Pages That Mention F E Sander
491 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE June 16/84 Sidewalks per M B M [thousand Board Feet] $14. Box drains per M B M [thousand Board Feet] 19. Grubbing & cleaning per acre $90. Ordered that the bids be referred to Street Comtee to report next meeting. Ordered that the clerk be & he is hereby instructed to give 10 days public notice as required by law that a general election for all City Officers of this City of Seattle will be held on Monday July 14th 1884 The Officers to be elected are as follows to wit: One Mayor one Chief of Police, one Attorney, one Assessor, and from the 1st Ward 2 Councilmen for 2 years and one Councilman for one year: from the 2d Ward, 2 Councilmen for 2 years and one Councilman for one year and from the 3rd Ward 2 Councilmen for 2 years and one Councilman forone year. First Ward election to be held at the office of City Justice T H Cann on Washington Street Inspector O N Morse Judges Berry, Murphy and W H Barker Clerks Frank Plummer and B Rogers Second Ward Election to be held at the Engine House on Columbia Street Inspector D N Hyde Judges O C Shorey and Andrew Storah Clerk Robt Allen and Hiram Jacobs Third Ward Election to be held at North School House on 3rd Street Inspector Roswell Scott Judges W G Latimer & D T Denny clerks F E Sander & Marion Fry Consideration of Ordinances An ordinance is submitted entitled "Fixing the gas limits" After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To assess and levy tax
710 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 20 1885 To openand maintain a laundry on the north side of Main Street between Second and Third St]]s. Referred to Committee on Fire and Water Petition of Sarah J Plummer et al for planking Second St from Main St South to the C & P S R R has depot and Jackson Street from Commercial St East to or near Third Street. Referred to Committee on Streets Petition on Western Mill Co et al for the apointment of an appraisor on the part of the City ot appraise damages to property condemned by Ordinance No 660 along the line of Rollin Street etension. Read and motion laid on the table. Plat of Fairview Homestead Association presented for approval by F E Sander Referred to City Surveyor. Reports Received From Judiciary Committee recommending the adoption of the Ordinance heretofore submitted entitled "An Ordinance granting the right to erect poles and stretch wires thereon for Electric purposes" provided that the parties presenting the same pay for publication of Ordinance. Adopted From same Committee approving reports of City Justice Hill Justice of the Peace Geo G Lyon and the City Jailor for month of October. Adopted and said reports ordered rec'd and filed. From the Finance Committee recommending that the sum of $13.50 be referred to P Fitzgerald on account ot erroneus valuation and taxation of Block 3 in Mercers Addition for the year 1884. Report adopted and the Clerk authorized to draw a warrant on the City fund in favor of said P Fitzgerald for said sum of $13.50 From Street committee recommending that the petition of Melody Choir et al for opening Will & Filbert Streets be granted. adopted
756 Mar 5 1886 Petition of O J Carr et al for the construction of a drain on Blanchard St read and referred to Committee on Sewers Petition fo Frank Griffin et al for permission to allow cows to run at large between Jackson & Dearborn Sts is read and on motion granted. Petitionof F E Sander for the payment of the road Fund of outstanding warrants on 5th St Improvement Fund is read and referred to Finance Committee Communication from Inspector of Police Alden certifying the appointment of D W Kennedy and L B Youngs as members of the police force subject to the approval of the Mayor and Common Council are read and on motion the appointments are approved. The following reports are received: From City Jailor, City Justice G A Hill and Justice G G Lyon referred to Judiciary Commitee From Wm Murphy as acting Chief of Police giving names and time served of special policemen appointed by him read and referred to the finance committee From Dr J S M Smart Health Officer read and referred to Committee on Sewers From Street Commissioner forteh monthfoFeb read and referred to Street Committee From Custodian of Powder Magazine read and placed on file From R H Thomson City Surveyor on Union St sewer accompanied by final estimate on said sewer read and on motion adopted
9 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 10 1886 Be it remembered that on tis the 10th day of May 1886 the Common Council of theCityof Seattle meets in its council chamber pursuant to Call of His Honor the Mayor H L Yesler the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald , J J Post and G W Young. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Ordered that purchasing agent for instructed to purchase 500 copies of "Northwest" and that warrant be drawn for $500.00 in favor of purchasing agent to pay for same and that purchasing be instructed to retain the whole amount until the 500 copies are delivered, together with any contract relating to the matter which may be held by Major Tedford Petitioins for liquor licenses are received from V Schmidt and Gumbert & Dickman, on motion petition are laid on the table until next regular meeting. Petition of F E Sander for permission to repair wooden building received and on motion granted. Petition of F C Montgomery with bid for City printing received and onmotion referred to Judiciary Committee Claim of Judge of election at election for Chief of Fire Department returned by Fire & Water Committee with their approval. On motion claim allowed in the sum of $24.00 On motion the Council does now adjourn H L Yesler, mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy
127 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 21 1886 Petition of F E Sander et al for a sewer through the alley in BLock 10 Maynard's plat to connect with Washington Street sewer. Referred to Committee on Sewer & Drainage. Petition of F E Sander et al for a sewer on South Third Street from near Main Street to the water a distance of about 120 feet. Referred toCommittee on Sewer & Drainage. Petition of F E Sander to have Jackson Street planked from the West side of Commercial Street to the wharf. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of Henry Holge et al for Extension of Washington Street from its present Eastern terminus to 12th Street a distance of six blocks. Referred to Com on Sewers. Petition of J F Eshelman et al for a street crossing on Washington Street on west side of South Tenth Street Granted. Petition of D E Blaine et al to open Cedar Street Between West and Water Streets so as to make it a passable wagon road. Referred to Street committee. Petition of W H Hughes praying that the sidewalk in front of Bills Hotel be raised to conform to the standard grade. Referred to Street Cimmittee. Communication from Hans Christensen asking assistance to aid him inbringing his family from Colorado. Laid on the table.