Bros & Co 741 .15 Salt for thawing hydrants A Labrasche 742 4.00 Work on bell Young & McKeon 743 3.35 Repairing Roof on Eng House No 1 Lowman & Hanford 744 9.00 Printing for Fire Delegates Wm Hubbert 745 12.00 Labor hanging bell No 1 L Lindsley 746 1.50 Hauling Miscellaneous The Council now proceeds to open the bids for furnishing the City certain fire plugs when the following bids were presented Bid of Washington Iron Works offering to furnish eleven fire plugs for $41.00 each. Bid of Allmond & Phillips offering to furnish ten or more fire plugs for $40.00 each Whereupon it is ordered that the contract be amended to Allmond & Phillips Councilman Furth gives notice that at the first regular meeting of the council in March he will move to

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




759 COMMON COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SEATTLE Mar 5 1886 Name Fund Amt Gutta Percha & Rubber Co City 25.00 Young & McKeon City 4.50 W A Perry City 75.00 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 13.50

G P McFadden Fire 10.00 G Kellogg Fire 75.00 J Dunham Fire 75.00 Engine Co 1 Fire

Z C Miles Fire 1.10 C McDonald Fire 4.50 Gordon Hardware Co Fire .25 Engine Co #2 Fire Claims Allowed The following having been duly audited by the Council are allowed and ordered paid by warrants drawn of the several funds as follows to wit: Name Fund # Warrant Amount Remarks Harrington & Smith Road 1213 49.35 Supplies to Street work Chas McDonald Road 1214 13.50 Blacksmithing for Street work Schwabacher Bros & Co Road 1215 25.05 Oats Stetson Post Mill Co Road 1216 321.04 Lumber for planking Streets Wm Burk Road 1217 49.50 Labor on Streets James Campbell Road 1218 51.15 Labor on Streets J A McBeath & Co Road 1219 7.55 Blacksmithing for Streets A McRae Road 1220 21.90 Labor on Streets L Miller Road 1221 5.75 Carrots J Finnegan Road 1222 26.40 Labor on Streets A L Woolery Road 1223 17.40 Labor on Streets Z Scott Road 1224 42.15 Labor on Streets Henry Roseburg Road 1225 39.35 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock Road 1226 52.85 Labor on Streets Joseph Mann Road 1227 19.65 Labor on Streets M Murphy Road 1228 45.00 Labor on Streets M J Costello Road 1229 23.05 Labor on Streets J Mahoney Road 1230 19.65 Labor on Streets J L McClellan Road 1231 51.75 Labor on Streets E S Mattson Road 1232 1.10 Labor on Streets David Moore Road 1233 52.85 Labor on Streets E C McClelahan Road 1234 54.00 Labor on Streets Philip Cochran Road 1235 48.90 Labor on Streets John Kuvan Road 1236 19.65 Labor on Streets John Christopher Road 1237 21.90 Labor on Streets J Delany Road 1238 27.55 Labor on Streets Simpson & Jordan Road 1239 Balance on Union Street sewer Simpson & Jordan Road 1240 Balance on Union Street sewer Simpson & Jordan Road 1242 780.00 Balance on Union Street sewer 1st National Bank Road 1241 1599.38 In lieu of Seneca Street Warrant

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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